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M A Weekly - Bulletin Nov 13 2021 - VAYETZE - 9 KISLEV 5782

11/12/2021 10:18:21 AM








Friday Night

Minha-Arbit - Shir Hashirim - 4:15p @ Chevra
Candle Lighting: 4:09p


Shabbat Day
Shaharit - Minyan: 9am @ Spanish

Minha - Seuda Shlishit: 4:00p @ Chevra
Havdalah (end of shabbat): 5:13p


Sunday Morning
Shaharit - 8am @ Chevra


Tuesday evening (7:30pm)
Shiur with Rabbi Kaprow @ Beit Hamidrash @ Spanish





To Isabelle Eden Cohen
on her 1st Birthday (past week)

Daughter of Sheldon and Daniella Cohen
We apologize for the Name error in the previous bulletin


To Nino Saad
on his Birthday


To Carla Moralli
on her Birthday




Fortunee Dana z'L
Mother of Raymond Dana



Stella Romano z'L
Wife of  Elie Romano



Binyamin Diwan z'L
Husband of Esther Diwan



If you would like to add a HAZKARA or a Congratulations please send us a message by CLICKING HERE or by sending an email to





Bonjour / Hello [nickname_else_first_name],


Table of contents

1) Perashat Hashavoua - Rabbi Kaprow
2) Halakhat Hashavoua - David Azerad




The True Reason Behind Isaac’s Blindness                                    By Rabbi I. Kaprow


Isaac became blind. Rashi offers three explanations.The main reason that Isaac became blind was because of the smoke of Esau’s wives’ offerings to their idols. The verse that talks about Isaac’s blindness appears immediately after it tells us about Esau’s wives. Showing an undeniable connection between the two verses. There is a major problem with this explanation, however. Since when does smoke cause blindness? Smoke may irritate the eyes, but it is not something that will cause permanent loss of vision. Additionally, there is no reason to believe that smoke from idol worship would be any more damaging to someone’s eyes than any other type of smoke. Could it really be that Isaac’s blindness is related to smoke??                   


Isaac’s blindness was not a product of the smoke. Rather, Isaac was so disgusted at the idolatrous practices of Esau’s wives that he no longer desired his eyesight, so that he should not have to witness such an abomination. If the price of vision was to witness such spiritually offensive acts, Isaac preferred to lose his sight. Isaac had attained such a high spiritual level that his body was a loyal soldier of his soul. Isaac was so holy that his eyes automatically stopped working because they interfered with his holy nature.Isaac was more angel than human. Such noble spirits show us that even in this life we can elevate ourselves beyond the constraints of the physical.


Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Kaprow


If any member has a question or in need of assistance feel free to contact Rabbi Kaprow at




Selected by David Azerad, Hazzan Maghen Abraham


Halachot Shabbat according to the rulings of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef z”tl


Why is it important to observe the commandment of charity?

It is a Mitzvah to give charity according to your ability. He who ignores the Mitzvah of charity transgresses the Mitzvah of   

 "תִקְפֹּץ אֶת יָדְךָ  לֹא תְאַמֵּץ אֶת לְבָבְךָ וְלֹא ..  "

“…Do not harden your heart and shut your hand against your needy kinsman.” Deuteronomy 15,7


What does a person gain by giving to charity?

By giving charity no harm will ever come to a person, and whoever has mercy on the poor Hashem has mercy on him. The act of Tzedakah is able to abolish harsh decrees. The Mitzvah of Tzedakah shines upon us the entire week as opposed to other Mitzvot that shine only for that day. By opening our hands to give Tzedakah Hashem opens us the gates of heaven to receive our Tefilot.


Do the poor also have to give charity?

Every man must give to charity, and even the poor who receive from charity must give Tzedakah.


When wanting to give charity - to whom shall we give?

Our sages tell us that It is a great Mitzvah to give charity to those who are engaged in the study of Torah as we are blessed by them and gain their merit of the study of Torah. However It is equally important to continue to  support the poor.


 What is the proper way charity should be given?

It is recommended to give charity to the poor before prayer, and the charity should be given with kindness and joy because if we give charity with a sullen face ,we lose the merit of the Mitzvah even if we give him a large sum.


Should we be giving Tzedakah to every poor person that’s asking for it?

When a poor person is asking for Tzedakah we should make an effort not to turn him away but rather give him charity even if it’s a small sum.


Be'virkat Shabbat Shalom Umevorach 

David Azerad 



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Contact Us

Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784