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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT VAYETSÉ 28 NOVEMBRE 2020/ 12 KISLEV 5781

11/27/2020 10:58:23 AM



candle lighting 3:56 pm
chabbat morning :9:00 am
havdalla :5:03  pm


                                28 novembre 2020  -  12 Kislev 5781


Histoire de puits

Nous voyons dans la Torah que :

Elyezer (Ytshak ) a rencontré Rebecca au puits

Jacob a rencontré Rachel au puits

Moché a rencontré Tsipora au puits 

Un conseil à ceux qui cherchent l’âme soeur

Allez à la recherche d’un puits 



          Parachat Vayetsé illustre le début de la nation juive

       Avec la naissance de 12 fils de Jacob qui

   deviendront plus tard les 12 tribus d’Israël




Stella Romano (Zl) épouse de Elie Romano 

Binyamin Diwan ( Zl) époux de Esther Diwan

Fortunée Dana(Zl)  , mére de Raymonde Dana 



 Et Jacob poursuivit son chemin et des anges de Dieu le rencontrèrent. 3 Lorsqu’il les vit, Jacob dit : « C’est un camp divin » et il appela cet endroit Ma’hanaïm.

Ce passage, tiré de la Paracha d’ujourd’hui fait partie de Téfillat Hadérekh qu’on lit avant d’entreprendre un voyage 





Jacob  quitte Beer Cheva pour se rendre à ‘Haran. Sur la route, il parvient « au lieu » où il s’étend pour dormir et rêve d’une échelle reliant le ciel à la terre, sur laquelle des anges montent et descendent. D.ieu lui apparaît et lui promet que la terre sur laquelle il repose sera donnée à ses descendants. Au matin, fait de la pierre sur laquelle il avait posé sa tête un monument et s’engage à faire de cet endroit la Maison de D.ieu A ‘Haran, demeure chez son oncle Laban pour qui il travaille comme berger. Laban accepte de lui donner pour épouse sa fille cadette Rachel, que Jacob aime, en échange de sept années de travail. Mais au soir du mariage, Laban remplace Rachel par Léa, sa sœur aînée et Jacob ne découvre la tromperie qu'au matin. Il n'épousera Rachel qu'une semaine plus tard après avoir accepté de servir Laban sept années supplémentaires. Alors que Rachel reste stérile, Léa donne naissance à six garçons : Réouven, Chimone (Simon), Lévi, Yéhouda (Judah), Issakhar et Zévouloun (Zébulon), et à une fille Dinah. Rachel donne sa servante Bilah comme épouse à , et deux garçons naissent : Dan et Naphtali. Léa agit de même avec sa servante Zilpah, qui donne naissance à Gad et Asher. Rachel est finalement enceinte et enfante Joseph. Après avoir travaillé quatorze ans chez Laban, souhaite s’en retourner chez lui. Mais Laban le persuade de rester, acceptant désormais de rétribuer son travail, en lui donnant du bétail. connaît la prospérité en dépit des efforts de Laban pour le flouer. Au bout de six années, Jacob quitte secrètement ‘Haran, de crainte que Laban l’empêche de partir avec sa famille et les biens pour lesquels il a travaillé. Laban le rattrape mais, dans un songe, D.ieu le met en garde de ne pas lui porter atteinte. Jacob poursuit son voyage vers la Terre Sainte, et des anges viennent à sa rencontre (


Commentary on Parshat Vayetse

On his way to his uncle Laban’s, Jacob dreams of a ladder that stretches up from earth to heaven. There are angels of God ascending and descending the ladder.

God stands behind Jacob and says, “I am God, the God of your father Abraham and the God of your father Isaac. I will give to you and your seed the land where you are sleeping. And your seed will be as dust of the earth and spread in all directions, and through you will all the families on earth be blessed. I am with you and will guard you. I will not leave you until I have accomplished what I have promised.”

Jacob and Rachel Meet

Jacob awoke from his sleep, saying, “Truly, God is in this place and I did not know it. This is a house of God. This is a gate of heaven.”

The next morning, Jacob anointed a memorial stone with oil and named the place Beth El. Then Jacob made a vow, “If God will be with me and will keep me on this path and give me bread to eat and clothing to wear, and I will return in peace to the house of my father, then God shall be God to me. And this memorial stone shall be a house of God, and all that God will give to me, I will tithe to God repeatedly.


Jacob continued his journey. He saw a well in the field and three flocks of sheep lying there. There was a rock that was to be moved from the well in order to access the water. Jacob said to the men gathered there, “Do you know Laban?”

“Yes,” they answered. “He is well and his daughter, Rachel, the shepherdess, will soon be coming with her sheep.”

Soon, Rachel did come with her father’s sheep. When Jacob saw Rachel, he caused the rock to roll from the mouth of the well in order to water the sheep. Jacob kissed Rachel, then wept. Thereupon Jacob told Rachel that he was her kinsman, and she ran and told her father. Jacob ended up staying with Laban for a month. 

Laban and Jacob Make a Deal

Then Laban said to Jacob, “Even if you are my kinsman, should you serve me without compensation? What shall your wages be?”

Now, Laban had two daughters. The older daughter was Leah and the younger daughter was Rachel. Jacob loved Rachel and said to Laban, “I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter, Rachel.” Laban agreed. So Jacob served for Rachel seven years, but they were only a few days in his eyes because of his love for her. And Jacob said to Laban, “My working days are complete. Give me my wife.”

Laban threw a big feast. When it was evening, he took his eldest daughter Leah, and brought her to Jacob for their wedding night. But when morning came and Jacob saw it was Leah, he said, “What have your done to me? Did I not serve you for Rachel? Why have you deceived me?”

Laban responded, “It is not our tradition to give the younger daughter before the elder. Complete the wedding week with Leah and we shall give you Rachel for another seven years of work.”

The Tribes are Born

Jacob served another seven years, and Laban gave him Rachel. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. When God saw that Leah was the hated one, God opened her womb. Leah conceived and bore a son, Reuben, for, “God has looked into my affliction! Now my husband will love me!” She conceived another son, Shimeon, saying, “God has heard that I am the hated one and has given me another son.” Then she had another son, Levi, saying, “Now my husband will attach himself to me for I have borne him three sons.” Next she had Judah, saying, “Now I shall give thanks to God.” Then Leah stopped conceiving children.

When Rachel saw she had not born Jacob any children, she envied her sister. She said to him, “Give me children or else I will die.”

But Jacob was angry with Rachel saying “Am I in God’s place? Who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?”

So Rachel gave Jacob her maidservant, Bilhah. Bilhah conceived and bore Jacob a son. Rachel said, “God has judged me and has heard my weeping and given me a son,” and called him Dan. Bilhah then bore Jacob another son, Naphtali, for “I have fought a Divine struggle with my sister and I have prevailed.”

When Leah saw she was no longer bearing children, she gave her maidservant Zilpah to Jacob. Zilpah bore Jacob a son, Gad, saying, “Good fortune has come.” Zilpah then bore Jacob another son, Asher, for Leah said, “I am happy in my progress, for women have praised my progress.”

Then Leah conceived a fifth son for Jacob. She called him Yissakhar, saying, “God has given me my wages because I gave my maidservant to my husband.” Leah conceived a sixth son, Zebulun, for Leah said, “God has given me a good portion, now my husband will make his home with me, for I have borne him six sons.” Leah also bore Jacob a daughter, Dinah.

God Remembered Rachel

Then God remembered Rachel. God opened her womb and she bore Jacob a son, saying, “God has taken away my disgrace.” She named him Joseph, adding, “May God give me yet another son.”

At this time, Jacob said to Laban. “I want to go home.”

Laban answered, “I believe that God has blessed me for your sake. What shall I give you?”

They agreed upon an arrangement where Laban’s animals were divided. God tells Jacob in a dream that it is time for him to return to his homeland.

While Laban is away from the house, Rachel steals her father’s idols and Jacob leaves without saying good-bye. When Laban heard that Jacob had fled, he came after them. But God came to Laban in a dream saying, “Do not speak to Jacob either good or bad.”

Stolen Idols

The next day, Laban said to Jacob, “What have you done? You have robbed my heart, taking my daughters like prisoners of war. Why did you flee in secret? I would have sent you away with joy and songs. It is within my power to hurt you, but your God told me not to. I can see you wanted to go home, but why did you steal my gods?”

“I left secretly because I was afraid you might take your daughters from me by force. But with whomever you find your idol gods, he shall not remain alive.” Now, Jacob did not know that it was Rachel who had taken the idols. Rachel had them underneath her on the cushion of the camel, so when Laban searched, he could not find them.

Now this made Jacob angry. He said, “What is my crime and what my sin that you pursued me? For twenty years, I have worked for you, serving fourteen years for your two daughters, six years for your flock and you changed my pay ten times. Had it not been for my God, you would now have sent me away empty-handed. God saw my misery and proved it in your dream last night.”

Laban answered, “Now, all that is here is mine. Let us make a covenant, between us. If you should cause my daughters to suffer or if you take wives besides my daughters, God is our witness.” And they took stones and raised it high as memorial stones and then had a feast.

The next day, Laban rose early and blessed them and returned home. Jacob went upon his way and angels of God met him. Jacob then called this place, Mahanayim, “a camp of God.”




 Lesmariages de Jacob avec Ra’hel et Léah, les filles de Laban, sont relatés dans la paracha de cette semaine et de nombreux commentateurs cherchent à expliquer comment Jacob put épouser deux sœurs, sachant qu’il observait toute la Torah avant que celle-ci fût donnée1 et que la Torah l’interdit explicitement. Ils ont pris sur eux d’observer la Torah tout entière – bien qu’ils n’en eussent pas reçu l’ordre – afin d’ajouter une dimension supplémentaire à leur dévotion envers D.ieu. Jacob avait promis à Rachel qu’il l’épouserait. Ne pas accomplir cette promesse aurait été malhonnête, et aurait mis Rachel en grande détresse car elle craignait d’être alors donnée en mariage à Ésaü. Dès lors, bien qu’il fût déjà marié à Léah, il était défendu à Jacob d’observer la future loi interdisant d’épouser deux sœurs et il était de son devoir de tenir sa promesse envers Rachel et de l’épouser. Il y a dans cette histoire, une leçon simple et claire pour nous tous : si une personne désire prendre sur elle des observances supplémentaires, elle doit d’abord s’assurer que ceci ne se fera pas aux dépens de quelqu’un d’autre. (


Vayetse Quiz


  1. 1) Q. Who instituted the Arvit (evening) prayer?


  1. A. The midrash teaches us that Ya’akob instituted that prayer. The Midrash also states that

  2. Abraham instituted Shaharit and Yitzhak instituted minha. Of course, these prayers as we recite

  3. them today were written much later by the rabbis in place of the sacrifices, however we also

  4. attribute the concept of saying these prayers to the forefathers.

  6. 2) Q. In his dream, Ya’akob saw angels ascending and descending. What were the missions of

these angels?

A. According to the Midrash, the ascending angels accompanied Ya’akob while he was in

Eretz Canaan and were not permitted to leave the Land. The descending angels accompanied

Ya’akob outside the Land.


3) Q. Why did Hashem promise Ya’akob, “I am with you” (28:15)?

A. To reassure Ya’akob, since he was afraid of Esav and Lavan.


4) Q. Why did Ya’akob cry when he met Rachel?

A. Rashi gives two midrashic explanations 1) He perceived prophetically that they would not be buried together. 2)Because he didn’t have money and Jewelry to give Rachel (like Eliezer gave

Rebecca). He didn’t have anything because Eliphaz, the son of Esav, pursued him to kill him and

when he caught him, Ya’akob said instead of killing me take all my possessions, and I will be like

a dead person.


5) Q. What kind of work did Ya’akob do for Lavan?

A. Ya’akob tended his sheep.


6) Q. Why were Leah’s eyes tender?

A. According to Midrash, everyone used to say that Rebecca had two boys, and her brother,

Lavan, had two girls, probably the older ones will marry each other and the younger ones will

marry each other. So she cried continually because she thought she was destined to marry Eisav.


7) Q. How old was Ya’akob when he married Leah and Rachel?

A. The midrash (Bereshit Raba) teaches that he was 84 years old at the time. He thought to

himself I am already 84 years old and I still have to father and raise twelve tribes, so he told Lavan

to let him marry Rachel right away so he can start raising his family.


8) Q. How come Ya’akob did not realize it wasn’t Leah he was marrying?

A. Ya’akob knew that Lavan would try to trick him so he gave Rachel “signs” that she would

give him at the wedding, so that he would know for sure that it was her. When Lavan switched

them, Rachel felt bad because Leah would be very embarrassed if she didn’t know the signs and

Ya’akob exposed her identity to everyone. Rachel could not let her sister be embarrassed, even

at the expense of her not getting married, so she gave her the signs. This type of Midrash was

written to explain a verse in the Torah that is difficult to understand. When reading the story, an

obvious problem is that Ya’akob could marry and have relations with someone and not even

realize who it was till the morning. This is why the midrash creates a possible addition to the story

in order to help solve the question. Another possible explanation is that since they were sisters,

they looked very similar and especially in the dark it would have been difficult to tell them apart till

the morning.


9) Q. How long after marrying Leah did Ya’akob marry Rachel?

A. Seven days. He had to work for Rachel another seven years after marrying her.


10) Q. “Hashem remembered Rachel” (30:22). What did He remember?

A. That Rachel gave Leah the “signs of recognition” that Ya’akob had taught her, so that she

wouldn’t be embarrassed. The midrash sees this as a good action even though it was ultimately

tricking Ya’akob.





God gave man two ears and one mouth, so listen more and talk less.


May God protect you from bad people, and save yourself from good ones!


Any Jew knows what’s better.


When an old maiden marries, she becomes a young wife.


God cannot be everywhere at once, that’s why He created mothers.


All people are good from afar.


Keeping good silence is harder than talking good.


The world will not disappear because there are many people, but because there are too many non-people.


A bad partner is worse than rain — the latter makes you go home, while the former makes you go outside.


God help me rise to my feet; a fall is what I can do myself.






 Mommy's little boy

A young Jewish mother walks her son to the school bus corner on his first day of kindergarten.

"Behave, my bubaleh," she says.

"Take good care of yourself and think about your mother, tataleh!"

"And come right back home on the bus, schein kindaleh."

"Your Mommy loves you a lot, my ketsaleh!"

At the end of the school day the bus comes back and she runs to her son and hugs him.

"So what did my pupaleh learn on his first day of school?"

The boy answers, "I learned that my name is David."



A guy is given instructions from his father for his first date. His father tells him, "If you find that you have run out of things to talk about, always remember the three Fs: 1)family, 2)food, and 3)philosophy

The guy goes and meets the girl and as soon as they see each other they run out of things to say. Remembering his father's wise advice, he employs the three Fs. "So do you have any brothers or sisters," he asks?

"Nope," she responds

The guy moves onto the next "F." "Well, do you like gefilte fish?"

"Nope," she responds again.

Getting exasperated the guy says "Well if you had brothers and sisters -- do you think they would have liked gefilte fish?"



A man and woman are having marriage problems and decide to meet with the Rabbi in order to prevent the termination of their very short relationship. The Rabbi asks the husband, "What has brought you to the point where you are not able to keep this marriage together?"

The husband says, "In the six weeks we've been together, we haven't been able to agree on one thing."

"Seven weeks," the wife says.




C'est une dame qui achète une armoire en kit chez un marchand de mobilier Suédois très connu. Comme son mari se moque souvent de ses qualités de bricoleuse, elle décide de la monter toute seule.

Elle revient chez elle, déballe le tout, lit la notice multilingue et commence. ..

Malgré les difficultés, elle se débrouille assez bien, et le résultat est honorable.

A ce moment, le train passe et provoque quelques vibrations qui suffisent à faire s'écrouler le bel édifice.

Elle recommence avec davantage d'application mais quand le train passe à nouveau, tout s'écroule ! Même résultat après une troisième tentative.

Elle appelle le magasin qui lui a promis d’envoyer un employé pour l’aider . En deux temps trois mouvements, l'armoire est montée et il décide d'entrer dans l'armoire pour voir quelle pièce cède quand le train arrive.

A ce moment, le mari rentre :

- "Tiens tu as acheté une nouvelle armoire ?"

Il ouvre la porte, tombe sur le vendeur : Que faites vous ici ???



- "Peut-être vous n’allez pas me croire , mais j'attend s le train ..." !!






Un jeune garçon rentre à la maison avec un carnet de notes rempli de zéros ! En colère son père lui lance :

- Quand Georges Washington avait ton âge, il était premier de sa classe !

- Oui, papa, mais quand il avait le tien, il était déjà Président des Etats-Unis !



Si vous voyagez prochainement en Belgique, soyez attentifs. Le gouvernement vient de décider qu'au 1er Janvier prochain, sur tout le territoire, les automobiles devront rouler à gauche et non plus à droite. Si l'expérience est concluante, à partir du 1er février la mesure sera adoptée pour les camions.










David Hasson





































les ?








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Maghen Abraham
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Thu, April 18 2024 10 Nisan 5784