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M A Weekly - Addenda Bulletin Feb 19 2022 - KI TISA - 18 ADAR I 5782

02/18/2022 03:30:51 PM




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Per government public health,

Places of Worship are OPEN with a 50% capacity with social distancing and mask measures in place



Please send us your passport if you have not done so already


Friday Night

Shir Hashirim - 5pm Minha-Arbit - 5pm@Chevra
Candle Lighting: 5:08p


Shabbat Day
Shaharit - Minyan: 9AM @Spanish

Minha - Seuda Shlishit: 4:45Pm@Chevra
Havdalah (end of shabbat): 6:12p



Shahrit - 8 AM @ Chevra



Nina Saad 

On her Birthday!


Sophie Hasson 

On her Birthday!



Ezra Cohen

On his Birthday!


Magalie Romano

On her wedding!

She is the daugter of Benjamin and Chantale Romano, Grand daughter of Elie and Stella (z'L) Romano



Joseph Meir Zilkha z'L

Uncle of Victor Guindi



If you would like to add a HAZKARA or a Celebration please send us a message by CLICKING HERE or by sending an email to


Bonjour / Hello [nickname_else_first_name]


Table of contents


1) Perashat Hashavoua - Rabbi Eli Mansour

2) Halakhat Hashavoua - David Azerad

3) Holy Jokes!




Parashat Ki Tisa: It’s Not Personal

 This Week's Parasha Insight with Rabbi Eli Mansour


Parashat Ki-Tisa tells the story of Het Ha’egel, the sin of the golden calf, in response to which G-d decided to kill Beneh Yisrael and begin a new nation through Moshe Rabbenu. He informed Moshe of His decision, and assured him that his "job" was safe, as a new nation would emerge from his progeny. Moshe, however, selflessly refused the offer. Devoted unconditionally to the people under his charge, he intervened to save them, praying to G-d to annul His decree. In the end, of course, G-d accepted His prayer, and decided against Beneh Yisrael’s annihilation.


Moshe’s devotion to the people comes into sharper focus when we consider the background to the story of the golden calf. What caused the people to fall so drastically from the level they achieved at the time of Matan Torah, and construct a graven image? Hazal explain that when Moshe did not return from the top of Mount Sinai when the people thought he would, the Satan seized the opportunity to cause them to sin. He made the world appear dark and showed them an image of Moshe lying dead in a coffin. This caused the people to become terribly depressed and anxious, and this allowed them to deteriorate to the point where they constructed a golden calf.


In short, the people made and worshipped the golden calf thinking that Moshe Rabbenu had died. And yet, the Torah tells that on the day they committed this sin, "Va’yakumu Le’sahek" – "They arose to make merry." The worship was accompanied by frivolous merriment and festivity. There was song, dance, and all manner of exuberant celebration. Moshe had every reason to feel terribly offended by the people’s jubilation. After all he had done for them, leading them out of Egypt and through the sea, caring for them like a faithful shepherd and bringing them the Torah, here they were celebrating what they thought was his death. No mourning, no grief, no eulogies – only celebration and festivity!


But this did not bother Moshe or affect his commitment to the people one iota. He understood that this is not personal. Moshe did not say to himself, "What an ungrateful people!" Rather, he thought, "It’s not their fault. They’re frail, they were only recently freed from generations of harsh slavery. This is not about me." And therefore he did not give up on them or reject them. He pleaded courageously and passionately on their behalf, effectively saving them from annihilation.


This is a true model of greatness. Moshe here shows us the ability to separate his personal feelings from the people’s needs. His mind was focused not on his ego, on the respect and consideration owed to him, but rather on what was best for the people. And this is why he interceded on their behalf despite having been scorned by them. He rose above the concern for his ego and concerned himself solely with the needs of Beneh Yisrael. And Moshe thereby sets an inspiring example for us of responsible and selfless leadership, tending to the needs of the people around us without any concern for personal honor and prestige.




Selected & translated by David Azerad, Hazzan Maghen Abraham


Laws of prayer according to Maran Harav Obadiah Yosef z”tl


Why is it important to be silent during the Chazara (repetition)of the Amidah ?


When the Hazan is repeating the Amidah aloud, the congregation should be silent, listen and should concentrate on the blessings that are being said and answer Amen, because if there are not nine that are answering the blessings, it can easily be considered Beracha Levatalah (a blessing in vain ). Therefore every person of the congregation shall think of himself as if he is part of the nine and answer Amen. Therefore, one should not engage in Torah study in the middle of the Chazarah (repetition of Amidah).In any case, one must be careful not to offend any person in the middle of the Chazarah should they be talking. It is better to ask in general from everyone to be silent.

Can we bring small children to the synagogue?

It is a mitzvah to bring small children who have reached the age of Chinuch and understanding into the synagogue, to pray with the congregation, and to encourage them to listen and answer Amen and Kedusha etc…, and to educate them to stand in fear and awe, and to properly beware of the sanctity of the synagogue.The same is true for girls who have also reached the age of Chinuch and understanding to come and pray.

The Halacha is referring to children who will allow their parents and the congregation to do the Tefilah properly. If this is not the case one should consider to Pray Yachid (alone) and he is accomplishing the Mitzvah as well.




Bevirkat Shabbat Shalom Umevorach

David Azerad 


3) HOLY JoKeS!!


Selection of funny snippets, loosely related to this weeks parashah, to brighten your day



Jews make The Golden Calf and everybody sins

Moshe: “I got some good news and some bad news:

The bad news is… I’m breaking the tablets

The good news is…I just saved a half a shekel on my car insurance”





Celebrate a lifecycle event with us by sponsoring a Kiddouch




Contact Us

Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Wed, May 1 2024 23 Nisan 5784