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M A Weekly Bulletin - CHABBAT CHLAH LEKHA :9 JUIN 2018/ 26 SIVAN 5778

06/07/2018 10:47:08 PM



candle lighting  8:23 pm
chabbat morning :830  am
havdalla : 9 :40 pm













ROCH HODECH TAMMOUZ Mercredi 13 et Jeudi 14 juin






Moïse envoie douze espions en Canaan. Ils sont de retour quarante jours plus tard porteurs d’une grappe de raisins, d’une grenade et d’une figue qui témoignent de la générosité de la terre.

Mais dix d’entre eux ajoutent que ses habitants sont des géants, qu’ils seraient des combattants « plus forts que nous » ; seuls, Caleb et Josué plaident pour que la terre de Canaan soit conquise suivant l’ordre de D.ieu.

Le peuple se plaint, semblant préférer le retour en Egypte. D.ieu décrète alors que l’entrée d’Israël en Terre Promise sera retardée de quarante ans, temps pendant lequel toute la génération s’éteindra. Pris de remords, un groupe de Juifs attaque, contre la volonté de Moïse, la montagne qui borde la frontière : il est défait par les Amalécites et les Cananéens.

Les lois des ména’hot (les donations de fleur de farine mélangée d'huile) et des libations de vin sont données ainsi que le commandement de consacrer à D.ieu une portion de la pâte (la 'hallah), lorsque l’on fait le pain.

Un homme viole le Chabbat en ramassant du bois : il est mis à mort. D.ieu ordonne de placer des franges (tsitsit) aux quatre coins de nos vêtements pour qu’elles nous soient un rappel d’accomplir Ses commandements, les Mitsvot.


Pourquoi y a-t-il une chaise pour le prophète Élie lors d’une Brith Mila (circoncision)?

Lors de la cérémonie de circoncision (brith mila), il est de coutume d’avoir un siège désigné pour le prophète Élie. Selon la tradition, Élie, surnommé « l’ange de la brith »,1 est présent à chaque cérémonie de circoncision. Voici pourquoi :

À l’époque où la nation d’Israël était divisée en deux royaumes, le prophète Élie affronta les 450 faux prophètes de l’idole Baal au mont Carmel, ce qui résulta en leur mort. Le roi du royaume du nord, Achab, et sa méchante femme Jézabel envoyèrent ce message au prophète Élie : « Demain à la même heure, je te rendrai semblable à l’un de ceux-là. »2

Élie s’enfuit et 40 jours plus tard, il arriva à une grotte sur le mont Sinaï où il passa la nuit. Là, D.ieu se révéla à lui et dit : « Élie, pourquoi es-tu ici ? » Élie répondit : « J’ai été zélé pour le Seigneur, le D.ieu des Armées, car les enfants d’Israël ont abandonné Ton alliance... et ils cherchent aussi à m’enlever la vie. »3

Quelle alliance le peuple avait-il abandonnée ? Le Midrash dit qu’Élie faisait allusion à la circoncision, qui est appelée une brith (« alliance »). De plus, selon un midrash, non seulement Élie se plaignait-il qu’ils aient abandonné l’alliance, mais dans son zèle, il demandait à D.ieu de punir les pécheurs d’Israël.4

Le Midrash dit que D.ieu le réprimanda en disant : « Ils ont abandonné Mon alliance, pas la tienne ; ils ont démoli Mes autels, pas les tiens ; ils ont tué Mes prophètes, pas les tiens. Pourquoi es-tu plus zélé que Moi !?5

« Je fais vœu, continua D.ieu, que chaque fois que Mes enfants feront ce signe dans leur chair [c’est-à-dire, chaque fois qu’il y aura une circoncision], tu seras présent, et la bouche qui a attesté que les Juifs ont abandonné Mon alliance témoignera qu’ils la respectent. »6

Le fait d’assister à chaque circoncision permet à Élie de rectifier son erreur en témoignant en leur faveur qu’ils respectent l’alliance.7

C’est pour cette raison que les sages ont institué qu’il y ait un siège d’honneur pour Élie à chaque circoncision.8

À la brith mila, nous prions que, tout comme Élie est venu témoigner en notre faveur, il puisse venir annoncer la rédemption finale !


All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why is the portion about the spies written immediately after the portion about Miriam's tzara'at?
    13:2 - To show the evil of the meraglim (spies), that they saw Miriam punished for lashon hara (negative speech) yet failed to take a lesson from it.
  2. To what was Moshe referring when he asked the spies "Are there trees in the land"?
    13:20 - Were there any righteous people in the land whose merit would "shade" the Canaanites from attack?
  3. Who built Hebron?
    13:22 - Cham.
  4. Which fruits did the meraglim bring back?
    13:23 - A cluster of grapes, a pomegranate and a fig.
  5. How many people carried the grape cluster?
    13:23 - Eight.
  6. Why did Hashem shorten the meraglim's journey?
    13:25 - Hashem knew the Jews would sin and be punished with a year's wandering for each day of the spies' mission. So He shortened the journey to soften the decree.
  7. Why did the meraglim begin by saying the land is "flowing with milk and honey"?
    13:27 - Any lie which doesn't start with an element of truth won't be believed; therefore, they began their false report with a true statement.
  8. Why did the meraglim list Amalek first among the hostile nations they encountered?
    13:29 - To frighten the Jews. The Jewish People were afraid of Amalek, because Amalek had once attacked them.
  9. How did Calev quiet the people?
    13:32 - Hashem caused many deaths among the Canaanites so they would be preoccupied with burying their dead and not notice the meraglim.
  10. Why did the Land appear to "eat its inhabitants"?
    13:32 - Hashem caused many deaths among the Canaanites so they would be preoccupied with burying their dead and not notice the meraglim.
  11. Besides the incident of the meraglim, what other sin led to the decree of 40 years in the desert?
    13:33 - The golden calf.
  12. On what day did Bnei Yisrael cry due to the meraglim's report? How did this affect future generations?
    14:1 - The 9th of Av (Tisha B'av). This date therefore became a day of crying for all future generations: Both Temples were destroyed on this date.
  13. "Don't fear the people of the land...their defense is departed." (14:9) Who was their chief "defender"?
    14:9 - Iyov.
  14. Calev and Yehoshua praised Eretz Canaan and tried to assure the people that they could be victorious. How did the people respond?
    14:10 - They wanted to stone them.
  15. "How long shall I bear this evil congregation?" Hashem is referring to the 10 meraglim who slandered the Land. What halacha do we learn from this verse?
    14:27 - That ten men are considered a congregation.
  16. How is the mitzvah of challah different from other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael?
    15:18 - The obligation to observe other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael began only after the possession and division of the Land. The mitzvah of challah was obligatory immediately upon entering the Land.
  17. What is the minimum amount of challah to be given to a kohen according to Torah Law? Rabbinic Law?
    15:20 - No fixed amount is stated by the Torah. Rabbinic Law requires a household to give 1/24 and a baker to give 1/48.
  18. Verse 15:22 refers to what sin? How does the text indicate this?
    15:22 - Idolatry. "All these commandments" means one transgression which is equal to transgressing all the commandments - i.e., idolatry.
  19. Moshe's doubt regarding the punishment of the mekoshesh etzim (wood-gatherer) was different than his doubt regarding the punishment of the blasphemer. How did it differ?
    15:34 - Moshe knew that the mekoshesh etzim was liable for the death penalty, but not which specific means of death. Regarding the blasphemer, Moshe didn't know if he was liable for the death penalty.
  20. How do the tzitzit remind us of the 613 commandments?
    15:39 - The numerical value of the word tzitzit is 600. Tzitzit have eight threads and five knots. Add these numbers and you get 613.

Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane & Rabbi Reuven Subar


Si vous voulez que vos rêves se réalisent, ne dormez pas.

Celui qui sait qu'il ne sait pas sait beaucoup

Alors qu'un trou d'aiguille n'est pas trop étroit pour deux amis, le monde entier n'est pas assez grand pour séparer deux ennemis.

Si ta femme est de petite taille, penche-toi et demande-lui conseil.

Si une chose est pour toi aussi claire que le matin, dis-la, sinon abstiens-toI

L'inaction conduit à la débauche

Une amitié qui a pu vieillir ne doit pas mourir.

Couche-toi et sois malade, tu sauras qui te veut du bien et qui te veut du mal.

De la parole à l'acte, il y a un long chemin.

La richesse et la gloire chassent la mémoire.

Du pauvre au riche, deux mains ; du riche au pauvre, deux doigts






  1. W. Bush was stranded at an airport while he was out on the campaign trail. In the lounge, he spotted an old man sitting all by himself, who looked awfully familiar. So George W. approached the old man and said "Excuse me, sir, but aren't you Moses?"

The old man looked at him, got up, and walked away. George W. thought that was rather odd, but decided he mustn't have been Moses, after all. A little while later, George W. saw the same man in the restroom, and couldn't overcome the feeling that he knew this man's name was Moses. "Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to bother you again, but are you sure your name is not Moses?" But the old man just walked away. When the airline finally called the passengers to board the plane, George W. sees the man yet again, and decides to try one more time: "I'm so sorry to keep bothering you, but I can't tell you how much you look like my friend Moses: are you SURE you're not Moses?"

The old man heaved a sigh, and said, "Yes, my name is Moses, but the last time I spoke to a Bush, I was sent into the wilderness for 40 years. So please leave me alone!"


An elderly Jewish man is sitting on a park bench reading Rev. Farrakhan's anti-white and anti-Jewish newspaper. His best friend walks by, sees the paper, and stops in shock.
"What are you doing reading that paper? You should be reading the Jewish Journal!"
The elderly man replies, "the Jewish Journal has stories about intermarriage, anti-Semitism, problems in Israel... all kinds of troubles for the Jewish people.
I like to read about good news."
"Farrakhan's paper says...
The Jews have all the money... the Jews control the press... the Jews control the banks... the Jews control Hollywood. At my age it's better to read nothing but good news!"


The Goldbergs hired a Chinese butler from London who knows nothing about Jewish food

Mrs Goldberg told him that she is going shopping with her husband, and to set the table for 4 because the Cohens are coming . When they came back, they saw the table set for 8. She asked the butler ; Why 8, we told you for 4

He said : The Cohens called and said that they are bringing with them the Bagels and the Knishes.


A pious man who had reached the age of 105 suddenly stopped going to synagogue. Alarmed by the old fellow's absence after so many years of faithful attendance the Rabbi went to see him.
He found him in excellent health, so the Rabbi asked, "How come after all these years we don't see you at services anymore?"
The old man looked around and lowered his voice. I'll tell you, Rabbi," he whispered. "When I got to be 90 I expected G-d to take me any day. But then I got to be 95, then 100, then 105. So I figured that G-d is very busy and must have forgotten about me .....and I don't want to remind Him!"




David Hasson
























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Tue, April 23 2024 15 Nisan 5784