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		                                    Maghen Abraham		                                </span>

M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT LEKH LEKHA 30 OCTOBRE 2020/ A3 HECHVAN 5781

10/30/2020 11:42:40 AM



candle lighting 5:25 pm
chabbat morning :9:00 am
havdalla :6:28  pm










 31 OCTOBRE 2020/ 13 HECHVAN 5781

La circoncision est le seul commandement qui soit scellé dans notre chair. Par elle, chaque Juif est physiquement et irrévocablement relié à D.ieu, et il nous est ainsi donné le pouvoir de transcender nos tendances matérielles pour manifester notre véritable nature divine.1


N’oubliez pas de reculer les montres une d’une heure samedi soir.

A t-on vraiment besoin d’ajouter une heure de plus

à l’année 2020 ???? 


Bon anniversaire  à Albert Arazi , 

Marc David Hadid (hébreu) , et Nathalie -Dahan Hadid (hébreu )







Lekh Lekha: la vocation d’Abraham


Adapté par Moshé Wisnefsky


La troisième section du Livre de la Genèse entame la chronique d’Abraham qui fut choisi par D.ieu pour être le fondateur du peuple juif. Celui qui inverserait la spirale de dégénérescence morale dans laquelle l’humanité avait été enfermée depuis son bannissement du Jardin d’Éden. Le nom de cette section (Lekh Lekha) vient des premiers mots adressés par D.ieu à Abraham : «Va t’en », par lesquels il lui enjoignit de quitter sa Mésopotamie natale (l’actuel Irak) et de s’établir dans la Terre Promise. Tout au long de ses pérégrinations, Abraham défia le paganisme et diffusa l’idée que c’est du D.ieu unique que dépend en permanence toute la réalité de ce monde.








La circoncision est le seul commandement qui soit scellé dans notre chair. Par elle, chaque Juif est physiquement et irrévocablement relié à D.ieu, et il nous est ainsi donné le pouvoir de transcender nos tendances matérielles pour manifester notre véritable nature divine.1

D.ieu s’adresse à Avram et lui ordonne : « Va pour toi hors de ta terre, de ton pays natal et de la maison de ton père, vers la terre que Je te montrerai ». Là, dit-Il, « Je ferai de toi une grande nation » et « toutes les familles de la terre seront bénies par toi ». Avram et son épouse Saraï, accompagnés de leur neveu Loth, voyagent vers la terre de Canaan où Avram construit un autel pour D.ieu et continue de diffuser le message de l’existence d’un D.ieu unique.

Une famine contraint le premier

Juif à se rendre en Egypte. Les princes du Pharaon voyant la beauté de Saraï la conduisent au palais. Avram échappe à la mort car lui et Saraï se sont présentés comme frère et sœur. Mais une plaie frappe Pharaon et sa maison, l’empêchant de toucher à Saraï, ce qui le convainc de la rendre à Avram et de compenser ce dernier par de l’or, de l’argent et du bétail

A leur retour en Canaan, Loth se sépare d’Avram et s’installe dans la cité corrompue de Sodome. Il est fait captif lorsque les puissantes armées de Kedarlaomer et ses trois alliés conquièrent les cinq cités de la vallée de Sodome. Avram arme alors une troupe et part à la poursuite de ces derniers qu’il défait, libérant Loth. Il est alors béni par Malki-Tsedek, roi de Chalem (Jérusalem).

D.ieu conclut avec Avram « l’Alliance entre les Morceaux », lors de laquelle l’exil (la Galouth) et la persécution du peuple d’Israël sont annoncés, et, en même temps, la Terre Sainte lui est donnée en héritage éternel


Toujours sans enfants dix ans après leur arrivée en terre de Canaan, Saraï enjoint son mari, d’épouser Hagar sa servante. Celle-ci tombe bientôt enceinte et « sa maîtresse devint méprisable à ses yeux ». Saraï la traite alors durement et Hagar s’enfuit. Un ange la convainc de retourner auprès de sa maîtresse et lui annonce que son fils sera le père d’une nation particulièrement nombreuse : Ismaël naît alors qu’Avram est âgé de 86 ans.

Treize années plus tard, D.ieu change le nom d’Avram en Avraham (« père d’une multitude ») et celui de Saraï en Sarah (« princesse ») et leur promet la naissance d’un fils. De cet enfant, qu’ils appelleront Isaac (« il rira »), descendra la grande nation avec laquelle sera maintenue l’alliance. D.ieu ordonne à Avraham de se circoncire, lui et ses descendants en « signe de l’alliance entre Moi et vous ».




Jewish History

Yitzhak Rabin (1995)

Today is the Hazkara  of Yitzhak Rabin, Commander-in-Chief of the IDF during the Six Day War and later Prime Minister of Israel, was assassiYitzhak Rabin, (zl) (born March 1, 1922, Jerusalem—died November 4, 1995, Tel Aviv–Yafo, Israel), Israeli statesman and soldier who, as prime minister of Israel (1974–77 and 1992–95), led his country toward peace with its Palestinian and Arab neighbours. He was chief of staff of Israel’s armed forces during the Six-Day War (June 1967). Along with Shimon Peres, his foreign minister, and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) chairman Yasser Arafat, Rabin received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 19The territorial concessions aroused intense opposition among many Israelis, particularly settlers in the West Bank. In November 1995 Rabin attended a mass peace rally in Tel Aviv, which was held to muster support for the Israel-PLO accords. The rally ended with tragedy when Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist.




Why were Bnei Yisrael destined to become slaves in Egypt?

For about 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, there was a loss of the understanding and appreciation of the one creator. Noah seems to have understood it but then another 10 generations go by.

Finally, after all this time, Abraham, makes a real connection to God. God commands him to leave his

homeland and Abraham follows God’s command. The climax is the blessing and covenant we refer to as

Berit Ben Habitarim. This is the great blessing and covenant from God to Abraham, the forefather of our


Another opinion is that of the Torah. The Torah writes in verse 16 above that in the 4th

generation they will return to the Promised Land...for the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet full.

For whatever reason it seems that we cannot inherit the land until that point. This however

doesn’t explain why they needed to be slaves and tortured during that time. One thing to note

in this verse is that it is only 4 generations but the verse before said 400 years. 4 generations

do not take 400 years.

6. Ach Moshe – All the above commentaries explain why Abraham was punished with this

decree. However, it may be possible that this was not a punishment at all. Maybe the purpose

of the slavery was to help us improve as a nation rather than to simply punish us. Think about

how much of our religion is related to the Exodus from Egypt (had we not gone down to be

slaves there would have been no exodus). The 3 major holidays in the year are related to the

Exodus, the Exodus leads to Matan Torah, many of the laws of social justice are related to us

having been slaves once and recognizing that and learning to treat others better, etc. The

going down to Egypt and the subsequent Exodus including the 10 plagues showing the world

the power of the 1 true God and the ensuing revelation at Sinai are integral parts of our religion

and our connection to God. We truly (and literally) thank God every single day of our lives in

the prayers for sending us down to, and taking us out of, Egypt. It is what made us the great

nation we became. In the words of the great Andy Grammer (who I heard in concert and is

very talented) “I wish you pain”


Which positive command is the most unique mitsva, above all positive


Circumcision. Many people will remind us that all parts of the

Torah are equally important and that we are uncomfortable saying that one portion is more

important, and another segment is less important. We also know from Pirke Avot that we should  not perform laws because we believe them to be important and ignore other laws that we don’t see as being such important laws. However, Maimonides does go out of his way in this case to say that the law of circumcision is a great commandment and that if someone doesn’t circumcise their son, he has transgressed a positive commandment that is very great and very severe above all the other positive commandments. This may be because it essentially defines someone as

being part of the group and defines the person for his life. This is different than a passing mitzvah that one does at one point in his life but doesn’t necessarily define him as a person. It is also one

of two positive commandments that receives the punishment of karet for transgressing. Do you know what the other one is?

There is an interesting question regarding whether one is constantly performing the

mitzvah of circumcision every day, or is the mitzvah only performed at the time of the circumcision.

Another way of looking at it is what is the actual commandment. Is it to live life while being

circumcised and the actual procedure is simply a technicality to get there, or is the procedure itself not just a technicality, but the actual mitzvah itself and once it is completed the performance of

the mitzvah is completed as well?








"The Jew, by virtue of his origin, will always belong to Judaism, even if he or his ancestors changed their faith."




Ten measures of beauty were given the world, nine were taken by Jerusalem and one by all the rest."


If a man man sees trouble brewing, let him examine his own acts!


"I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them. "


If you do not respect your parents, your children will not respect you."


What God is to the world, parents are to their children


"As an olive tree does not lose its foliage in summer or winter, so Israel will never be lost, here or hereafter


If a land has a soul, then Jerusalem is the soul of the Land of Israel.




Moishe and Miriam were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. The next week, Moishe realized that he would need Miriam to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight to Chicago. Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (AND LOSE), Moishe wrote on a piece of paper, "Please wake me at 5:00 AM."

The next morning Moishe woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and that he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't woken him when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, "It is 5:00 AM. Wake up!"



"Mommy, why are you rubbing that on your face?" he asked.

"To help make myself beautiful," said his mother.

A few minutes later, she began removing the cream with a tissue.

"What's the matter?" Moishie asked. "Are you giving up?"




Moishe and Miriam were sitting on the couch together and Moishe was dozing off so Miriam carefully removed his glasses. Moishe opened his eyes.

"You know, honey," Miriam said sweetly, "without your glasses, you look like the same handsome young man I married."

"Honey," Moishe replied with a grin, "without my glasses, you still look pretty good too!"




Deux amis se rencontrent:

- Et ton fils, que fait-il

- Toujours dans l'avation

- Est-ce qu'il vole

- Pas souvent, un bidon d'essence par ci et un autre par la.



Une femme raconte à son amie qu'elle n'arrive pas à dormir la nuit; Hier elle a compté jusqu'à 3,750 pommes de terre

Son amie lui demande pourquoi elle compte des pommes de terre et pas des moutons comme tout le monde.

Elle répond : Oh non, pas de moutons pour moi, je suis végétarienne.


Un homme qui perd ses cheveux demande au pharmacien un produit qui

fait pousser les cheveux. le pharmacien lui montre un produit assez fort.

- Est-ce qu'il est efficace, demande le client

-Le pharmacien dit: Regardez bien le caissier avec la moustache, c'est ma femme

elle a essayé d'ouvrir le tube avec sa bouche.






David Hasson






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Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada 
Tel: 514-943-6779514-943-6779-943-6779. David Hasson-737-3695

Thu, April 25 2024 17 Nisan 5784