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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT MICHPATIM , 25 FEVRIER 2017 / 29 CHEVAT 5777

02/23/2017 06:23:37 PM




Friday Night
Candle Lighting: 5.16p

Shabbat Day
Shaharit - Minyan: 8:30a
Havdalah (end of shabbat): 6:25p
Ezra Cohen on his
BIRTHDAY ad 120!
Beverly Sasson on her
BIRTHDAY ad 120!



Hello [nickname_else_first_name],



Nous bénissons le nouveau mois de Adar, le mois de la joie


La Torah nous a ordonné de donner le Mahatsit hashekel dans l’enceinte du Beth Hamikdach à partir de Roch ‘Hodech Adar jusqu’à Roch ‘Hodech Nissan. Cet argent servait pour l’achat des animaux dédiés aux sacrifices collectifs dans le Temple mais aussi pour l’entretenir le Temple..

Traitant du Ma’hatsit hashekel, la Parachat Chekalim est donc lue le Chabbat précédent le début du mois d’Adar, soit ce Chabbat.

Aujourd’hui, où nous n’avons plus le Beth Hamikdach, nous avons gardé l’habitude de ramasser de l’argent en souvenir du Mahatsit hashekel avant la lecture de la Meguilat Esther car nos sages enseignent dans le traité de Meguila 13b : « Il était dévoilé devant le Créateur du Monde qu’Haman ferait peser des Chékalim pour l’extermination d’Israël, et c’est pourquoi Hachem a ordonné la Mitsva de donner le demi-Chékel, afin que les Chékalim d’Israël devancent les Chékalim d’Haman. »



Suite à la révélation du Sinaï, D.ieu promulgue une série de lois à l’adresse du peuple d’Israël. Elles incluent les lois relatives au serviteur contractuel, aux peines sanctionnant le meurtre, le rapt, l’agression et le vol, les lois civiles relatives aux réparations des dommages, aux prêts financiers, et à la responsabilité des quatre catégories de gardiens, ainsi que les lois régissant le procédé judiciaire mené par les tribunaux.

Sont également enseignées les lois mettant en garde contre le fait de maltraiter les étrangers. L’observance des fêtes saisonnières et des offrandes agricoles qui devaient être apportées au Saint Temple à Jérusalem. L’interdiction de cuire de la viande avec du lait et la mitsva de prier. En tout, la paracha de Michpatim contient cinquante-trois mitsvot : 23 commandements impératifs et 30 interdictions.

D.ieu promet de mener le peuple d’Israël à la Terre Sainte et les prévient de ne pas adopter les comportements païens de ses habitants actuels.Le peuple juif proclame « Nous ferons puis nous comprendrons » tout ce que D.ieu nous commande. Laissant Aaron et Hour en charge du camp israélite, Moïse gravit le mont Sinaï et y demeure pendant quarante jours et quarante nuits pour recevoir la Torah de D.ieu.




Answers to this Week's Questions

Questions | Contents

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. In what context is a mezuza mentioned in this week's Parsha?
    21:6 - If a Hebrew slave desires to remain enslaved his owner brings him "to the door post mezuza" to pierce his ear.
  2. What special mitzvah does the Torah give to the master of a Hebrew maidservant?
    21:8,9 - To marry her.
  3. What is the penalty for wounding one's father or mother?
    21:15 - Death by strangulation.
  4. "A" intentionally hits "B." As a result, B is close to death. Besides any monetary payments, what happens to A?
    21:19 - He is put in jail until "B" recovers or dies.
  5. What is the penalty for someone who tries to murder a particular person, but accidentally kills another person instead? Give two opinions.
    21:23 - A) The murderer deserves the death penalty. B) The murderer is exempt from death but must compensate the heirs of his victim.
  6. A slave goes free if his master knocks out one of the slave's teeth. What teeth do not qualify for this rule and why?
    21:26 - Baby teeth, which grow back.
  7. An ox gores another ox. What is the maximum the owner of the damaging ox must pay, provided his animal had gored no more than twice previously?
    21:35 - The full value of his own animal.
  8. From where in this week's Parsha can the importance of work be demonstrated?
    21:37 - From the "five-times" penalty for stealing an ox and slaughtering it. This fine is seen as punishment for preventing the owner from plowing with his ox.
  9. What is meant by the words "If the sun shone on him"?
    22:2 - If it's as clear as the sun that the thief has no intent to kill.
  10. A person is given an object for safe-keeping. Later, he swears it was stolen. Witnesses come and say that in fact he is the one who stole it. How much must pay?
    22:8 - Double value of the object.
  11. A person borrows his employee's car. The car is struck by lightning. How much must he pay?
    22:14 - Nothing.



12 A person borrows his employee's car. The car is struck by lightning. How much must he pay?
22:24 - Interest is like a snake bite. Just as the poison is not noticed at first but soon overwhelms the person, so too interest is barely noticeable until it accumulates to an overwhelming sum.

  1. Non-kosher meat, "treifa," is preferentially fed to dogs. Why?
    22:30 - As "reward" for their silence during the plague of the first born.
  2. Which verse forbids listening to slander?
    23:1 - Targum Onkelos translates "Don't bear a false report" as "Don't receive a false report."
  3. What constitutes a majority-ruling in a capital case?
    23:2 - A simple majority is needed for an acquittal. A majority of two is needed for a ruling of guilty.
  4. How is Shavuot referred to in this week's Parsha?
    23:16 - Chag Hakatzir - Festival of Reaping.
  5. How many prohibitions are transgressed when cooking meat and milk together?
    23:19 - One.
  6. What was written in the Sefer Habrit which Moshe wrote prior to the giving of the Torah?
    24:4,7 - The Torah, starting from Bereishet until the giving of the Torah, and the mitzvot given at Mara.
  7. What was the livnat hasapir a reminder of?
    24:10 - That the Jews in Egypt were forced to toil by making bricks.
  8. Who was Efrat? Who was her husband? Who was her son?
    24:14 - Miriam, wife of Calev, mother of Chur





-Who changes his place changes his luck." ~~ Talmud,

-There is one thing one cannot buy—one’s parents." ~~ Traditional Proverb

-Abandon me not when I grow old!" ~~ Psalms (Tehillim

-The world is new to us every morning — this is the Holy One’s gift and every person should believe they are reborn each day. " ~~ Baal Shem Tov

-Who respects the elderly is as if he respects the Lord." ~~ Alphabet of Ben Sira

-Greet all men with a smiling face!" ~~ Avot

-Every Jew should think of himself as having come out of Egypt. [Passover/Pesach]" ~~ Talmud,

-A good book is like a beautiful garden which you can carry in your hand." ~~ Chananya Reichman



-Life is God’s novel so let him write it." ~~ Isaac Bashevis Singer

-If a man says: I will sin and the Day of Atonement will atone for me, then that Day will not atone for him." ~~ Yoma


-A good name is more desirable than great riches, a good reputation than silver and gold. " ~~ Proverbs (Mishle)




Deux amis discutent !
- Sais-tu que je suis une personne très chanceuse !
- Ah oui ? Pourquoi ?
- Je suis né le 7e jour, du7e mois 77.
Le 7 doit être ton chiffre chanceux, alors ?
- Exactement. D'ailleurs, je suis allé aux courses la semaine dernière. J'ai parié 7 000 $ sur le 7e cheval dans la 7e course.
- Et puis ?
- Il a fini septième !


Lors d'une vente de charité, un riche Écossais fait un gros chèque mais ne le signe pas.
- Vous oubliez la signature, Monsieur !
- Non, c'est un don anonyme !


C'est un électricien qui dit à son apprenti :
- Roger, prends un de ces deux fils, s'il te plaît
- Ça y est, j'en ai un.
- Tu ne sens rien ?
- Non, rien du tout...
Ok, alors, ça doit être l'autre. Surtout n'y touche pas, il y a du 2 000 volts dessus !





David Hasson




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Maghen Abraham
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Tel: 514-737-3695

Fri, April 19 2024 11 Nisan 5784