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		                                    Maghen Abraham		                                </span>

M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT CHOFETIM 22 AOÛT 2020/ 2 ELOUL 5780

08/21/2020 01:14:57 PM



candle lighting 7:32pm
chabbat morning :9:00  am
havdalla 8:37 pm





2 ELOUL 5780


Ce Chabbat, nous nous joignons à la Spanish dans le grand sanctuaire . Nos Hazzanim dirigeront les prières suivant notre Minhag . Cet effort est un petit geste pour souligner notre solidarité avec la Spanish  . Le Kiddush est offert par Sandra et Ron Mashaal en honneur de Maghen Abraham et sera consommé dans le parc McKenzie , adjacent à la Synagogue

Chahrit: 9:00 am






Jusqu’à date 28 hommes et 29 femmes seulement  ont réservé  leurs sièges pour les fêtes. Nous vous demandons de vous inscrire le plus tôt possible, payer votre cotisation, afin que  que nous puissions préparer et organiser la salle .

Nous supplions tous les membres qui préfèrent prier à la maison à cause du virus, de payer leur cotisation même s’ils sont absents. Cette  période des fêtes est l’unique période de l’année qui nous aide à  remplir notre caisse et être en mesure  de subvenir aux besoins de la Synagogue pendant toute l’année   Nous comptons sur votre générosité

Ne faisons pas de Maghen Abraham une autre victime de Covid-19





Choftim - en bref

Moïse enjoint au peuple de nommer des juges et des officiers de police dans chaque cité. « Justice, c’est la justice que tu poursuivras », commande-t-il et elle devra être rendue sans corruption ni favoritisme. Les crimes seront l’objet d’investigations méticuleuses et les preuves soigneusement examinées. Il faut qu’au moins deux témoins crédibles soient entendus pour qu'un suspect soit reconnu coupable et qu’une sanction puisse être prononcée.

Dans chaque génération, dit Moïse, certains se verront confier la charge d’interpréter et d’appliquer les lois de la Torah. « Selon la doctrine qu’ils t’enseigneront, selon la règle qu’ils t’indiqueront tu procéderas ; ne t’écarte de ce qu’ils t’auront dit ni à droite ni à gauche. » La paracha de Choftim contient aussi les interdits relatifs à l’idolâtrie et à la sorcellerie, les lois régissant la nomination et la conduite d’un roi, les règles présidant à la création des « villes de refuge » destinées au meurtrier involontaire.

Nombre des lois de la guerre sont aussi affirmées : l’exemption du jeune marié, de celui qui vient de construire sa maison, de planter une vigne ou qui est effrayé ; l’obligation de proposer la paix avant d’attaquer une ville ; l'interdiction de détruire arbitrairement quelque chose de valeur, illustrée par la loi interdisant d'abattre un arbre fruitier en faisant le siège d'une ville (dans ce contexte, la Torah énonce la célèbre sentence « Car l'homme est un arbre des champs »).

La paracha s’achève avec la loi de la Eglah Aroufah, la procédure qui doit être suivie lorsqu’un cadavre dont le meurtrier est inconnu, est trouvé dans un champ, soulignant ainsi que la responsabilité de la communauté est engagée non seulement au regard de ce qui est commis, mais aussi pour les actes qu’elle n’a pu empêcher.

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After numerous consultations, meetings, and exchanges, we have decided on a plan based on two short separate services for the Mashaal Sanctuary and for the Iraqi Community in the Lawee Hall. Services will be back to back for each day of Rosh Hashanah, with a period in between to allow for cleaning and sanitizing. This of course, will depend on the number of attendees who decide to attend and conditions that warrant it. The other communities will have their own schedules and will convey them to their congregants. We will constantly be assessing the situation and shift course as the need arises to adjust to prevailing conditions.
Maghen Abraham will be in the Aintabi Hall, the Ashkenazi Community in Chevra Shaas, and the Moroccan Community in the Iny Chapel. Each hall will have its own separate entrance and there will be no movement whatsoever from one hall to the other, from or to the Mashaal Sanctuary, or from one floor to another. Masks will always have to be worn and social distancing will be rigorously maintained as well. All protocols and conditions will be adhered to and enforced. As difficult as it is to mention this, it is not advisable to kiss the Mezuzot.

It is highly recommended that each congregant in attendance bring their own Tallith and if possible, their own mahzor if they have one. Please bear in mind, that seating will be limited, and seats will be awarded on a first come fist served basis depending on when reservations are made and paid for. We will try as much as possible to accommodate people at or close to their regular seats and keep families under one roof together.

Unfortunately, due to regulations, children under the age of 12 will not be admitted. It will be left up to the discretion of our seniors as to whether they wish to attend, provided of course they have no medical restrictions, such as a chronic illness, or are medically compromised in any way.

One bright light is that in response to our suggestion, Cantor Benlolo has graciously agreed to conduct prior to the Holidays, full length services in the Mashaal Sanctuary, together with the choir and Shofar blowing, that will be recorded. That should compensate for the reduced services on the actual Holidays.Deutéronome 16, 18 - 21, 9


Placer sa confiance exclusivement en D.ieu

תָּמִים תִּהְיֶה עִם ה' אֱלֹקֶיךָ: (דברים יח:יג)

Moïse exhorta ensuite le peuple juif à ne se tourner que vers D.ieu pour ses besoins et à ne pas rechercher des moyens de prédire le futur.

Placer sa confiance exclusivement en D.ieu

תָּמִים תִּהְיֶה עִם ה' אֱלֹקֶיךָ: (דברים יח:יג)

[Moïse dit au peuple juif : « Plutôt que tenter de deviner le futur,] fait preuve d’intégrité envers D.ieu. » Deutéronome 18,13

Lorsque nous sommes reliés à D.ieu, nous ne sommes l’objet d’aucune forme de prédestination. Aussi ne devons-nous jamais nous soucier de prédire le futur, de nous libérer de « sorts » issus de forces réelles ou imaginaires, ou d’affronter les possibles influences sur notre vie de précédentes incarnations.

Le moyen le plus certain d’assurer notre bonheur et notre succès dans notre vie est de nous dévouer sincèrement à apprendre ce que D.ieu attend de nous (en étudiant Sa Torah), en lui adressant directement nos prières et en accomplissant Sa volonté.1







Mitsvot of Parashat Shofetim


Below are the 14 positive and 27 negative commandments in the parasha:

1) To appoint judges and officers.

 2) Not to plant trees in the temple or near the altar.

3) Not to set up any pillars that resemble idol worship.

 4) Not to sacrifice a blemished animal.

5-6) To abide by the court’s decisions, and not to deviate from them.

7-8) To chose a Jewish king, and not to chose a non-Jewish king.

 9) Not to return to Egypt.

10-13) A king may not have too many horses, wives, or money, and must write (at least) 2 Torah scrolls.

14-15) The tribe of Levi may not inherit any land in Israel, except for the appointed cities, and many not receive any booty from the wars.

16)To give the foreleg, the jaw, and the maw of all slaughtered kosher domesticated animals.

17)To give a portion (recommended 1/50, but not mandatory) of one’s grain, wine and oil to a Kohen.

18)To give the Kohen a portion of one’s flock shearings.

19) To make shifts for the Kohanim and Leviim.

20-25)Not to practice divinations, sorcery, be an animal charmer, inquire of Ov or Yidoni, or consult the dead.

 26)To listen to the true prophets.

27)Not to be a false prophet.

28)Not to prophesize in the name of an idol.

29)Not to fear executing false prophets.

30)To designate cities of refuge.

 31)Not to have pity on a murderer or someone who injured someone else on purpose.

32)Not to falsify boundary markers.

33)Not to convict on the testimony of one witness.

34)To punish a conspiring witness with the same punishment that the defendant would have received.

35)Not to be afraid when going into battle.

36)To anoint a special Kohen before a war.

 37)To give our enemy (in certain wars) the choice of fighting or giving in without killing them.

38)Not to allow any person from the seven nations that occupied Canaan to live.

 39)Not to destroy any fruit tree.

40-41)To break the heifer's neck (for an unsolved murder) in a harsh valley, and not to farm that land ever.



Si quelqu'un a bâti une maison neuve et n'en a pas encore pris possession, qu'il parte et s'en retourne à sa maison; car il pourrait mourir dans la bataille, et un autre en prendrait possession.


Si quelqu'un a planté une vigne et n'en a pas encore acquis la jouissance, qu'il parte et s'en retourne chez lui; car il pourrait mourir dans la bataille, et un autre acquerrait cette jouissance.


Et si quelqu'un a promis mariage à une femme et ne l'a pas encore épousée, qu'il parte et s'en retourne chez lui; car il pourrait mourir dans la bataille, et un autre homme l'épouserait."


Les préposés adresseront de nouveau la parole au peuple, et diront: "S'il est un homme qui ait peur et dont le cœur soit lâche, qu'il se retire et retourne chez lui, pour que le cœur de ses frères ne défaille point comme le sien!"


Alors, les préposés ayant fini de parler au peuple, on placera des officiers de légions à la tête de l'armée.


Quand tu marcheras sur une ville pour l'attaquer, tu l'inviteras d'abord à la paix.



Shofetim Quiz

1) Q. What is the role of Shofetim and Shoterim (judges and officers), and what qualifications must someone have in order to be appointed as a judge? A. Shofetim are the judges who pronounce the sentence. Shoterim are the officers who execute the sentence. The Judges must be experts in the law and they must be righteous.

 2) Q. "You will come to ... the judge who will be in those days (17:9)." Since it's impossible to go to a judge who lives at a different time, why does the Torah add these extra words? A. To teach that although the judge of a particular generation may not be as eminent as those of previous generations, the people are still obligated to obey him.

3) Q. How many horses, wives, and Torah scrolls may a king have, and what happens if he does not obey Hashem’s commands? A. He may only own as many horses as is sufficient for his carriages. He may only have eighteen wives. He must write two Torah scrolls, one of which stays in his treasuries and one which he carries with him at all times. If he does not follow Hashem's commandments his kingdom will not endure.

 4) Q. How was Shaul Hamelech punished for disobeying a command of the prophet Shemuel? A. Shaul Hamelech was the first king of Israel. He was chosen by Hashem. During a war, Hashem commanded him, through the prophet Shemuel, to destroy everyone in Amalek. Instead, he left the king and the cattle alive. Hashem was angry at him for disobeying his command and he lost his kingship

5) Q. “Through the mouth of two witnesses....” What types of testimony does this verse invalidate? A. Both a written testimony sent to the court and a testimony given through a translator. This is why the judges had to know all ‘seventy’ languages.

6) Q. Why does the section about going to war follow the laws governing witnesses? A. To teach that if the Jewish People execute judgment in a just fashion they will be victorious in war.

7) Q. The Jewish army is warned of four 'scare-tactics' the enemy might employ. What are they? A. 1) Clanging their shields 2) Making their horses stomp and whinny 3) Shouting 4) Blowing horns.

8) Q. Why, is the soldier who is afraid, exempted from service? A. One reason given is, if he is afraid it is probably because he knows he has sinned and is not worthy of Hashem’s protection. Someone who is confident in his actions that they are in accordance with God’s will is not afraid. Since the person sinned we do not want him at the battle, which could put others at risk (sort of like not wanting to stand too close to the person who is about to be struck by lightning). In addition, we know that one who is not confident in his actions is unlikely to succeed. We don’t want soldiers that are unsure of their abilities.

 9) Q. Which three categories of false prophets are executed? A. One who prophesizes something that he did not hear, or something that was told to another prophet, or prophesizes in the name of an idol.



Si tu souhaites un bon conseil, consulte un vieil homme.

L'absence rend le coeur plus affectueux.

Les bonnes choses viennent à ceux qui savent attendre.
Mieux être envié que plaint.

Le loup peut perdre ses dents, mais jamais sa nature.

Un ami de tous est un ami d'aucun.
Une once de prévention vaut mieux qu'une livre de guérison
Un léopard ne peut pas changer ses taches.
Les actions parlent plus que les mots
Tout ce qui brille n'est pas or
Ne comptez pas vos poulets avant qu'ils n'éclosent.
Ne mordez pas la main qui vous nourrit




1. Two wrongs don’t make right
When someone did something bad to you, trying to do something bad to them will only make things worse.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed
If someone helps you when you have problems, or you are in trouble, that person is a true friend

4. Don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk
Don’t brag about being able to do something, unless you actually know how to do it.

5. Great minds think alike
Smart people usually have the same ideas. This proverb is used when someone has the same idea as you.

6. Haste makes waste
When you try to work too quickly, you usually make mistakes.

Trop de cuisiniers gâtent la sau

7. If you snooze, you lose
You have to act fast to get what you want.

8. Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
If you associate with bad or dishonest people, bad things will happen to you.

9. Look before you leap
Make decisions carefully. Think about it first.

10. Measure twice, cut one
It’s hard to change a decision, once you’ve made it.

11. Misery loves company
People who are unhappy want to make others unhappy too.





Morris phones British Airways. "Yes, can I help you?" asks the BA booking clerk.
"I'm looking to book a flight to Tel Aviv for this coming Sunday," says Morris, "and I wondered whether there are any seats still available."
"Before I can answer that," says the BA clerk, "I need to know how many people are going to fly with you."
"Oy vey, what a silly question to ask," replies Morris. "How should I know - it's your aircraft, not mine?"



Our family was at a weekend getaway in the mountains, and when the power went out, we couldn't recharge our smart phone. When the battery finally died, we couldn't Google, Facebook, email, Tweet, or look at pictures. And no apps to play with. On top of that, it was raining -- so we stayed in and my wife and we began to talk to our two children for a few hours. They seem like nice people



During a new television Quiz program, Miriam, one of the contestants, is asked by Isaac the Quiz master, "OK Miriam, what category of question would you like me to start with?"
"Famous People," replies Miriam.
"OK," says Isaac. "As you know, my questions will start very easy and get very much more difficult as you progress. Are you ready for the first question, then?"
"Yes I am," replies Miriam.
"OK," says Isaac, "Who was the first man?"
Miriam instantly replies, "Even if you were offering me one million dollars for this answer, I would never ever tell you. I'm keeping it secret and it is not your business.





Un voleur s'était introduit de nuit chez Ruben  eta  tout mis sans dessus dessous pour trouver quelque chose à voler. Soudain , il entendit un rire bruyant.

C'était Ruben qui se moquait de lui, lançant:

Idiot, tu viens chercher chez moi de l'argent dans l'obscurité alors que je n'arrive pas à en trouver quand il fait jour.


Lors d'un mariage, une fillette demande à sa mère :
- Maman, maman, pourquoi la madame ele est habillé tout en blanc ?

Hé bien, c'est pour montrer qu'elle est heureuse, c'est une couleur qui annonce le bonheur, pour dire que son amour durera toujours.
- Ha, mais pourquoi le monsieur alors il est tout en noir ?





Une jeune fille annonce ses fiançailles à son père, qui dit en soupirant: Paul? Est-ce qu'il a de l'argent, ce Paul Et la jeune fille répond: Mais vous êtes tous les mêmes! C'est exactement la question qu'il m'a posée sur toi!



David Hasson















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Contact Us

Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada 
Tel: 514-943-6779514-943-6779-943-6779. David Hasson-737-3695

Thu, April 25 2024 17 Nisan 5784