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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT HAYE SARA 11 NOVEMBRE 2017/ 22 HECHVAN 5778

11/10/2017 03:57:24 PM




Friday Night
Candle Lighting: 4:11pm

Shabbat Day
Shaharit - Minyan: 8:30a
Havdalah (end of shabbat): 5:15pm


To the Hadid Family

on the Engagement

of Benjamin Hadid to 

Nathalie Dahan

To Albert Arazi on
His Birrthday

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Hello/Bonjour [nickname_else_first_name],

Kiddoush  Sponsored  by the Sayegh and Hasson Families




Sarah décède à l’âge de 127 ans. Elle est inhumée dans la grotte de Makhpelah à Hébron qu’Abraham acquiert d’Efron le Hittite, pour le prix de 400 shekels d’argent.

Chargé de cadeaux, Eliézer, le serviteur d’Abraham est envoyé à ‘Haran afin d’y trouver une épouse pour Isaac. Devant le puits de la bourgade, Eliézer prie D.ieu qu’un signe lui soit donné : la jeune fille qui offrira de faire boire les chameaux avec lesquels il a voyagé sera celle qui est destinée au fils de son maître.

Rébecca, fille de Bethouel, le neveu d’Abraham, accomplit le signe. Eliézer est reçu chez Bethouel à qui il relate les évènements qui viennent de survenir. Rébecca accepte de suivre Eliézer en Canaan où ils rencontrent Isaac priant dans les champs. Isaac épouse Rébecca qu’il aime profondément et par qui il est consolé de la perte de sa mère.

Abraham prend une nouvelle épouse, Kétourah (Hagar) qui lui donne six nouveaux fils, mais Isaac est désigné comme son seul héritier. Abraham décède à l’âge de 175 ans et est inhumé auprès de Sarah par ses deux premiers fils, Isaac et Ismaël. (



ll references are to the verses and Rashis commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. Name the four couples buried in Kiryat Arba.
    23:2 - Adam and Chava, Avraham and Sara, Yitzchak and Rivka, Yaakov and Leah.
  2. What did Sara hear that caused her death?
    23:2 - That Yitzchak was almost slaughtered.
  3. What title of honor did the Bnei Chet bestow upon Avraham?
    23:6 - Prince of G-d.
  4. Where was Avraham born?
    24:7 - Ur Kasdim.
  5. How were Avraham's camels distinguished?
    24:10 - They were muzzled, so they wouldn't graze in the fields of others.
  6. What is meant by "all the good of his master in his hand"?
    24:10 - Eliezer carried a document in which Avraham gave all he owned to Yitzchak so that people would want their daughter to marry him.
  7. What special character trait did Eliezer seek when choosing a wife for Yitzchak?
    24:14 - He sought someone who excelled in performing acts of kindness.
  8. Why did Avraham's servant, Eliezer, run toward Rivka?
    24:17 - He saw that the waters of the well rose when she approached.
  9. Why did Lavan run to greet Eliezer?
    24:29 - Lavan coveted his money.
  10. When Lavan told Eliezer that the house was cleared out, what did he remove?
    24:31 - Idols.
  11. Who did Eliezer want Yitzchak to marry?
    24:39 - His own daughter.
  12. Aside from Eliezer, to which other people did Rivka offer to give water?
    24:44 - To the men who accompanied Eliezer.
  13. Lavan answered Eliezer before his father, Betuel, had a chance. What does this indicate about Lavan's character?
    24:50 - That he was wicked.
  14. What did Rivka mean when she said "I will go?"
    24:58 - I will go even if you don't want me to go.
  15. What blessing did Rivka's family give her before she departed?
    24:60 - That the blessings given to Avraham would continue through her children.
  16. Who was Ketura?
    25:1 - Hagar.
  17. What gift did Avraham give to Yitzchak?
    25:5 - The power of blessing.
  18. How old was Avraham when he died?
    25:7 - 175 years old.
  19. For how many years did Yaakov attend the Yeshiva of Ever?
    25:17 - 14 years.
  20. How many times is Eliezer's name mentioned in this week's Parsha?


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Even the most expensive clock still shows sixty minutes in every hour

Respect your doctor until you need him
There is no wealth like health."
As a cure for worrying, work is better than whisky

Sickness of the spirit is worse than sickness of the flesh."
A faithful friend is the medicine of life.
The Land of Israel is the House of God."

Idleness causes boredom
"Who saw not Jerusalem in its glory has never seen a beautiful city."

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
"Men worry over the loss of their possessions, not over the loss of the years—which never return."


Un homme appelle un taxi qui vient de passer...
Le taxi s'arrête un peu plus loin, et recule pour prendre son client,
Dis donc ! dit l'homme au chauffeur, vous ne comptez pas me facturer le trajet de la marche arrière ?
Non, dit le Chauffeur, je ne facture pas ce service !!
Et bien pourriez-vous m'emmener à la gare ? en marche arrière ?

Dans le train, le contrôleur dit à une vieille dame :
- Votre billet est pour Bordeaux. Or ce train va à Nantes.
- Ca c'est ennuyeux, rouspete la voyageuse.
Et ça arrive souvent au chauffeur de se tromper comme ça ?


Papa ! C'est quoi un alcoolique ?
Ben un alcoolique c'est quelqu'un qui va voir les choses en double. Tu vois par exemple ces 4 arbres là bas ? L'alcoolique lui en verra 8.
- Mais papa il n'y a que 2 arbres !





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Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

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4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada 
Tel: 514-737-3695

Fri, April 26 2024 18 Nisan 5784