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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT KEDOCHIM / 11 MAI 2019/ 6 IYYAR 5779

05/10/2019 12:28:10 PM



candle lighting 7:54 pm
chabbat morning :8:30  am
havdalla 9:05 pm






Le Kiddoush est offert par Eva Anzarouth à la mémoire de son époux Ferdinand Anzarouth

Maximes des pères , deuxième chapitre



Résumé de la Paracha KEDOCHIM

La paracha Kedochim commence par cette injonction : « Soyez saints, car Je suis saint, Moi, l’Eternel votre D.ieu. » A sa suite sont énoncées de nombreuses mitsvot (commandements) par l’accomplissement desquelles le Juif se sanctifie et établit un lien avec la sainteté de D.ieu .

Ces mitsvot incluent la prohibition de l’idolâtrie, la mistva de tsédaka (charité), le principe de l’égalité de tous devant la justice, le Chabbat, la moralité sexuelle, l'honnêteté en affaires, l'honneur et la crainte des parents, le caractère sacré de la vie.

C’est aussi dans la paracha Kedochim qu’est exprimé le principe que Rabbi Akiva qualifie de cardinal et dont Hillel dit « c'est là toute la Torah, le reste en est le commentaire » : aime ton prochain comme toi-même.





Le quiz de la semaine


1. Quelle différence entre le « vous ne volerez point » (19 :11) et le « tu ne voleras point » des 10 commandements ?
2. Que signifie « ne dresse pas un obstacle devant un aveugle » ?
3. Lorsque l’on fait des reproches à son prochain, quelle faute doit-on éviter ?
4. Quelle est la différence entre « rancune » et « vengeance » ?


Réponses aux quiz

1. Ici il s’agit de vol d’argent, là-bas il s’agit de kidnapping.
2. Ne donne pas de mauvais conseils à quelqu’un d’ignorant sur le sujet (Rashi).
3. Lui faire honte en public.
4. Vengeance : non je te prête pas car tu ne m’as pas prêté. Rancune : Je te prête et je ne fais comme toi qui n’as pas voulu me prêter.



Nous lisons le deuxième chapitre des maximes des pères

Voici quelques extraits


Rabban Gamliel, fils de Rabbi Yehouda ha Nassi, disait : « Il est beau d’allier étude de la Tora et œuvre de civisme, car le labeur des deux révoque la perversion. Toute consécration à l’étude religieuse qui n’est pas accompagnée d’un travail est stérile et conduit au péché. Ceux qui œuvrent en faveur de la collectivité et travaillent avec ses responsables pour la gloire du Nom céleste (divin, et non pour des considérations bassement intéressées) seront soutenus dans leur tâche par le mérite de leurs ancêtres, et le souvenir de leur équité perdurera à jamais. Quant à vous, grande serait votre récompense comme si vous aviez vous-mêmes agi. »


[Un jour, Rabbi Yohanan] dit à ses disciples : « Sortez et allez vous enquérir du droit chemin auquel l’homme doit s’attacher. » Rabbi Eliêzer en conclut : « avoir un œil (regard) bienveillant. » Rabbi Yehochouâ : « se faire un bon compagnon. » Rabbi Yossé : « se faire un bon voisin. » Rabbi Chimôn : « prévoir ce qui adviendra. » Rabbi Élâzar : « avoir bon cœur. » « Je préfère l’opinion d’Elâzar fils d’Arakh, répliqua le maître, car les vôtres sont contenues dans la sienne. »


Sois attentif lors de la récitation du Chemâ et de la âmida (prière) ; et lorsque tu pries, ne fais pas de ta prière une litanie, mais une sincère supplication adressée au Lieu (Dieu), béni soit-Il, de qui il est dit : ‘‘Car Il est clément et miséricor¬dieux, lent à la colère, plein de grâce et prêt à revenir sur Sa fureur’’ » (Joël 2,13). Et : « Ne te tiens pas pour méchant, à tes propres yeux. »

Rabbi Yohanan, fils de Zaccaï, a été le disciple de Hillel et de Chamaï ; il disait : « Si tu t’es beaucoup appliqué à l’étude de la Tora, n’en tire aucune gloire car c’est pour cela-même que tu as été créé


Quel est donc le droit chemin que l’homme doit se choisir ? Toute ligne de conduite qu’il considèrera comme honorable tant pour celui qui l’applique que pour les autres hommes. Applique toi à observer les préceptes les plus aisés autant que les plus rudes, car tu ne peux préjuger de l’apport attaché à l’accomplissement de chacun d’eux. Mesure la perte que peut provoquer l’accomplissement d’un précepte devant son profit, comme le profit d’une faute devant la perte qu’elle entraîne. Observe ces trois choses, et tu ne tomberas pas dans la transgression : sache ce qu’il y a au dessus de toi, un œil voit et une oreille entend, et toutes tes actions sont inscrites dans un livre. »


Parachat Kedochim contient 51 commAndements


According to Sefer ha-Chinuch, there are 13 positive and 38 negative commandments in the parashah:[201]

  • To revere one's father and mother[6]
  • Not to turn to idolatry[7]
  • Not to make an idol[7]
  • Not to eat meat left over from sacrifices[202]
  • Not to reap a corner of one's field, so that the poor may glean[203]
  • Not to reap the very last end of one's field, so that the poor may glean[203]
  • To leave gleanings for the poor[203]
  • Not to gather the gleanings, so that the poor may take them[203]

To leave a part of a vineyard unreaped, for the poor[204]

  • Not to gather the gleanings of a vineyard, so that the poor may take them[204]
  • To leave the unformed clusters of grapes for the poor[204]
  • Not to steal[205]
  • Not to deny possession of something entrusted to you[205]
  • Not to swear in denial of a monetary claim[205]
  • Not to swear falsely in God's Name[206]
  • Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt[11]
  • Not to rob or defraud one's neighbor[11]
  • Not to delay payment of wages past the agreed time[11]
  • Not to curse any upstanding Jew[12]
  • Not to put a stumbling block before nor give harmful advice (lifnei iver) to a trusting person[12]
  • Not to pervert justice[13]
  • A judge must not respect the great man at the trial.[13]
  • To judge righteously[13]
  • Not to speak derogatorily of others[207]
  • Not to stand idly by if someone's life is in danger[207]
  • Not to hate fellow Jew[15]
  • To reprove a sinner[15]
  • Not to embarrass others[15]
  • Not to take revenge[16]
  • Not to bear a grudge[16]
  • To love others as one loves oneself[208]
  • Not to crossbreed animals[17]
  • Not to plant diverse seeds together[17]
  • Not to eat fruit of a tree during its first three years[209]
  • The fourth year crops must be totally for holy purposes.[210]
  • Not to eat like a glutton or drink like a drunkard[20]
  • Not to be superstitious[20]
  • Not to engage in astrology[20]
  • Men must not shave the hair off the sides of their head.[21]
  • Men must not shave their beards with a razor.[21]
  • Not to tattoo the skin[22]
  • To show reverence to the Temple[24]
  • Not to act as a medium[25]
  • Not to act as a magical seer[25]
  • To honor those who teach and know Torah[26]
  • Not to commit injustice with scales and weights[211]
  • Each individual must ensure that his scales and weights are accurate[212]
  • Not to curse one's father or mother[31]
  • The courts must carry out the death penalty of burning[36]
  • Not to imitate idolaters in customs and clothing[45]



. Kedoshim Quiz

1) Q. Why was parashat Kedoshim said in front of all the Jewish People?

A. Because the fundamental teachings of the Torah are contained in this parasha.


2) Q. Why does the Torah mention the duty to fear one's mother before it mentions the duty to fear one's father, and in the Ten Commandments it says to honor your father, then your mother?

A. Since it is more natural to fear one's father, the Torah stresses the obligation to fear one's mother. On the other hand people respect their mothers more than their fathers so the Torah stressed to also respect your father.


3) Q. "You shall not be a gossipmonger among your people, you shall not stand aside while your fellow's blood is being shed - I am Hashem." Why are these two laws taught in the same Passuk?

A. The first law in the Passuk is not to be a gossipmonger. A gossipmonger is someone who goes from person to person spreading gossip like a peddler. The second law is that if you see someone's life is in danger you must help him (Unless you would be putting your own life in extreme danger). The Rambam says that these two laws are connected because many people lost their lives due to the serious sin of spreading gossip.


4) Q. "You shall have correct scales, correct weights... I am Hashem your God, Who took you out of Egypt." (19:35) What is the connection between Egypt and honest business practices.

A. The Torah commands us to deal honestly in all our endeavors, and specifically in business. Overcharging someone or tricking someone in business is stealing. The first book the Hafetz Haim wrote dealt with dishonest business practices. He writes that immediately following this law is the statement: "I am Hashem ...Who took you out of Egypt" This is because anyone who cheats his fellow man is denying that Hashem sees the truth. Disbelief in Hashem's omniscience is the most serious sin. He can just as easily deny that Hashem had taken Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt. We must believe and understand that Hashem sees and knows everything we are doing. Rashi explains that just as Hashem distinguished between the firstborns and the non-firstborns, so he can distinguish between your honest and dishonest practices. Rashi also explains that the exodus from Egypt was on the condition that we deal honestly with each other. Cheating someone is breaking our half of the bargain with Hashem.


5) Q. What is the difference between the first and second halves of the book of Vayikra?

A. The first half of the book teaches laws related to the holiness we must keep in the Mishkan or temple. The second half of the book discusses the laws of being holy in our daily lives. This is accomplished through various biblically commanded laws including, respecting one’s parents, not bearing a grudge, being honest in business, not lying, not withholding someone’s due pay, not giving bad advice, etc. This Parasha has the most concentrated list of Mitzvot in the entire bible. All the laws of the Ten Commandments are found in this week’s Parasha as well.



La force de l'eau vient de la source.


Un sourd-muet intelligent vaut mieux qu'un ignorant qui peut parler


La goutte incessante creuse la pierre.



Que le coq chante ou non, le jour se lève.


Si le chameau pouvait voir sa bosse, il tomberait de honte


C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron


Tôt ou tard on ressemble à celui que l'on aime.


Il vaut mieux qu'un discours soit trop court que trop long.


Ne t'abaisse jamais, et ne rabaisse personne.


Chacun a ses défauts, mais les nôtres sont derrière notre dos, nous ne les voyons pas


L'amitié est une passion qu'on ne peut acheter à prix d'argent








A Hassidic Jew in a big shtreimel (traditional fur hat) is stopped at customs by an agent at JFK airport and asked: "Taliban?"

"No!" the man replies immediately. "Teitelbaum."



Bleckstein is seriously ill and decides to make a will. He calls his brother Isadore, a lawyer. When Isadore arrives, Bleckstein directs him to write.“I give to my sons Alan and Nathan, $150,000 apiece. To my daughter Deborah, I also give $150,000. And to you, I give $75,000.”

“Wait a minute,” says Isadore. “Just last week, you told me your entire estate is maybe $50,000.”

“Nu?” replies Bleckstein, “So let them work for it like I did.”



An Israeli man named Itzik was returning home from a fishing trip at the Sea of Galilee. He was flying down the highway, going way too fast. He felt secure amongst a pack of cars, all traveling at the same speed. However, it wasn't long before he saw flashing lights in his review mirror and pulled over.

The officer handed him the citation, received his signature, and was about to walk away when Itzik stopped him. "Officer, I know I was speeding," he started, "but I don't think it's fair. There were plenty of other cars around me going just as fast, so why did I get the ticket?"

The officer tilted his head and gestured at the fishing gear stowed on the passenger seat. "I see you like fishing," he said.

"Ummm, yes I do... so?" Itzik replied, confused.

The officer grinned as he turned to leave. "Ever catch ALL the fish?"



Ethel Sapperstein was shopping at a produce stand in her neighborhood. She approached the vendor and asked, "How much are these oranges?"

"Two for a quarter," answered the vendor.

"How much is just one?" she asked.

"Fifteen cents," answered the vendor.

"Well then,” replied Mrs. Sapperstein, “I'll take the other one."





David Hasson



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Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784