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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT PINHAS 3 JUILLET 2021 / 23TAMMUZ 5781

07/01/2021 05:35:24 PM



candle lighting 8:28 pm
chabbat morning: 9 ;  am
havdalla  9:44 pm









3 JUILLET 2021 / 23 TAMMUZ 5781




Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer  que 

           Alisa Oiknine , fille de notre

Hazan Meyer Oiknine   et son épouse Connie,

 a accompli  l’obtention du titre CPA auditeur.



Bon anniversaire à




   Jocelyne Setton, Samara Sayegh et Léon Mosseri

                                            Abal 120 ans



Hazkarot: Vicky Chemtob(zl)  mére de Sylvain Chemtob

                       Léa Mosseri bat Leibe (zl) mère  de Léon Mosseri 






Le petit-fils d’Aaron, Pin’has, est récompensé du zèle exprimé lorsqu’il tua Zimri, prince de la tribu de Chimone, et la princesse midianite : D.ieu lui accorde une alliance de paix et le sacerdoce pour lui et sa postérité.

Un recensement du peuple aboutit au compte de 601 730 hommes âgés de vingt à soixante ans. Moïse apprend de D.ieu que la terre doit être distribuée par tirage au sort aux tribus et aux familles d’Israël. Les filles de Tselof’had réclament à Moïse de recevoir le territoire revenant à leur père, décédé sans laisser de fils. D.ieu fait droit à cette demande et l’intègre aux lois que la Torah édicte en matière d’héritage.

D.ieu annonce à Moïse qu’il va rejoindre ses pères. Selon les ordres reçus, Moïse prend Josué, le met en présence de toute la communauté, lui impose les mains et lui donne ses instructions.

La paracha se termine par la liste détaillée des offrandes quotidiennes et des offrandes additionnelles du Chabbat, de Roch-Hodech (le début du mois) et des fêtes de Pessa'h, Chavouot, Roch Hachana, Yom Kippour, Souccot et Chemini Atseret.

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Pinchas son of Elazar the son of Aharon th Priest has turned My wrath... by jealously making My rights valid amongst them..." (25,11)


"Fortunate is the man who has not gone with the advice of the wicked."

Our Sages ob'm ask - Why did David Hamelech begin the Book of Psalms specifically with the word Fortunate- אשרי - as it says - "Fortunate- אשרי is the man who has not gone with the advice of the wicked." Our Sages ob'm said, "For any portion that was beloved to David he began with Ashrei and ended with Ashrei as it says - Fortunate- אשרי are those who take refuge in Him."


We must understand - why did David Hamelech love the word Ashrei so much?


The holy Rabbi Pinchas Friedman said - The initials of the word אשרי stand for אוהבי ה' שנאו רע - "Those who love G-d detest evil."Since this idea of detesting evil is very propitious and wonderful for being saved from the thoughts of the wicked, the portions that David Hamelech love were those that began and ended with Ashrei.


The portions beginning and ending with Ashrei entail the initials for "Those who love G-d detest evil" and by detesting evil a person merits to be saved from terrible damage that can come about from the thoughts of the wicked.




Riddle of the week


Pinchas is always sad at home and mopes around his house but when he goes outside,

he is the happiest person always dancing and singing and feasting. 

Explain :

The parasha, Pinchas, is always (almost always) read during the three weeks between

17 Tamuz and 9 Ab. This is its ‘home’ always during a sad time period.  But we also read Pincha  outside its ‘home’ as the special Maftir on every holiday, where it is always festive. (as told by

my late father)



Differing opinions – which one is correct?


In this week’s perasha God orders a repeat census once again. This seems superfluous.

Many commentators offer an explanation for why it was done.

Rashi explains that so many people had died in the plague that Hashem wanted a count

to see how many survived. He gives the analogy of a shepherd who counts his flock after it has been ravaged by wolves.

Ibn Ezra writes that since the land was to be divided according to the populations of the

12 tribes, their numbers had to be determined.

Abrabanel offers a third opinion. He says that in preparation for the impending battles to

conquer the land, the numbers of eligible fighting men had to be determined.


The 3 downers followed by the 7 uppers


How is this week’s Haftara different than most? Every week of the year from Simchat

Torah till this Shabbat we read a portion of the prophets that is somehow related to the parasha

(each parasha has a haftara that is appropriate for it, but sometimes we read a special reading

for Rosh Hodesh, shekalim, etc.). Starting last week there is no longer a connection to the

parasha rather there is a connection to the calendar.

The three Shabbatot from 17 Tammuz till 9 Av are Haftarot that discuss topics of

destruction. The next seven are Haftarot of consolation. After that are two more Haftarot of

repentance as they are read during the High Holidays period.


Pinhas Summary


The parasha begins with the story of Pinchas, Aharon’s grandson. It is a continuation of

the end of last week’s parasha. One of the leaders of Bnei Yisrael, Zimri, chief of the tribe of

Shimon took a woman by the name of Kozbi the daughter of Tzur and had relations with her.

Tzur was a prince of Midian. Pinchas killed them together while they were committing the sin.

Hashem was very pleased with what Pinchas had done. The plague stopped and Pinchas was

rewarded with a ‘covenant of peace’ and that he and his offspring will be Kohanim. Hashem

commands Bnei Yisrael to attack Midian for what they had done to Bnei Yisrael.

At this point, the people are camped on the bank of the Jordan river across from Jericho.

It is from here that they are getting prepared to cross the Jordan and attack the first city,

Jericho. Hashem orders another census to be taken. The commentators offer various opinions

on why this census was necessary. The total number of Men was 601,730. This is 1,820 fewer

than when they left Egypt 40 years prior.

Next we read the story of Tzelophchad’s daughters with the subsequent laws of

inheritance. Tzelophchad, from the tribe of Menashe son of Yosef, died leaving behind five

daughters and no sons. When dividing up the land each man was supposed to get a piece of

land in his tribe’s territory. If and when he died the piece of land would be transferred to his

sons. Tzelophchad’s daughters did not want their father not to have any land attributed to his

progeny. They wanted to inherit their father’s “estate”. Moshe inquires of Hashem on what to

do. Hashem commands that they do receive his portion of land. Hashem also spells out the

rules for the future. A man’s inheritance goes to his sons. If he has no sons his daughters are next in line. If he has no daughters either, then it goes to his brother, and it keeps going until they find the closest relative, and he or she receives the inheritance.


As Moshe cannot enter the land, Hashem commands Moshe to go up to Har Ebarim

where he will die without crossing over the Jordan because he disobeyed Hashem in Midbar

Tzin. Moshe asks Hashem for a successor and Hashem tells Moshe to appoint Yehoshua theson of Nun.

The  parasha concludes with a listing of the special sacrifices for all the holidays. We

read these portions as the Maftir on their respective holidays. There are the Korbanot for

Shabbat, Rosh Hodesh, Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Shemini



Pinhas Quiz


1) Q. According to some opinions, in this parasha, Pinchas was rewarded with the Kehuna, but

when his father Elazar and his grandfather Aharon were anointed Kohanim, Hashem told them

that their offspring would also be Kohanim. So why wasn’t Pinchas already a Kohen?

A. Aharon and Elazar, in a sense, became holy after the anointing, so that any child they

had afterwards would also be ‘holy’ and be a Kohen. Pinchas was born prior to the anointing

and therefore would not have the Kedusha of being a Kohen, had Hashem not specifically given

him this reward.


2) Q. Hashem commanded an attack on Midian because of how they treated us. Moab also

did the same thing why didn’t Hashem command an attack on Moab?

A. In reality it is unclear. It could be they were too strong for us, which is difficult to imagine

since we have God on our side and where able to defeat the mightiest nation the Egyptians. It

may be similar to the reason we did not simply attacks Pelishtim and take the short route to the

Promised Land. The midrash elaborates that we did not attack them for the sake of Ruth, a

future descendent of Moab who would convert to Judaism. It is interesting to see that Hamidrash written by our rabbis would explain that we would not attack an entire nation that was hostile to us simply because a future person hundreds of years later would convert to Judaism.


3) Q. Why did Korach's children survive?

A. According to the midrash, although they originally participated in the plot against Moshe,

they repented and were spared.


4) Q. When the Torah enumerated the families of Asher, why was Serach bat Asher


A. The Midrash explains that this is because she was the only granddaughter of Yaakob

that was still alive (If this Midrash is taken literally, she would be bout 300 years old at this time

and it contradicts the verse that states that only Yehoshua and Caleb survived the 40 years to

enter the land). The Midrash relates that when the brothers had to tell Yaakob that Yosef was

still alive they wanted to break it to him gently so they asked Serach to sing the news to him.

Ya’akob told her that if Yosef was really still alive that she should live forever. She lived on earth

for several centuries receiving a portion of the land and was elevated to Gan Eden (Targum

Yonatan). Clearly, this midrash is not meant literally.


5) Q. How long did it take to conquer and divide the Land?

A. It took Seven years to conquer and seven years to divide.


6) Q. How was the Land divided?

A. By lot and by the Urim and Tummim (the stones on the breast plate of the Kohen Gadol

which would light up with messages from Hashem.)


Il y a un Midrash qui dit que Pin’has et le prophète Éli    sont la même personne.    Quel est le sens de cela ?

La même âme est descendue au monde deux fois : une première fois dans le corps de Pin’has et une seconde fois dans le corps d’Élie.

Selon le Midrash, Pin’has et le prophète Élie sont la même personne. Le sens le plus simple de cet enseignement est que la même âme est descendue au monde deux fois : une première fois dans le corps de Pin’has et une seconde fois dans le corps d’Élie.

La même affirmation se retrouve à plusieurs endroits dans le Midrash. Il est intéressant de noter que les phrases « Pin’has est Élie » et « Élie est Pin’has » sont écrites de manière interchangeable. Lorsque le sujet est Pin’has, le Midrash dit que Pin’has est Élie. Quand c’est d’Élie qu’il s’agit, le Midrash dit qu’Élie est Pin’has.

Puisque le prophète Élie a vécu des centaines d’années après Pin’has, il serait apparemment plus logique de dire qu’« Élie est Pin’has », et non l’inverse. Après tout, Pin’has vécut avant Élie, et fut donc Pin’has avant d’être Élie.

Selon une explication du Zohar, l’âme d’Élie fut en fait créée lors des Six Jours de la Création. Depuis lors, son existence fut celle d’un ange, mais, à l’occasion, il descend dans le monde sous forme humaine, né d’une mère et d’un père.

Voilà pourquoi le Midrash utilise parfois l’expression « Pin’has est Élie », même si Pin’has est né en premier : l’essence, l’âme d’Élie existait avant que Pin’has naquit.

Élie et Pin’has menèrent des vies similaires et leurs chemins se complètent. Pin’has est un symbole de zèle pour D.ieu et Ses commandements. Il fit montre de sacrifice de soi pour éviter que le nom de D.ieu soit profané. Le prophète Élie est un invité à chaque circoncision, pour témoigner que les Juifs inscrivent leur lien avec D.ieu dans leur chair.

À travers notre engagement résolu à réaliser la volonté de D.ieu, comme nous l’enseignent les actions de Pin’has et d’Élie, nous mériterons la Rédemption, qui sera annoncée par le prophète Élie – qui est Pin’has.

Sources : Genèse 1,20. Yalkout Chimoni, Pin’has. Zohar III 15,1. Iguerot Kodech, vol. 3, p. 160. Likoutei Si’hot vol. 2, p. 343.




Pourquoi le nom de notre père serait-il retranché du milieu de sa famille, parce qu'il n'avait point eu de fils? Donne-nous une possession parmi les frères de notre père. Moïse porta la cause devant l'Éternel.Et l'Éternel dit à Moïse:  Les filles de Tselophchad ont raison. Tu leur donneras en héritage une possession parmi les frères de leur père, et c'est à elles que tu feras passer l'héritage de leur père.Tu parleras aux enfants d'Israël, et tu diras: Lorsqu'un homme mourra sans laisser de fils, vous ferez passer son héritage à sa fille. S'il n'a point de fille, vous donnerez son héritage à ses frères.S'il n'a point de frères, vous donnerez son héritage aux frères de son père. S'il n'y a point de frères de son père, vous donnerez son héritage au plus proche parent dans sa famille, et c'est lui qui le possédera. Ce sera pour les enfants d'Israël une loi et un droit, comme l'Éternel l'a ordonné à Moïse.






Ne te charge jamais d'épauler le méchant


Ce qui atteint le coeur de la mère ne monte qu'aux genoux du père.


Autant le mot est léger pour celui qui le jette, autant il est lourd pour celui qui le reçoit.

Pour croire avec certitude, il faut commencer par douter

Couche-toi et sois malade, tu sauras qui te veut du bien et qui te veut du mal.

Demain est souvent le jour le plus chargé de la semaine.

Mieux vaut un oiseau dans la main que cent en vol.

Par le chemin "plus tard", on arrive toujours à la place "jamais".

Rentre ton foin tant que le soleil brille.


Le mauvais écrivain blâme sa plume.








There is none so blind as those who will not See

In every life a little rain must fall.

The early bird catches the worm

Don't cross a bridge until you come to it

To everything there is a season.

One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs

There is no place like home

A bicycle can't stand on its own because it's two-tired.

 Life is what you make it


The Shabbat smile:


A young stranger in New York was seeking Yeshiva University but the many directions he had received only confused him and he became lost. Luckily, he saw a learned old man approaching him with a load of books under his arm. He stopped the professorial man. "Tell me, sir, how do I get to Yeshiva University?"

The old man thought about the question for a moment or two and then replied,

" Study, young man. Constant study!"


==Which is more important, the sun or the moon?" Yossef asked the rabbi.

" What a silly question!" snapped the cleric. "The moon, of course! It shines at night when we really need it. But who needs the sun to shine when it is already broad daylight?"


=Chutzpah is going to the psychiatrist because of a split personality, and asking for a group rate.


Daniel, the fattest man in the town went to see his doctor for a check up. Dr. Epstein told him that he needed to lose weight immediately, and the best way to do it would be for him to start running seven miles a day.

Daniel followed Dr. Epstein’s advice, and it seemed to be working. After only 40 days he had lost over 30 pounds.

Daniel phoned Dr. Epstein and thanked him very much for the excellent advice. But at the end of the conversation, Daniel said, “Doctor, I just have one more question. How do I get home, now that I am 280 miles away from home?"


Le sourire du Chabbat


Jacob rencontre Réouven dans la rue.

- Alors Réouven, il parait que tu viens de te marier ?

- Oui, d'ailleurs comme tu le vois, j'ai fait mes valises pour partir en voyage de noces.

- C'est super, et où vas-tu ?

- À Jérusalem.

- Très bien, mais où est ta femme ?

- Au magasin, comme ça, on peut rester ouverts pendant mon absence



Un juif rentre dans un magasin de pompes funèbres israélite.

- Bonjour, que puis-je pour vous ?

- Eh ben voila, ma femme vient de décéder, et je viens pour organiser son enterrement.

- Mais, vous n'avez pas déjà perdu votre femme l'année dernière ?

- Oui oui, mais je me suis remarié..

Ah bon je ne savais pas, Mazal Tov!!!





































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Wed, April 24 2024 16 Nisan 5784