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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT VAYAKHEL ET PÉKOUDÉ- 20 MARS 2020/25 ADAR 5780

03/20/2020 01:49:23 PM



candle lighting 6:49 PM
chabbat morning :8:30  am
havdalla 7:53 pm


Début : 6 :49 pm Fin : 7 :53 pm

Chabbat Hahodech, le Chabbat qui précède le mois de Nissan

Roch Hodech Nissan : Le jeudi 26 mars 2020

Toutes les Synagogues sont fermées; Dans ces cas exceptionnels, les prières dans les maisons sont acceptées. Tous les petits Minyanim qui se sont organisés dans des champs ou des cours arrières ont été interdites par la ville et le Vaad de Montréal





Isaac Sayegh Ben Latifé (Frère de Emile Sayegh)

Ytshak Ben Rivka (Grand-père de Isaac Darwiche)

Haim Helwani Ben Lea (OàPère de Claude Helwani)


Although we are all secluded right now and distancing ourselves from others, we can still

enjoy His world responsibly, and appreciate the world that God made for us. We pray that He

renews our world with good health this year. Our prayers go out to those who are ill. I wish good

health for everyone in this new year. Please enjoy the world responsibly.

Happy Nisan and Happy Spring (Rabbi Henry Hasson)



From the book of Kings :

Whenever I hold back the rain or send locus to eat up the crops or send an epidemic on my people , if they pray to me and repent and turn away from the evil they have been doing I will hear them in heaven, forgive their sins and make their land prosperous again



Numerous people had tested positive at the following events :

To all the people that where by Rosenberg wedding at the Crown Plaza on Monday night

To all the people that went to the Bitton wedding at the Shaar

To all the people that prayed at Chabad CSL on Shabbat March 14th





En ces moments très difficiles de grave crise sanitaire, Que la fête de Pessah 5780 soit l’occasion pour nous tous de multiplier les prières et les Mitsvot qui pourront amener la fin cette pandémie qui pèse sur l’Humanité




Moïse rassemble le peuple et renouvelle le commandement d’observer le Chabbat : « durant six jours le travail sera fait et le septième jour sera saint pour vous, un repos complet pour l’Eternel ». Il transmet alors les instructions divines concernant l’édification du Tabernacle.

Le peuple donne en abondance les matériaux nécessaires. Moïse doit faire proclamer dans le camp qu’on cesse d’apporter des dons.

Une équipe d’artisans au cœur inspiré construit le Tabernacle et fabrique ses ustensiles (comme déjà détaillé dans les précédentes sections hebdomadaires, Térouma, Tetsavé et Ki Tissa) : les tentures attachées par des agrafes d’or, des poutres en bois de chittim recouvertes d’or et leurs socles d’argent, le Parokhet (le Rideau) séparant les deux chambres du Sanctuaire, le Massakh (le voile) à l’entrée de la Tente ; et l’Arche avec les chérubins, la Table recouverte d’or et sa bordure en or, le Chandelier à sept branches et son huile, l’Autel des encens, l’Huile d’Onction et l’Autel des sacrifices, la cuve et son piédestal faite avec les miroirs de cuivre apportés par les femmes.(





Exode 38, 21 - 40, 38


Sur l’ordre de Moïse, le compte de l’or, de l’argent et du cuivre donné par le peuple pour la construction du Tabernacle est établi. Betsalel, Aholiab et leurs assistants façonnent les huit vêtements sacerdotaux - le tablier, le pectoral, le manteau, le diadème, le turban, la tunique, la ceinture et le pantalon - suivant les instructions reçues par Moïse dans la paracha de Tetsavé.

Les éléments qui le composent étant achevés, ils sont apportés à Moïse qui érige le Tabernacle et le consacre en lui apposant l’huile d’onction ainsi qu’à ses ustensiles. Il initie Aaron et ses quatre fils dans la prêtrise, les revêtant de leurs habits et en les oignant.

Alors, « la nuée couvrit la tente d’assignation et la gloire de l’Eternel emplit le Tabernacle ».

Cette Paracha conclut le livre de l'Exode, Sefer Chemot, le second livre de la Torah.







Vayakhel Quiz


1) Q. Why is the prohibition against doing work on Shabbat written prior to the instruction for building the Mishkan?

A. The rabbis use this juxtaposition to teach that the building of the Mishkan doesn't supersede the laws of Shabbat. We also learn that since building the Mishkan is forbidden on Shabbat, it must be that all activities that were required to build the Mishkan are forbidden on Shabbat. This is where we learn the 39 forbidden activities on Shabbat (cooking, sewing, building, etc.)


2) Q. Why does the Torah write so much about all the details that went into building the Mishkan?

A. We are taught that when the Torah wants to emphasize a good deed it spends a lot of time describing that subject, and repeats it. In Bereshit (24:42) the story of Abrham’s servant meeting Rivka is repeated twice. This is to stress the servant’s dedication and loyalty to Abraham in trying to find a wife for Yitzhak (other’s believe that it is because there were 2 different traditions regarding the story that got meshed together but this is not the traditional explanation). Similarly, here Hashem wants to stress his love and appreciation to Bnei Yisrael who devoted themselves both physically and financially to the building of the Mishkan. Another explanation (taught to me by my father) may be that Hashem wanted to specify very clearly what is allowed to be done in the Mishkan, so that all other additions would be forbidden.

3) Q. What was unusual about the way the women spun the goat's hair?

A. The midrash teaches that it was spun directly from off of the backs of the goats.


4) Q. Why were the Nesi'im (Princes) the last ones to contribute to the building of the Mishkan?

A. The Nesi'im reasoned that they would first let the people contribute materials needed for the Mishkan and then they would contribute whatever else was lacking. The Torah shows its dissatisfaction by deleting a letter from their title. This Midrash is teaching us that although they may have had good intentions, everyone should donate whatever they can immediately and not wait for everyone else to donate first.


5) Q. The Torah specifies here that it is forbidden to kindle fire on Shabbat. Why does it single out fire out of all the other actions that are forbidden on Shabbat?

A. One possible explnation is that on Yom Tob the Torah says that one may transfer fire for food. The Torah did not want any one to make an error and think that this law also applies to Shabbat, so the Torah stresses, "Do not kindle fire on Shabbat."


6) Q. Who does the Torah identify as the primary builders of the Mishkan and which tribes were they from?

A. Betzalel Ben Uri from the tribe of Yehuda and Aholiab Ben Achisamach from the tribe of Dan. They are treated equally even though Betzalel is from the most prestigious tribe and Aholiab from one of the least prestigious. The Tanach and the rabbis have always stressed that what makes someone important is what he or she does, not which family they come from. This lesson is taught in the Tanach many times, yet today many people still have failed to grasp the message of our religious leaders. Too often today we still see communities cater to those from more prestigious famillies rather then to those who contribute the most, not just from a financial standpoint from from a social and religious standpoint.



Pekude Quiz


1) Q. How many times is "As Hashem commanded" used regarding the Mishkan's construction?

A. "As Hashem commanded" appears 18 times regarding the Mishkan's construction. The Sages instituted 18 blessings in the Amida prayer. Today, when we have no Bet Hamikdash, the 18 blessings of the Amida substitute for the sacrifices offered in the Mishkan. (Later on a 19th Beracha was added) - Baal Haturim


2) Q. Who was appointed to carry the vessels of the Mishkan in the Midbar?

A. The Levi'im.

3) Q. Where were the a)Shulchan and b)Menorah placed in the Mishkan?

A. a) The Shulchan was placed on the northern side of the Ohel Mo'ed, outside the Parochet. b)The Menorah was placed on the southern side opposite the Shulchan (this is why we place the Hannukia on the south wall of the Synagogue).


4) Q. On which day did both Moshe and Aharon serve as Kohanim?

A. On the eighth day of the consecration of the Mishkan.

(see question 6 for a different opinion)


5) Q. Why is the Mishkan called a Mishkan Ha'edut- testimony?

A. The reason is not clear so several possible reasons have been proposed. The first reason is because it is a testimony that Hashem still wants Bnei Yisrael, even after the Sin of the Golden Calf and it is the place that houses the tablets of testimony. A second reason given by the midrash is because Moshe was accused of stealing fifteen thousand Shekels from the funds for the Mishkan. He had them recount the money and it was found that they forgot to add some of the money. The Mishkan was a testimony to Moshe's honesty. Afterwards, Moshe praised Hashem with 15 praises. These praises are the ones we say every day in Yishtabah. This is also the reason that there are 15 "Baruch" in Baruch She'amar, and 15 "Vav" in Emet Veyatziv Venachon (after Shema Yisrael).



Cette année Chabbat Hahodech, 3ème Chabbat spécial avant Pessah , sera vécu dans le confinement général et dans la “joie intérieure” que procure l’esprit chabbatique. Il faudra méditer une portion de la paracha Bô racontant la sortie d’Égypte des Hébreux.

Un verset a retenu mon attention: « Ce mois ci est pour vous le commencement, c’est le premier pour vous des mois de l’année ».


Sans aucune raison apparente avec le récit de la Libération d’Egypte, la parole divine institue la loi concernant la fixation du calendrier basé sur le cycle de la lune.

On peut se demander s’il était indispensable de donner à cette règle de caractère purement technique, la place d’honneur par les institutions nationales juives.

Effectivement c’est la première loi constitutionnelle dont la Torah s’adressant à la collectivité, donne naissance.

La proclamation d’une nouvelle ère, partant du jour de la libération devait marquer la rupture définitive avec l’Égypte.

Les ponts avec l’exil et l’esclavage égyptiens sont coupés. C’est une nouvelle évolution historique qui commence et, en comptant désormais toutes les dates à partir de sa libération, Israël est appelé à se souvenir d’elle à perpétuité.

Il se souvient par la même occasion de la bonté divine à son égard. Il va s’attacher à servir D., à le craindre, à l’aimer.

Il place ses activités de l’année, du mois et de la semaine sous le signe de D. qui l’a comblé du cadeau de la liberté.

Mais le nouveau calendrier contient un important message moral, il est basé sur l’astre de la lune et son constant renouvellement.

Comme Israël a pris conscience de sa particularité nationale, il doit aussi s’imprégner de la nécessité de conserver un élan toujours ardent vers une perfection et une éternelle jeunesse morales.

La lune dont l’évolution comporte en apparence un cycle de disparition et de renouveau. La lune est alors choisie comme symbole de la nation juive, elle aussi, marquée par des cycles de disparition et de renaissance.

Ainsi le temps des rois David et Salomon est marqué par la grandeur et l’éclat d’Israël. Après commence une ère de divisions, de luttes qui entraîne un déclin inexorable qui conduit à la destruction du Temple par les Babyloniens. Soixante dix années de captivité à Babylone vont précéder le retour des exilés tant chantés par les prophètes.

On voit que la lune devient « l’astre d’Israël ». Ceci a un double sens moral et philosophique. Dans la même idée, on considère qu’Israël est « l’astre des nations », les responsabilités du monde pèsent sur lui.

En ces moments très difficiles de grave crise sanitaire, Que la fête de Pessah 5780 soit l’occasion pour nous tous de multiplier les prières et les Mitsvot qui pourront amener la fin cette pandémie qui pèse sur l’Humanité !

Adaptation par Jforum







Birds of the same feather flock together – people with common characteristics always end up together.

He who plays the piper calls the tune – when one has to act according to a superior’s wishes.

Out of sight, out of mind – once you lose sight of a thing, you can forget it altogether.

Beggers can’t be choosers – when a person is in a difficult position, he can only take whatever he gets.

All is well that ends well – everything is acceptable as long as the ending is favourable.

Look before you leap – always be cautious before doing something big or important.


Well begun is half done – just starting a venture successfully is enough to fulfil it completely.

Better late than never – it is better to delay something than not doing it at all.

A bird in hand is better than two in the bush – better to have something than having nothing at all.

Too many cooks spoil the broth – plans often fail when too many people work on it together.








La roue qui tourne ne se rouille pas

Si ton ami est dans le malheur, n'attends pas qu'il t'appelle

Si tu veux réussir et t'en sortir, travaille : Jamais les dieux n'ont aidé les gens paresseux.

Garde en mémoire que l'avenir te sera plus doux si tu emploies bien le temps présent

Sois juste et droit, n'oublie jamais qu'une pauvreté honnête vaut mieux qu'une richesse mal acquise.

Tout homme coléreux ne connaît ni paix ni calme.

Qui veut du miel doit avoir le courage d'affronter les abeilles

Mieux vaut partager du pain sec avec amour qu'un festin qui finit par une querelle.

Agis avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, le temps n'attend jamais.

Les brebis sans berger ne font pas un troupeau.

Vous avez souhaité avoir des enfants, sachez les élever









Rabbi Schwartz answers his phone.
"Hello. this Rabbi Schwartz?"
"It is."
"This is the IRS. Can you help us?"
"I can."
"Do you know a Sam Cohen?"
"I do."
"Is he a member of your congregation?"
"He is."
"Did he donate $10,000?"
"He will


A pious man who had reached the age of 105 suddenly stopped going to synagogue. Alarmed by the old fellow's absence after so many years of faithful attendance the Rabbi went to see him.
He found him in excellent health, so the Rabbi asked, "How come after all these years we don't see you at services anymore?"
The old man looked around and lowered his voice. I'll tell you, Rabbi," he whispered. "When I got to be 90 I expected G-d to take me any day. But then I got to be 95, then 100, then 105. So I figured that G-d is very busy and must have forgotten about me .....and I don't want to remind Him!"


A man approached old Mr Katz in a town he was visiting. "What's the quickest way to New York?"
Mr Katz scratched his head.
"Are you walking or driving?" he asked the stranger.
"I'm driving."
"That's the quickest way!"


On Shabbat, Rabbi Bloom told his congregation, “Next week, my sermon will be all about the sin of lying, and to help you understand it better I would like you all to read Leviticus Chapter 28 before next week.”

The following Shabbat, at the start of his sermon, the rabbi asked his congregation, “How many of you have read Leviticus 28?”Every hand went up. Rabbi Bloom smiled and said, “Leviticus has only 27 chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.”



























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Contact Us

Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

H3X 3T3
4894 St-Kévin 
Montréal, Québec, Canada 
Tel: 514-943-6779514-943-6779-943-6779. David Hasson-737-3695

Wed, April 24 2024 16 Nisan 5784