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Parachat Ekev - 4 août 2018 / 23 Av 5778

08/03/2018 12:55:08 PM




Friday Night
Candle Lighting: 8:01 pm

Shabbat Day
Chahrit - Minyan: 8:30am

Havdalah (end of shabbat):

9: 09  pm



Hello/Bonjour [nickname_else_first_name],

   CHABBAT EKEV – 4 AOÛT 2018/   23 AV 5778                             



                        – ROCH HODECH ELOUL

                 SAMEDI ET DIMANCHE 11 ET 12 AOÛT

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Dans la paracha de Eikev (« Parce que »), Moïse poursuit ses admonestations : il promet aux Enfants d’Israël que, s’ils accomplissent les commandements (Mitsvot) de la Torah, ils connaîtront la prospérité sur la Terre dont ils s’apprêtent à prendre possession, conformément au serment fait par D.ieu à leurs ancêtres.

Il rappelle aussi les manquements commis par la première génération constituée en peuple : le veau d’or, la rébellion de Kora’h, la faute des espions, leurs accès de colère contre D.ieu à Taveirah, Massah et Kivrot Hataavah (« les Sépulcres de la Concupiscence ») : « Vous vous êtes rebellés contre D.ieu depuis le jour où je vous ai connus », leur dit-il . Mais il souligne aussi la bienveillance divine, le pardon des fautes et les Secondes Tables de la Loi données après leur repentance.

Les 40 années passées dans le désert, ajoute-t-il, des années pendant lesquelles chacun fut nourri par la manne venue du ciel, leur ont enseigné que « l’homme ne vit pas seulement de pain, mais l'homme vit par la parole émise de la bouche de D.ieu ».

Moïse décrit la terre d’Israël comme un pays « ruisselant de lait et de miel », béni par les « Sept Espèces » (le blé, l’orge, le raisin, la figue, la grenade, l’huile d’olive et la datte), le lieu où s’exerce, par excellence, la Providence de D.ieu dans Son monde. Il commande au peuple de détruire les idoles des anciens maîtres de la terre et de ne pas se laisser gagner par un sentiment d’arrogance qui lui ferait croire que « ma puissance et la force de mes mains m’ont apporté cette richesse ».

Un passage essentiel de la paracha est constitué par le second paragraphe de la prière fondamentale du Chéma qui reprend les commandements contenus dans le premier en les assortissant des bénédictions liées à leur accomplissement et des conséquences négatives résultant de leur négligence (famine et exil). Ce passage est également la source du commandement de prier et comporte une référence à la résurrection des morts lors de l'ère messianique.

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The Mitzvot of Parashat Ekev

This week’s parasha contains 8 mitzvot, 2 negative commandments and 6 positive commandments. The mitzvot in this week’s parasha are among the most fundamental and it is important to review them.  Rambam orders the mitzvot beginning with the most fundamental.  This week’s parasha contains the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th most fundamental mitzvot and the other 3 are the 19th, and the 2 negative commandments, the 22nd and 25th mitzvot of the 613.


Avoda Zara

            The 2 negatives commandments relate to foreign worship – Avoda Zara.  We are commanded not to take and use the jewelry that was associated with Avoda Zara and we are also commanded to not derive financial benefit from any item that was used for Avoda Zara. , we would not be allowed to take a pagan temple, or a church for that matter, and turn it into a synagogue, as one would be benefitting from Avoda Zara.


Birkat Hamazon

            The positive commandments in this week’s parasha are some of the most basic mitzvot we have.  The first is to thank Hashem for the food we have.  The rabbis wrote the blessing of Birkat Hamazon to fulfill this mitzva.  From a biblical standpoint, one must recite this blessing whenever we are full after eating.  The rabbis added that we should recite the blessing whenever we eat even just an “olive” size piece of bread even if it did not fill us up. Recognizing that our sustenance comes from God and thanking Him for it is a fundamental mitzva that reminds us daily to be thankful to God for what we have. In this week’s parasha we also read about how in the desert the nation of Israel was given manna to eat. This was a test to see if they would follow God properly 


Love the convert

            The second positive commandment in this week’s parasha is to love the convert. In his listing of the Mitzvot, Rambam reminds us that this fundamental mitzva is in relation to the ger tzedek – the convert (there are other mitzvot that relate to the ger toshav – resident alien). The Ger tzedek is the non-Jew that comes to Judaism to accept the mitzvot and undergoes circumcision and tevila in the mikveh for this purpose.  Rambam wrote that a very basic, unhidden principle, that every compiler of the mitzvot had recognized, is the fact that this is completely separate from the mitzvah of loving everyone


Yir’at Hashem

            The next mitzva is to have yir’a or fear/awe of Hashem.  . Yirat Hashem is the result of the appreciation of God’s universe.  When we see God’s creations, a person is overcome with awe at the absolute perfection of His handiwork.  This Shabbat you can try and watch the meteor shower and fulfill this mitzvah on the day we read it in synagogue. 




            This next mitzva is really one of the most fundamental. It is to pray to God.  The Torah tells us that we must serve God.  In this week’s parasha it says “ul’ovdo” – to serve him. This mitzva is mentioned many times throughout the Torah. Rambam reminds us that this means to pray to God at least once daily at any time of day and that doing so is a biblical obligation of every Jew, men and woman alike.  The rabbis later more clearly defined the mitzva and wrote the specific prayers and times in which we pray and serve our God. 


Glued to God

            The next mitzvah is to “glue ourselves to Him” – “ul’dobka bo”.  Rambam explains that this Mitzva is fulfilled by associating ourselves with Torah scholars and Torah observant Jews (TOJs). By being friends with Torah observant people and chachamim who truly study Torah for its own sake (as opposed to for the purpose of getting fame, power, respect, a title, etc.) we are fulfilling this Mitzva as it will bring us also closer to the proper understanding of Torah and living in the proper way that is expected of us from God.


Swear in God’s name


he 8th mitzva of this week’s parasha is to swear in God’s name. We are taught that when we have to swear we should swear in the name of God and not in the name of anything else. We of course should never swear in God’s name when it is not necessary





1.     What must the Jewish People do to ensure that Hashem will fulfill His promise to do good for us?
7:12 - Guard even the "light" commandments.

2.     What were the:
(a) wonders
(b) strong hand
(c) outstretched arm
that the Jewish People saw in Egypt?
7:19 - The:
(a) Plagues;
(b) Pestilence;
(c) Slaying of the firstborn.

3.     When a group performs a mitzvah, whose name is attached to the mitzvah?
8:1 - The person who finishes it.

4.     How did the Jewish People do their laundry in the midbar?
8:4 - The ananei kavod (clouds of glory) cleaned and bleached their clothes.

5.     How did the Jewish People obtain clothing for their growing children in the midbar?
8:4 - As their children grew, their clothing grew with them.

6.     How many days did Moshe spend on Mt. Sinai altogether?
9:18 - 120 days.

7.     On what day did Moshe come down from Mt. Sinai having received complete forgiveness for the Jewish People?
9:18 - The tenth of Tishrei, Yom Kippur.

8.     How was Aharon punished for his role in the golden calf?
9:20 - His two sons died.

9.     Who made the ark in which Moshe placed the second set of tablets? What special function did it later serve?
10:1 - Moshe. This ark would accompany the Jewish People into battle.

10. Which sin of the Jewish People was prompted by the death of Aharon?
10:6-7 - When Aharon died the ananei kavod departed, causing many Jews to fear war with the King of Arad and to retreat toward Egypt.





Le travail le plus pénible, c'est l'absence de travail.

Une mauvaise nouvelle a des ailes rapides.

Qui ne voit pas dans chaque étoile le sourire d'un enfant, ne sait pas regarder le ciel.

Ce que Dieu veut recevoir de toi, ce n'est ni la prière ni l'étude, mais le soupir de ton coeur.

L'homme timide n'apprend pas, ni l'homme colère n'enseigne.

Un âne reste un âne, même quand il se trouve parmi un millier de chevaux

Quand le Sabbat tombe un mercredi, la bêtise devient raisonnabl

La fête des mères est un prétexte, car on fête toute l'année sa maman.La fête des pères est comme la fête des mères, sauf pour le cadeau qui coûte moins cher.

Monsieur le Président possède Un jardin avec sa fontaine Et des trésors d'or et de blé ; Mais moi, j'ai plus, j'ai un ami."



Two little boys talking:   I'm getting operated on tomorrow
Oh? What are they going to do?
Circumcise me!
  I had that done when I was just a few days old.  

Did it hurt?
I couldn't walk for a year




A Jewish couple won twenty-million dollars in the lottery. They immediately set out to begin a life of luxury. They bought a magnificent mansion estate in Southampton and surrounded themselves with all the material wealth imaginable.

They then decided to have a butler and, wanting the best, they traveled to London to hire one. They found the perfect butler through an agency and brought him back to their estate. The day after his arrival, they instructed him to set up the dining room table for four, that they were inviting the Cohens to brunch.   The couple then left the house to do some shopping. When they returned, they found the table set for eight. They asked the butler why eight, when they had specifically instructed him   to set the table for four.

The butler replied, "The Cohens telephoned and said they were bringing the Bagels and the Knishes.


- José Marti A visitor to Israel attended a recital and concert at the Moscovitz Auditorium. 

He was quite impressed with the architecture and the acoustics.  He inquired of the tour guide, "Is this magnificent auditorium named after Chaim Moscovitz, the famous Talmudic scholar?"  "No," replied the guide. "It is named after Morris Moscovitz, the writer."  "Never heard of him. What did he write?" 

"A check", replied the guide.


It was mealtime during a flight on El-Al.
"Would you like dinner?" the flight attendant asked Moishe, seated in front.
"What are my choices?" Moishe asked.
"Yes or no," she rep






   David Hasson



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Fri, April 26 2024 18 Nisan 5784