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M A Weekly - Bulletin August 27th 2022 - SHABBAT ROSH HODESH ELUL - RE'EH - Av 30 5782

08/26/2022 12:26:08 PM




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Friday Night @MAGHEN

 - Mincha 6pm followed by Shir Hashirim -Kabbalat Shabbat - Arvit 

- Candle lighting   7:24 pm



Perasha - Re'eh

Haftara - Ishayahu (Isaiah)  54:11-55:5

- 9:00am Shaharit - 

- 10am Torah


- Mincha 7:25Pm @MAGHEN followed by Arvit  

 - Havdalah 8:28pm


Rosh Hodesh Elul

Rosh Chodesh Elul for Hebrew Year 5782 begins at sundown on  and ends at nightfall on 



Selichot start on Sunday Aug 28 (1 ELUL) and end on YOM KIPPUR





Mordechai Joshua Hadid

on his Hebrew birthday



Albert Sayegh

on his birthday



Jeremy Benisti

on his birthday




Yaffa Gamalo Bat Nazli z'L

Mother of Izake (Zouki) Lawi



Abraham Sayeghi z'L

Father of Emile (Mino) Sayegh



Moshe Ben David Maslaton z'L

Father of Solly Maslaton



Chehade Hadid  z'L

Father of Marc Hadid



refua shelema to AHOUVA BAT MAZAL

Sunday September 4th 2022
INFORMATION/SIGNUP can be found here

Unveiling of Moise Bassal z'L Monument
The unveiling of a monument in loving memory of the late Moise Bassal beloved father, papa, brother, uncle and friend will take place on Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 10am at the Eternal Gardens cemetery, Spanish and Portuguese section, 33 Elm Ave, Pointe Claire. Family and friends are invited to attend. 

Membership renewal can be done on here


If you would like to add a HAZKARA or a Celebration please send us a message by CLICKING HERE or by sending an email to


Bonjour / Hello [nickname_else_first_name],


Table of contents


1) Perashat Hashavoua - Rabbi Eli Mansour

2) Halakhat Hashavoua (Halakhot related to day to day life)-

Immersing Vessels in the MIkveh - Hazzan David Azerad

3) Holy Jokes!




 This Week's Parasha Insight with Rabbi Eli Mansour

Parashat Re'eh: True Passion for Torah

** This week’s Parasha dedicated L’iluy Nishmat Natan ben Shoshana **

In the Haftara for Parashat Re’eh – the third of the special Haftarot of comfort and consolation – the prophet Yeshayahu (54:17) promises Beneh Yisrael, "Every instrument that will be created to oppose you will not succeed, and every tongue that arises against you in court – you shall expose as evil." Although our enemies persistently lie and spread false accusations against us, we are promised that in the end, we will prevail over our adversaries, and their falsehoods will be exposed.

This verse is cited in a passage in the Midrash (Bereshit Rabba 32:10) which tells the fascinating story of Rabbi Yonatan, who was traveling to Jerusalem to pray. Along his journey, he met a Samaritan – a follower of a sect which regards Mount Gerizim in the Samaria region as a sacred site, instead of Jerusalem. The Samaritan asked Rabbi Yonatan where he was headed, and he replied that he was traveling to Jerusalem to pray. The Samaritan argued that Rabbi Yonatan should pray on Mount Gerizim, which, he claimed, was a more sacred site than the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He proved his contention by stating that during the flood in the times of Noah, the floodwaters didn’t cover Mount Gerizim. Rabbi Yonatan had no response to this Samaritan’s argument.

Then Rabbi Yonatan’s donkey rider requested permission to speak and respond to the Samaritan. He pointed to the verse in Parashat Noah (Bereshit 7:19) which tells that "all the high mountains" were covered by the floodwaters – thus disproving the Samaritan’s claim.

Rabbi Yonatan promptly switched positions with the rider, and had him sit on the donkey as he walked in front, showing him respect. He then proceeded to cite a number of verses relevant to this episode, one of which is the aforementioned verse from Yeshayahu’s prophecy: "…and every tongue that arises against you in court – you shall expose as evil." The rider’s response to the Samaritan’s argument represented the fulfillment of this prophecy – that all arguments which will be brought to challenge our faith will ultimately be refuted and proven wrong. Even the simple, unlearned drivers will be able to refute these arguments.

This story should serve to bolster our faith and conviction, reminding us that although there are people who challenge and ridicule our beliefs and lifestyle, these challenges will never succeed, and authentic Torah Judaism will always prevail. But additionally, Rav Avraham Pam (1913-2001) noted that we have much to learn from Rabbi Yonatan’s reaction to his driver, which serves as a beautiful example of the Mishna’s famous teaching, "Who is wise? He who learns from all people" (Abot 4:1). Although he was an outstanding scholar, Rabbi Yonatan showed respect to a simple, ignorant donkey rider because of a single verse which he – Rabbi Yonatan – had forgotten and the rider recalled for him. True passion for Torah means relishing each and every piece of Torah knowledge, every insight and every thought, regardless of from whom it was heard. Rabbi Yonatan had such respect for this driver because he understood the great value of each and every word of Torah, such that the driver deserved respect for recalling a verse from the Torah.

Rav Pam observed that there have been many Torah scholars who did not have an exceptional memory, but they attained vast amounts of knowledge because of their thirst and desire for knowledge. They cherished each and every word of Torah, and so they remembered each and every word they learned. When we truly love something, we never forget it; and so if we truly love Torah, we will remember what we learn.

It is told that once, while Rav Mordechai Gifter (1915-2001) was delivering a class in his yeshiva – the Telz Yeshiva in Cleveland – he arrived at a new insight, a new way to explain a certain Halacha. He was so overjoyed that he had all the students stand up and dance with him in the Bet Midrash. Rav Gifter became the outstanding scholar that he became because of this love and passion for each and every word of Torah. When somebody erupts in joyous dancing over a new insight, he never forgets what he learns.

Let us appreciate the sanctity and inestimable value of each and every word of Torah, so that the passion for learning will fuel our lifelong quest to acquire Torah’s knowledge and a thorough understanding of its eternal teachings.





Selected & translated by David Azerad, Hazzan Maghen Abraham  


The laws of immersing vessels in the Mikveh, according to the rulings of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef ZT”L


Which dishes are subject to immersion in the Mikveh?


The immersion obligation applies to vessels made of metal, glass, Pyrex and Duralex vessels imported from abroad.


Dishes made of plastic, nylon, wood or pottery as well as any porcelain dishes are exempt from immersion. Today, in many places in the world, most of the porcelain dishes are coated with glass, and therefore need immersion.


Pottery that is coated inside and out with glass needs to be immersed in a Mikveh with a blessing.If they are covered only from the inside, then we immerse them in the Mikveh without reciting the Beracha.


Vessels imported from outside of Israel are presumed to have been made in gentile factories, and they require immersion in the Mikveh.


Examples of dishes that need immersion:


Dinnerware that needs immersion includes eating and drinking utensils (plates, glasses, cups, cutlery, etc.), utensils for storing groceries (bottles or boxes that hold drinks or foods such as bread, sugar, vegetables, etc.), cooking, frying, and baking utensils (pots cooking and baking, pans, ladles, skewers, etc.), tools for preparing food (such as the parts of the mixer that touch the food), dishes for serving food to the table, and more.


When it comes to a vessel made by a gentile and used for non-kosher foods, it requires both immersion and kosherizing (Hagala or Libun). This vessel must be  first kosherized, and then immersed in the mikvah.


How is immersing dishes done?


When dipping the dishes, the dish should be loose in one’s hand. The water needs to touch the entire vessel, both inside and outside. The entire vessel must be in the water, and even if it is a large vessel, all of it must be immersed.


You can immerse dishes in places , such as lakes, seas, rivers, springs and wells, as well as in a Mikveh kelim.


When dipping the vessel,one should  make sure that there is no obstruction between the vessel and the water, such as the hand holding the vessel, rust, any dirt or stickers.

A vessel in which there is doubt as to whether it requires to be immersed in a Mikveh or not, one may immerse it with another vessel that certainly requires immersion, and recite a Beracha for both vessels.If one does not have a vessel that surely requires immersion ,then you immerse the vessel that you are doubting if needs immersion or not without reciting a  blessing.


 Do Electric vessels need immersion, if yes how?


Electric utensils that come into contact with food, such as kettles toasters ect…, require immersion, but may be damaged by contact with water. How can you immerse them without spoiling them?

Here are some halachic opinions:


Immerse the entire vessel except for the electrical part (Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Sh”Ut Egrot Moshe, Yore Dea, 1, 17).


Another opinion is to ask a Jewish technician to take the tool apart a little, a professional disassembly and he will reassemble it, and this is how the making of the tool was actually done by a Jew, and then the tool is exempt from immersion


Some say that if it's a vessel that it is  impossible to immerse it, one may give it to a non-Jew as a present on condition that he lends it back to you and the vessel will not be obligated in Tevilat Kelim (immersion).


Bevirkat Shabbat Shalom Umevorch

David Azerad 


3) HOLY JoKeS!!


Selection of funny snippets, loosely related to this weeks parashah, to brighten your day





Jewish Art from Venice






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Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784