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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT PINHAS 11 JUILLET 2020/ 19 TAMMUZ 5780

07/10/2020 01:53:51 PM


         11 JUILLET 2020/  19 TAMMUZ 5780

candle lighting 8:24 pm
chabbat morning :8;45 am
havdalla 9:39  pm





Now that Synagogues are starting to reopen

And we move through summer and strive to find normalcy again in our lives, we remind everyone that now is not the time to let our guard down in protecting the health of all those around us.

The risk of contracting and spreading Covid-19 is still very real . We urge you to avoid crowds, maintain distance from those outside our homes, and to wear face masks covering both mouth and nose when around others. This is especially crucial when indoors, and at the synagogues .We must wear the mandatory mask during all period of stay in the building, and to keep at least 2 meters of distance in order to keep the Synagogues operational and serving their Kahal.



HAZKARA : Vicky Chemtob (ZL), mère de Sylvain Chemtob




Important Notice - Shabbat Services

From The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue


We are getting ready to reopen our doors
and have prepared guidelines for joining us on Shabbat Services.



Dear Members and Friends of the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue,

The Government gave the go ahead to reopen houses of worship, with a limit of 50 people. We are eager to reconvene in person and are committed to providing a safe environment that follows all relevant health guidelines. To that end, we will reopen gradually – for Shabbat, July 11th , Service will be at 9:00 AM and end at 11:00 AM in the Mashaal Sanctuary (Lemieux entrance). We plan to subsequently convene for Shaharit and Shabbat services. We have established a task force to review the plans for reopening, and we ask the membership to please read the following notes as we must do everything possible to ensure a safe space for all. Guidelines Rules and Regulations for Attending Services • To attend the Spanish’s services, one must a) be entirely free of any COVID-19 symptoms; b) have not been in close contact with someone who has recently or currently displays upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days; or c) have not traveled outside of Canada within the last 14 days. • Anyone with any of the following symptoms may not attend: • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • Fever • Chills • Muscle pain • Sore throat • Sudden loss of taste or smell • Anyone who does not feel well, even without any of the above symptoms • Those who attend our services affirm that they are completely healthy and have done everything possible to minimize exposure to COVID-19. • The unfortunate reality is that we must protect our most vulnerable by limiting attendance by age demographic. Those over the age of 70 or in a high-risk group (i.e. diabetic, high blood pressure, heart or lung disease etc.) must consult with their physician in order to attend. Additionally, only those over the age of bar/bat mitzvah may attend. We look forward to the day when we can again welcome all ages into our synagogue. • Those attending the Spanish’s services agree to inform the clergy if you are subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19. This is imperative, so that other attendees of that minyan can be properly informed and respond accordingly. Your anonymity will be absolutely maintained. • At the entrance, we will be doing temperature checks. All attendees must wear masks. Please bring your own mask. • We will take numerous precautions to ensure physical distancing, and an avoidance of physical contact with shared surfaces. To this end: • A security official will only allow entry to the synagogue to those on a list provided by the administration, without exception. To do this, we ask you to send us a registration request at: • Doors will be propped open to avoid having to touch the handles. • At the entrance, we will be doing temperature checks. • Please walk directly to your seat, remain there for the duration of the service, and exit immediately at its conclusion without socializing or touching anyone and anything. • Please sit only at a designated seat. Seats will be placed at a minimum of two meters distance from each other and will be disinfected after each service. • Unfortunately, there can be no socializing before or after services. This will help reduce the amount of time that we are spending together in the same room. • No food or drinks on the premises. • We will do everything possible to keep our service brief, to minimize possible exposure. • The current government regulations encourage us to minimize the amount of singing. • Please bring your own siddur, tallit and tefillin. Should you wish to obtain a copy of the Spanish’s siddur, please be in touch with a clergy member. • Mourners will recite Kaddish from their seats; there will be no advancing to the front of the room for Kaddish. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF ONLY ONE PARTICIPANT IN ATTENDANCE HAS COVID-19, WE WILL BE FORCED TO CLOSE THE SYNAGOGUE AND ALL KAHAL MEMBERS WILL HAVE TO QUARANTINE. We are eager to pray together and see you in person. We ask for your patience as we will do everything in our power to preserve the health of our community. This new reality will continue to test us in many ways; our vigilance and faith will keep us safe and propel us forward. We will keep you posted as this new reality progresses, as we will continually reassess when new directives and guidelines are issued by the government





Résumé de la Paracha

Le petit-fils d’Aaron, Pin’has, est récompensé du zèle exprimé lorsqu’il tua Zimri, prince de la tribu de Chimone, et la princesse midianite : D.ieu lui accorde une alliance de paix et le sacerdoce pour lui et sa postérité.

Un recensement du peuple aboutit au compte de 601 730 hommes âgés de vingt à soixante ans. Moïse apprend de D.ieu que la terre doit être distribuée par tirage au sort aux tribus et aux familles d’Israël. Les filles de Tselof’had réclament à Moïse de recevoir le territoire revenant à leur père, décédé sans laisser de fils. D.ieu fait droit à cette demande et l’intègre aux lois que la Torah édicte en matière d’héritage.

D.ieu annonce à Moïse qu’il va rejoindre ses pères. Selon les ordres reçus, Moïse prend Josué, le met en présence de toute la communauté, lui impose les mains et lui donne ses instructions.

La paracha se termine par la liste détaillée des offrandes quotidiennes et des offrandes additionnelles du Chabbat, de Roch-Hodech (le début du mois) et des fêtes de Pessa'h, Chavouot, Roch Hachana, Yom Kippour, Souccot et Chemini Atseret (





Pinhas et le prophête Elie

Il y a un Midrash qui dit que Pin’has et le prophète Élie sont la même personne. Quel est le sens de cela ?

La même âme est descendue au monde deux fois : une première fois dans le corps de Pin’has et une seconde fois dans le corps d’Élie.

Selon le Midrash, Pin’has et le prophète Élie sont la même personne. Le sens le plus simple de cet enseignement est que la même âme est descendue au monde deux fois : une première fois dans le corps de Pin’has et une seconde fois dans le corps d’Élie.(

La même affirmation se retrouve à plusieurs endroits dans le Midrash. Il est intéressant de noter que les phrases « Pin’has est Élie » et « Élie est Pin’has » sont écrites de manière interchangeable. Lorsque le sujet est Pin’has, le Midrash dit que Pin’has est Élie. Quand c’est d’Élie qu’il s’agit, le Midrash dit qu’Élie est Pin’has.


How was it permissible for Pinhas to kill Zimri without due process? A. Normally it would be forbidden to give the death penalty without going to court. Pinchas, saw an immediate danger, and need to kill Zimri immediately. Not only is he free from punishment, but he receives a blessing from Hashem of peace. How can this be? The Torah Temima explains that since Pinhas was extraordinarily honest with no hate in his heart, he was allowed to do this. Only someone who is free from any ulterior motives or personal agendas other than advancing the glory of Hashem is allowed to do such a thing. In the Amida there originally were 18 blessings in the weekday Amida. One of the Talmudic sages, Shemuel Hakatan, saw the need to add a nineteenth prayer that Hashem punish the wicked (Laminim V’Lamalshinim). If you pay attention next time you read it in the Amida you will notice that it is full of vengeance (i.e. “For the slanderers let there be no hope…let them be destroyed…”). Interestingly, Shemuel Hakatan was always known for his peace-loving nature. He is the author of the phrase “Do not rejoice at the fall of your enemy…” (Pirke Avot 4:19). Rav Kook explains that anyone can write a beautiful prayer of love; but a prayer full of such hate may only be written by one who is pure at heart, with no personal hate or interests involved, no selfish considerations, and one who has removed all private feelings of hatred for the persecutors of his people. Now we can understand why Pinhas received the blessing of peace. As Ha’emek Davar explains, it was a blessing of inner peace that he will not regret and be tormented by his deed. Since he is a person full of peace, he may regret his actions. He is also blessed that he should always live with inner peace, without personal animosity or vendettas


Les lois de l’héritage constituent l’un des sujets de la paracha de cette semaine. Ces lois furent révélées à Moïse par l’intermédiaire des filles de Tsélof’had.

Les filles de Tsélof’had, Ma’hla, Noa, ‘Hoglah, Milca et Tirsa, se tinrent devant Moïse et toute l’assemblée d’Israël en disant : « Notre père est mort dans le désert, mais il ne faisait pas partie du groupe qui se ligua contre D.ieu dans l’assemblée de Kora’h, et il n’avait pas de fils. Pourquoi le nom de notre père disparaîtrait-il de sa famille parce qu’il n’a pas eu de fils ? Donne-nous une part avec les frères de notre père. »

Moïse déféra alors leur cas devant D.ieu.

D.ieu parla à Moïse en ces termes : « Les filles de Tsélof’had parlent justement. Tu leur donneras assurément une part d’héritage. »

Parle aux Enfants d’Israël en ces termes : « Si un homme meurt et n’a pas de fils, vous ferez passer son héritage à sa fille. » (Nombres 27, 1-8)



Riddle of the week

Pinchas is always sad at home and mopes around his house but when he goes outside, he is the happiest person always dancing and singing and feasting. Explain

The parasha, Pinchas, is always (almost always) read during the three weeks between 17 Tamuz and 9 Ab. This is its ‘home’ always during a sad time period. We also read Pinchas outside its ‘home’ as the special Maftir on every holiday, where it is always festive. (as told by my late father)




Differing opinions – which one is correct?

In this week’s perasha God orders a repeat census once again. This seems superfluous. Many commentators offer an explanation for why it was done.

Rashi explains that so many people had died in the plague that Hashem wanted a count to see how many survived. He gives the analogy of a shepherd who counts his flock after it has been ravaged by wolves.

Ibn Ezra writes that since the land was to be divided according to the populations of the 12 tribes, their numbers had to be determined.

Abrabanel offers a third opinion. He says that in preparation for the impending battles to conquer the land, the numbers of eligible fighting men had to be determined.




Priority in Inheritance

This week we learn about Tzelophchad’s daughters and the issue of inheritance. It is a good time to review the order of inheritance in Jewish Law.


Who comes first to inherit a person’s estate?

  1. His daughter, or his son’s son’s son?
  2. His brother or his father?
  3. His nephew or his sister?
  4. His niece or his uncle?
  5. His cousin or his aunt? (and who is the only person without a relative to inherit them)
  6. His mother or his wife?
  7. Her husband or her son?


Have you tried to answer these on your own? How many did you get correct? Answers are below:

  1. His daughter, or his son’s son’s son?

His son’s son’s son would inherit first. When a person dies his closest relative receives his (or her) estate. The closest relative receives the entire estate and no other relatives receive any portion. If there are a few that are of equal relation then they split the estate (with a bechor of the deceased receiving a larger portion). When a person dies we first check if he has a son. If he does then the son receives the entire estate and if there are a few sons then they split it. If he has no son then we search for his son’s son. If his son does not have a living son, we continue checking his son’s son’s son for as many generations as possible. If none exist, then we look to his daughter and she inherits the estate (and shares it with his other daughters if he has more than one. So, the answer to the above question is son’s son’s son, comes before his daughter.


  1. His brother or his father?

His father would inherit first. If after searching and the man has no sons (or their descendants) and no daughters or their descendants then we next go to his father. If he does not have a living father then we check the father’s sons (ie the deceased’s brothers) if they are not alive we check for their sons and so forth. If he has a living father then he would inherit the entire estate.


  1. His nephew or his sister?

His nephew would inherit first. Above we discussed the order: first comes sons/daughters and their descendants (males always have precedence over the females) and next comes the father and his descendants. So, if the man had no children or descendants and his father was deceased then we look to his father’s sons (brothers of the deceased) and if they don’t exist and they have no descendants then the father’s daughters (sister) would inherit. But if the deceased’s father (who is dead) had a son (who is dead) that had a son who is alive then this nephew would be first in line before the sister.


  1. His niece or his uncle

His niece would come first. As above we look for his children or any of their descendants, if he has no children we go to his father or any of his descendants. If he has no father we look to his father’s father or any of his descendants. So, his father’s son’s daughter (his niece) or even his father’s daughter’s daughter (also niece) would come before his father’s father’s son (his uncle).



  1. His mother or his wife?

There is not enough information in this question to give an answer. It is rare for the mother to ever inherit her son’s estate. Being a mother of someone does not have any status for inheritance, but she might inherit if she happens to be his closest relative (i.e. his mother is his great grandfather’s granddaughter or something like that). His wife also does not inherit him but if she happens to be his closest relative (she is his cousin and no one closer is still alive) only then would she inherit him. These two would only inherit based on their blood relation regardless of being his mother or wife, which does not enter the calculation. When a man dies all his assets go to his sons, his wife only receives the Ketuba, however they are supposed to care for their mother with the money they inherit.


  1. Her husband or her son?

When a woman dies her husband is the first person to inherit her. If her husband had died first, we do not give it to the husband’s family, rather it goes to her children and if she did not have any then it goes to her father’s family. As states above, a woman does not inherit her husband after he dies. She does receive the ketuba money and whoever does inherit the estate is expected to care for her and pay for her food clothing and shelter from the estate money he inherited.












All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

Why was Pinchas not originally a kohen?
25:13 - Kehuna (priesthood) was given to Aharon and his sons (not grandsons), and to any of their descendants born after they were anointed. Pinchas, Aharon's grandson, was born prior to the anointing.

  1. Why was Moav spared the fate of Midian?
    25:18 - For the sake of Ruth, a future descendant of Moav.
  2. What does the yud and hey added to the family names testify?
    26:5 - That the families were truly children of their tribe.
  3. Korach and his congregation became a "sign." What do they signify?
    26:10 - That kehuna was given forever to Aharon and his sons, and that no one should ever dispute this.
  4. Why did Korach's children survive?
    26:11 - Because they repented.
  5. Name six families in this Parsha whose names are changed.
    26:13,16,24,38,39,42 - Zerach, Ozni, Yashuv, Achiram, Shfufam, Shucham.
  6. Who was Yaakov's only living granddaughter at the time of the census?
    26:46 - Serach bat Asher
  7. How many years did it take to conquer the Land? How many to divide the Land?
    26:53 - Seven years. Seven years.
  8. Two brothers leave Egypt and die in the midbar. One brother has three sons. The other brother has only one son. When these four cousins enter the Land, how many portions will the one son get?
    26:55 - Two portions. That is, the four cousins merit four portions among them. These four portions are then split among them as if their fathers were inheriting them; i.e., two portions to one father and two portions to the other father.
  9. What do Yocheved, Ard and Na'aman have in common?
    26:24,56 - They came down to Mitzrayim in their mothers' wombs

Ohr Somayach









Ne te charge jamais d'épauler le méchant


Ce qui atteint le coeur de la mère ne monte qu'aux genoux du père.


Autant le mot est léger pour celui qui le jette, autant il est lourd pour celui qui le reçoit.

Pour croire avec certitude, il faut commencer par douter

Couche-toi et sois malade, tu sauras qui te veut du bien et qui te veut du mal.

Demain est souvent le jour le plus chargé de la semaine.

Mieux vaut un oiseau dans la main que cent en vol.

Par le chemin "plus tard", on arrive toujours à la place "jamais".

Rentre ton foin tant que le soleil brille.


Le mauvais écrivain blâme sa plume.







There is none so blind as those who will not See

In every life a little rain must fall.

The early bird catches the worm

Don't cross a bridge until you come to it

To everything there is a season.

One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs

There is no place like home

A bicycle can't stand on its own because it's two-tired.

Life is what you make it


The Shabbat smile:

A young stranger in New York was seeking Yeshiva University but the many directions he had received only confused him and he became lost. Luckily, he saw a learned old man approaching him with a load of books under his arm. He stopped the professorial man. "Tell me, sir, how do I get to Yeshiva University?"
The old man thought about the question for a moment or two and then replied,
" Study, young man. Constant study!"


==Which is more important, the sun or the moon?" Yossef asked the rabbi.
" What a silly question!" snapped the cleric. "The moon, of course! It shines at night when we really need it. But who needs the sun to shine when it is already broad daylight?"


=Chutzpah is going to the psychiatrist because of a split personality, and asking for a group rate.

Daniel, the fattest man in the town went to see his doctor for a check up. Dr. Epstein told him that he needed to lose weight immediately, and the best way to do it would be for him to start running seven miles a day.

Daniel followed Dr. Epstein’s advice, and it seemed to be working. After only 40 days he had lost over 30 pounds.

Daniel phoned Dr. Epstein and thanked him very much for the excellent advice. But at the end of the conversation, Daniel said, “Doctor, I just have one more question. How do I get home, now that I am 280 miles away from home?"



Le sourire du Chabbat


Jacob rencontre Réouven dans la rue.
- Alors Réouven, il parait que tu viens de te marier ?
- Oui, d'ailleurs comme tu le vois, j'ai fait mes valises pour partir en voyage de noces.
- C'est super, et où vas-tu ?
- À Jérusalem.
- Très bien, mais où est ta femme ?
- Au magasin, comme ça, on peut rester ouverts pendant mon absence



Un juif rentre dans un magasin de pompes funèbres israélite.

- Bonjour, que puis-je pour vous ?

- Eh ben voila, ma femme vient de décéder, et je viens pour organiser son enterrement.

- Mais, vous n'avez pas déjà perdu votre femme l'année dernière ?

- Oui oui, mais je me suis remarié..

Ah bon je ne savais pas, Mazal Tov!!!











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Contact Us

Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada 
Tel: 514-943-6779514-943-6779-943-6779. David Hasson-737-3695

Wed, April 24 2024 16 Nisan 5784