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		                                    Maghen Abraham		                                </span>
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		                                    Maghen Abraham		                                </span>


10/03/2022 10:22:07 PM





Message from the President
Message du Président

Dear Congregants, Members and Friends of the Maghen Abraham,


We are delighted to welcome you back to our Synagogue and are overjoyed  to reconnect with you by welcoming you home to share the High Holidays together with us.


While we welcome this New Jewish Year with great excitement and happiness, we have come to value each and every year even more as the years go by and as the pages of the difficult past years are turned and a new page is about to be written.


While no one can forget the difficulties 2020 and 2021 had on our community,  2022 is definitely a very welcome reset to all that we took for granted. Simple acts as going to Synagogue, praying, hosting parties/events, witnessing and enjoying splendid marriages, Bar Mitsvahs and Bat mitsvahs  and even going out with our spouses and friends to restaurants/social events  are all important aspects that lead to a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life that have all been given a different dimension after Covid-19. We are enjoying them thoroughly and we value them exceedingly. Even more then the preceding years.


Our Maghen Abraham community is pleased to have been successful in bringing back members if not old friends  that were otherwise too afraid during the pandemic to attend.


The return of our MEMBERS makes our Services even more meaningful .


The Two-day Holiday of Rosh Hashanah is the Head of the Jewish Year, the time when G‑d reinvests Himself in Creation as we crown Him King of the Universe through prayer, shofar blasts, and celebration. A week later, the High Holidays reach their crescendo with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Like angels, we neither eat nor drink for 25 hours. Dressed in white, we pray in the Synagogue—United as One People, Children of One Father.


We take this opportunity to wish you and your Famillies a Wonderful New Year, Full of Happiness, showered with bountiful Blessings, Health and Parnassah.  Maghen Abraham is YOUR Synagogue and we are always open to advice and hearing from our Members. It is inevitably our Members who made our  Synagogue what it is today and so many consider our Synagogue as ‘’their second home’’.  We have an exciting program this Year now with the restrictions being lifted and look forward to many wonderful years ahead together.


May you be Inscribed in the Book of Life




With Love,

Your President,


Grandes Fetes @ MAGHEN

Bonjour [nickname_else_first_name],


Il nous fait Plaisir de vous envoyer l'itinéraire des Services des Grandes Fêtes à la Maghen Abraham.


B'H après une interruption de 2 ans, tous les services auront lieu dans la salle Aintabi et Maghen Abraham à la Spanish (comme d'habitude).


Soyez des nôtres!



Hi [nickname_else_first_name],

It gives us great pleasure to send you the Holiday Itinerary for the Services at Maghen Abraham.


B'H after a 2 year hiatus, all Services will take place in the Aintabi Hall & Maghen Abraham at the Spanish (as usual)



Join us!


Rosh Hashanah  5783 / 2022- Antebi Hall 

Sunday September 25th / le 25 Septembre - Erev Rosh Hashanah

                        -Candle lighting 6:28pm  /  Allumage des bougies 18h28

                        -Mincha 6:25 pm followed by Arvit / Minha 18h25 suivi par  Arvit

Monday September 26th / Lundi le 26 Septembre 
                        -Shacharit 8:30am / Shacharit 8h30

                        -Mincha 6:00pm followed by  Tashlich & Arvit / Minha 18h00  suivi de

                                                                                                  Tashlich & Arvit

                        -Candle lighting after 7:28 pm / Allumage des bougies après 19h28

Tuesday September 27th / Mardi 27 Septembre  

                        -Shacharit 8:30am / Shacharit 8h30

                        -Mincha 6:30 pm followed by Arvit / Minha 18h30 suivi d'Arvit

                        -Havdalah 7:26 pm / Havdala 19h26


Wednesday september 28th,Fast of Gedalia / mercredi  le 28 Septembre, Jeûne de Gedalia

                         -Starts at 5:21AM / Commence à 5h21

                         -Ends at  7:16PM / Se termine à 19h16


Shabbat Shuva - Parashat Vayelech


Friday night September 30th Aintabi Hall / vendredi soir 30 septembre Salle Aintabi


                          -Candle lighting 6:18 pm  / Allumage des bougies 18h18

                          -Mincha 6:15 pm followed by  Shir Hashirim & Arvit 

                          -Minha 18h15 suivi de Shir Hashirim & Arvit


Shabbat  October 1st  , Aintabi Hall / Chabbat 1er octobre , à la salle Aintabi:


                          -Shacharit  9:00 Am / Shacharit 9h00

                          -Mincha    6:15 pm folllowed by  Arvit / Minha 18h15 suivi d'Arvit

                          -Havdalah  7:18pm / Havdala 19h18

Yom Kippur- Aintabi Hall  /  à la salle Aintabi:

Tuesday October 4th / mardi 4 octobre Erev Yom Kippur.

                           -Selichot Erev Yom Kippur 6:30am followed by Shacharit and Hatarat Nedarim at the Aintabi Hall 

                           -Selichot Erev Yom Kippour 6h30 suivi de Shacharit et Hatarat Nedarim à la salle Aintabi

                           - *Mincha Gedola  - with the Spanish / avec la Spanish.


                           -Candle lighting 6:10pm / Allumage des bougies 18h10

                           -Fast begins at  6:10pm / Commencement du Jeûne  18h10
                           -Kol Nidrei 6:10pm / Kol Nidrei 18h10


Wednesday October 5th  /  mercredi 5 octobre

                           - Shacharit 8:30am followed by Mousaf & Mincha / Shacharit 8h30 suivi de Mousaf & Mincha 

                           - Neila 5 :30 PM / Neila 17h30

                           - Shofar 7:12pm / Shofar 19h12

                           - Fast ends at 7:12pm / Le jeûne se termine à 19h12


Souccot prayers at the Magen Abraham /  Prières de Souccot à la Magen Abraham


Sunday October 9th Erev Chag / dimanche 9 octobre Erev Chag

                           -Candle lighting 6:01pm / Allumage des bougies 18h01

                           -Mincha 6:00pm  followed by Arvit / Minha 18h00 suivi d'Arvit


Monday october 10th / lundi 10 octobre


                            -Shacharit 9:00Am with Lulav and Etrog / Shacharit 9h00 avec Loulav et Etrog


                            -Candle lighting after 7:02 pm / Allumage des bougies après 19h02


Tuesday October 11th / mardi 11 octobre


                            -Shacharit 9:00am with Lulav and Etrog / Shacharit 9h00 avec Loulav et Etrog

                             -Havdalah 7:00 / Havdala 19h00


Shabbat Souccot 

Friday October 14th / vendredi 14 octobre

                             -Friday night candle lighting is at 5:52pm / L'allumage des bougies du vendredi soir est à 17h52

                             -Mincha 5:50pm followed by Arvit / Minha 17h50  suivi d'Arvit


Shabbat October 15 / Chabbat 15 octobre

                              -Shacharit 9:00am / Shacharit 9h00

                              -Havdalah 6:53pm / Havdala 18h53


*Saturday night October 15 keraya (Limud -Reading) with the spanish / Samedi soir 15 octobre keraya (Limud -Lecture) avec la Spanish 

*Sunday morning October 16 Hoshaana Rababa with the spanish /  Dimanche matin 16 octobre Hoshaana Rababa avec la Spanish 


Shemini Atzeret  & Simchat Torah


Sunday October 16 Erev Chag Shemini Atzeret / Dimanche 16 octobre Erev Chag Shemini Atzeret

                              -Candle lighting 5:48pm / L'allumage des bougies 17h48

                              -Mincha 5:45pm followed by Arvit / Minha 17h45 suivi de Arvit 


Monday October 17 / lundi 17 octobre

                              -Shacharit 9:00am / Shacharit 9h00

                              -Mincha 5:45pm followed by Arvit / Simchat Torah and Hakafot (Julian) 


                                       Minha 17h45 suivi de Arvit / Simchat Torah et Hakafot (Julian)

                              -Candle lighting after 6:50pm / Allumage des bougies après 18h50


Tuesday October 18 Simchat Torah / Mardi 18 octobre Simhat Torah

                              -Shacharit Simchat Torah 9:00am / Shacharit  Simchat Torah 9h00

                              -Mincha 5:45pm / Min'ha 17h45

                              -Havdalah 6:48pm / Havdalah 18h48 


Le renouvellement de votre adhésion assure la continuité de notre communauté UNIQUE et de nos services.


Une grande partie de nos frais d'operation est couverte par votre adhésion et vos généreuses contributions.


Nous apprécions votre parrainage

Les tarifs d'adhésion de cette année sont 

- Famille complète (un ménage) - 550$

- Adulte seul - 325$


Le renouvellement de l'adhésion peut être effectué en utilisant les méthodes suivantes




Par Virement Interac à


Par la poste

Maghen Abraham
CP 111, Succ Snowdon, Montréal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin
Montréal, Québec, Canada




Renewing your membership ensures the continuity of our UNIQUE community and services. 


A large portion of our operating costs are covered by your membership and generous contributions.


We appreciate your patronage


This Year's Membership rates are ad follows

 - Full Family (one household) - 550$

- Single Adult - 325$


Membership renewal can be done using the following methods




By E transfer to


By Mail


Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada 



Celebrate a lifecycle event with us by sponsoring a Kiddouch




Contact Us

Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784