Rosh Hashanah 5785 / 2024- Antebi Hall
Wednesday October 2nd / le 2 october - Erev Rosh Hashanah
-Candle lighting before 6:14 pm / Allumage des bougies avant 18h14
-Mincha 6:15 pm followed by Arvit / Minha 18h15 suivi par Arvit
Thursday October 3rd / jeudi le 3 October
-Shacharit 8:30am / Shacharit 8h30
- Mincha 5:45pm followed by Tashlich & Arvit /Mincha 17h45 suivi de -Tashlich & Arvit
-Candle lighting after 7:15 pm / Allumage des bougies après 19h15
Friday October 4th / vendredi le 4 october
-Shacharit 8:30am / Shacharit 8h30
-Candle lighting before 6:10 pm / Allumage des bougies avant 18h10
-Mincha 6:10 pm followed by Arvit / Minha 18h10 suivi d'Arvit
Shabbat Shuva - Parashat Ha’azinu
Saturday, October 5th / samedi le 5 october
-Shacharit 9:00 Am / Shacharit 9h00
-Mincha 5:45 pm folllowed by Arvit / Minha 17h45 suivi d'Arvit
- Havdalah 7:11pm / Havdala 19h11
Sunday, October 6th Fast of Gedalia / dimanche le 6 october, Jeûne de Gedalia
-Starts at 5:51AM / Commence à 5h51
-Ends at 6:45 PM / Se termine à 18h45

Yom Kippur- Aintabi Hall / à la salle Aintabi:
Friday October 11th/ vendredi le 11 october Erev Yom Kippur.
-Selichot Erev Yom Kippur 6:30am followed by Shacharit and Hatarat Nedarim
-Selichot Erev Yom Kippour 6h30 suivi de Shacharit et Hatarat Nedarim
-*Mincha Gedola - with the Spanish / avec la Spanish.
-Candle lighting before 5:57 pm / Allumage des bougies avant 17h57
-Fast begins at 5:57pm / Commencement du Jeûne 17h57
- Kol Nidrei 6:00pm / Kol Nidrei 18h00
Saturday October 12 / samedi le 12 October
Shacharit 8:30 am followed by Mousaf & Mincha / Shacharit 8h30 suivi de Mousaf & Mincha
-Neila 5:00 PM / Neila 17
-Shofar 6:58pm / Shofar 18h58
-Fast ends at 6:58pm / Le jeûne se termine à 18h58

Souccot prayers at the Magen Abraham / Prières de Souccot à la Magen Abraham
Wednesday October 16th Erev Chag / mercredi le 16 october Erev Chag
-Candle lighting before 5:48 pm / Allumage des avant bougies 17h48
-Mincha 5:45pm followed by Arvit / Minha 17h45 suivi d'Arvit
Thursday October 17th / jeudi le 17 october
Shacharit 9:00 am with Lulav and Etrog / Shacharit 9h00 avec Loulav et Etrog
-Mincha 5:45pm folllowed by Arvit / Minha 17h45 suivi d'Arvit
-Candle lighting after 6:50 pm / Allumage des bougies après 18h50
Friday October 18/ vendredi le 18 octobre
-Shacharit 9:00am with Lulav and Etrog / Shacharit 9h00 avec Loulav et Etrog
-Candle lighting before 5:44 pm / Allumage des avant bougies 17h44
-Mincha 5:45pm folllowed by Arvit / Minha 17h45 suivi d'Arvit
Shabbat Chol Hamoed
-Shacharit 9:00Am / Shacharit 9h00
-Mincha 5:30pm folllowed by Arvit / Minha 17h30 suivi d'Arvit
-Havdalah 6:47 / Havdala 18h47
*Tuesday night October 22 keraya (Limud -Reading) with the Spanish /
mardi soir le 22 octobre keraya (Limud -Lecture) avec la Spanish
*Wednesday morning October 23 Hoshaana Rababa with the Spanish/
mercredi matin lev 23 octobre Hoshaana Rababa avec la Spanish
Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah
Wednesday October 23rd Erev Chag / mercredi le 23 octobre Erev Chag
-Candle lighting before 5:36 pm / Allumage des avant bougies 17h36
-Mincha 5:30pm followed by Arvit / Minha 17h30 suivi d'Arvit
Thursday October 24th / jeudi le 24 october
-Shacharit 9:00Am / Shacharit 9h00
-Mincha 5:30 pm followed by Arvit / Simchat Torah and Hakafot (Julian)
-Minha 17h30 suivi de Arvit / Simchat Torah et Hakafot (Julian)
-Candle lighting after 6:38 pm / Allumage des bougies après 18h38
Friday, October 25th / vendredi le 25 october
-Shacharit Simchat Torah 9:00 am / Shacharit Simchat Torah 9h00
Candle lighting before 5:33 pm / Allumage des avant bougies 17h33
-Mincha 5:30pm followed by Arvit / Minha 17h30 suivi d'Arvit
Shabbat Beresheet October 26 / Chabbat Beresheet le 26 octobre
Shacharit 9:00am / Shacharit 9h00
-Mincha 5:15pm followed by Arvit / Minha 17h15 suivi d'Arvit
Havdalah 6:36 / Havdala 18h36