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M A Weekly Bulletin - CHABBAT KI TAVO 1ER SEPTEMBRE 2018/21 ELOUL 5778

08/31/2018 12:41:08 PM



candle lighting 7:15 pm
chabbat morning :8:30  am
havdalla : 8:18 pm














Mazal Tov aux nouveaux mariés Benjamin Hadid et Nathalie Dahan

Jamie et Marc Hadid offrent le Kiddouch en l’honneur des mariés

Mazal Tov aux familles Hadid et Dahan

et à Abraham Romano et son épouse, grand-parents de Nathalie


Rappel : Les cotisations de la nouvelle année doivent être réglées avant la fête

Par la    poste ou en ligne sur www.maghen / donate  ..     Merci


Ki Tavo - en bref

Deutéronome 26, 1 - 29, 8

Moïse enseigne au peuple : « Quand tu entreras sur la terre que D.ieu te donne en héritage éternel, que tu t’y installeras et que tu la cultiveras, tu apporteras les premiers fruits (bikourim) de tes vergers au Saint Temple, et tu déclareras ta gratitude pour tout ce que D.ieu a fait pour toi. »

La paracha comprend aussi les lois relatives aux dîmes dues aux Lévites et aux pauvres. Elle détaille les instructions quant à la manière de prononcer les bénédictions et malédictions du haut du Mont Grizim et du Mont Ebal évoquées au début de la paracha de Reeh. Moïse rappelle aux Israélites qu’ils sont le peuple choisi par D.ieu et que, réciproquement, ils ont fait le choix de D.ieu.

La dernière partie de Ki Tavo contient des paroles d’avertissement. Après avoir énuméré les bénédictions par lesquelles D.ieu récompensera le peuple quand il accomplira les Commandements de la Torah, Moïse rapporte longuement les terribles conséquences de leur abandon : maladie, famine, pauvreté, exil.

Moïse conclut en déclarant qu’en ce jour, quarante ans après leur naissance en tant que peuple, les Israélites sont parvenus à avoir « un cœur pour savoir, des yeux pour voir, des oreilles pour entendre ».(



How to prepare for Rosh Hashana

The Shulchan Aruch discusses the proper way to prepare for the holidays. He writes that it is an obligation for every person to prepare the prayers prior to the holidays. This means going through the Mahzor in advance, reviewing the prayers and their meanings, so that on Rosh Hashana (and other days as well) one is more fluent or more comfortable in reading and understanding the prayers. Part of the reason for this is that we must remember that the prayers are not incantations. These are real words that we say when we speak to God. They are the words that our Chachamim chose for us to use in our communication with God. Saying them without understanding them would be like going to the queen of the Netherlands, having a special audience with her majesty, and reading an entire book of petitions to her in Dutch but having no idea what you are telling her or asking her. It seems pretty silly to do. Of course, we are not all fluent in Hebrew, and therefore preparing as much as we can, at the very least preparing the amida of Shaharit and musaf. Wishing everyone a wonderful new year and wonderful holiday next week with meaningful and productive prayers.




The Mitzva of Bikurim has essentially 3 commandments attached to it. The first mitzvah is to separate out the bikurim, first produce (like a bechor) of the shivat haminim (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranate, olives, dates). and bring it to Jerusalem. The second command is that the Kohen may not eat it outside of Jerusalem and the 3rd command is that the person bringing it recites the appropriate passage when bringing the bikurim. The Bikurim were brought starting with Shavuot but extending all the way to sukkot and even until Hanukah was possible.

The Mitzva to bring Bikurim only applied in the time of the Temple. A farmer would go out to his field and select the newest and best fruit and would mark them to bring to Jerusalem as Bikurim. There is no set amount how many of the fruit he marks as the first ones but it was customary to designate about 1.7% of the field as bikurim. He brings it to the Temple and it is given as one of the 24 gifts to the Kohanim. Only they are allowed to eat it and they must eat it in Jerusalem.

All in all there are 7 requirements that need to happen when the bikurim are brought. 1)they need to be brought to Jerusalem, 2)They have to be brought in a vessel, preferably each fruit in its own vessel. Metal vessels are returned to the owner but baskets would be kept by the kohanim. 3)the owner must recite the paragraph arami oved avi (women and hermaphrodites don’t) 4)he also brings a separate korban with the fruit. They would bring pigeons and doves and give some to the kohanim and some would be sacrificed. 5)When the fruit would arrive in the azara, the leviim would start singing tehillim 30:2 (the one we today say before hashem melech and on Hanuka). 6)the Kohen would have to waive (tenufa) the fruit basket with the bikurim in it. It is lifted by the Kohen and the owner and moved in several directions. This is part of the service of the bikurim. 7)sleep-over: The owner must stay the night in Jerusalem and should not leave till the morning and then can go back home. Now you know pretty everything you need to know about the bikurim service. You have always heard the term bikurim, now you actually know what it is



All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. When did the obligation to bring bikkurim begin?
    26:1 - After the Land was conquered and divided.
  2. Bikkurim are from which crops?
    26:2 - The seven species for which Eretz Yisrael is praised.
  3. How does one designate bikkurim?
    26:2 - When he sees the first fruit ripen on a tree, he binds a piece of straw around it to mark it as bikkurim.
  4. Who shakes the basket containing the bikkurim?
    26:4 - The kohen places his hands under the hands of the one bringing it, and they wave the basket together.
  5. What does "v'anita v'amarta" mean?
    26:5 - Speak loudly.
  6. Which Arami "tried to destroy my father?"
    26:5 - Lavan.
  7. When during the year may bikkurim be brought? Until when are the special verses recited?
    26:11 - Bikkurim are brought from Shavuot until Chanukah. The verses are recited only until Succot.
  8. Someone declaring that he separated terumah and ma'aser says: "And I didn't forget." What didn't he forget?
    26:13 - To bless G-d.
  9. What were the Jewish People to do with the 12 stones on Mount Eval?
    27:2 - Build an altar.
  10. Six tribes stood on Mount Eval and six on Mount Gerizim. Who and what were in the middle?
    27:12 - Kohanim, levi'im and the Holy Ark.



Quand on est au milieu des roses, on en prend le parfum

Quand les dollars tombent du ciel, le malchanceux n'a pas de sac.

Le pessimiste est un optimiste informé

Tout oiseau préfère la liberté à une cage dorée.

Une confiance aveugle fait la ruine de l'homme

Ce que tu autorises une fois te sera demandé une seconde fois.

Regretter le passé, c'est courir après le vent


Nous devons d'abord apprendre à marcher avant d'apprendre à courir.

Un mot n’est pas un moineau. Quand il s’envole, on ne le rattrape pas.

Cinquante brebis sans un berger ne font pas un troupeau


Le Sourire du Chabbat

Deux roumains mendient à Paris. Le premier finit sa journée avec des pièces. Le second finit avec plein de billets de 10 euros. Le premier dit :
– Comment t’as fait ??
– Qu’est-ce que t’as écrit sur ton panneau ?
– J’ai faim, j’ai des enfants, svp…
– Ah mais t’es con toi ! Moi sur le mien, j’ai écrit : il me manque 10 euros pour rentrer en Roumanie.


Embauche comptable

Un patron souhaite embaucher un comptable et soumet son offre à Pôle Emploi. Le lendemain, un militaire en reconversion se présente sur les suggestions de l’organisme. Le patron lui demande :
– Savez-vous compter ?

– Oui bien sûr !
– Allez-y.


Un anglais en un français assis ensemble quand une guèpe passe

L’anglais dit : Regarde un guêpe , le français le corrige, on dit une guêpe

L’anglais répond : Wow , tu as une excellent vue


Déclaration de revenus simplifiée et déclaration de revenus détaillée

Quelle est la différence entre une déclaration de revenus simplifiée et une déclaration de revenus détaillée ?
Si vous utilisez la déclaration simplifiée, c’est le gouvernement qui perçoit votre argent.
Si vous utilisez la déclaration détaillée, c’est le comptable qui le reçoit.



David Hasson




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Maghen Abraham
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Sat, April 20 2024 12 Nisan 5784