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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT KORAH 12 JUIN 2021/ 2 TQMMOUZ 5781

06/10/2021 02:39:40 PM



candle lighting 8:25 PM 
chabbat morning: 9   am
havdalla  9:42 PM 








Le gouvernement intensifie les vaccinations des premières et secondes doses .Les restrictions seront graduellement réduites, bref, nous voyons déjà la fin du tunnel et nous espérons que dans exactement 3 mois, à la veille de Roch Hachana, nous recevrons nos membres comme par le passé  dans la salle Aintabi et  et célébrerons  ensemble  les grandes fêtes sans restrictions.



Entretemps nous vous rappelons que les prières du Chabbat ont lieu à la Spanish à 9 heures du matin  et pas besoin de s'enregistrer puisque le gouvernement a approuvé la présence de 100 personnes en observant les restrictions existantes

L’absence de fidèles dans les prières à cause de la pandémie pendant 18 mois  a affecté considérablement nos finances  .Par conséquent, nous vous demandons d'être généreux et de faire des dons à la mémoire d’une personne, ou pour honorer une personne , de payer des dons promis pendant cette période qui n’ont pas été payés ou tout simplement, aider votre communauté . 



Vous pouvez faire vos dons en ligne  sur /donate






La Paracha de Korah en bref


Kora’h incite à la révolte, contestant la primauté de Moïse et que la prêtrise ait été confiée à Aaron. Il est accompagné par deux vieux ennemis de Moïse, Dathan et Abiram.

A eux se sont joints 250 membres distingués de la communauté, qui offrent le Ketoret (l’encens consacré) voulant ainsi prouver qu’ils seraient dignes de la prêtrise. Mais la terre s’ouvre et engloutit les mutins. Un feu consume ceux qui ont voulu offrir l’encens.

Une plaie s’ensuit : Aaron l’arrête en offrant le Ketoret. Son bâton fleurit miraculeusement et produit des amandes. C’est la preuve que sa désignation comme Grand Prêtre relève d’un ordre divin.

D.ieu commande qu’une teroumah, un prélèvement, soit opérée au profit des prêtres sur chaque récolte de grain, d’huile et de vin, sur les premiers-nés du bétail et que des cadeaux particuliers leurs soient donnés.

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Thoughts on Parashat Korah

 by Mayer Sasson


 "And Korach presumed, the son of Yitzhar the son of Kehat the son of Levi…." (16,1)

                                      Family Lineage


One of the grandsons of the Grand Rabbi Yechezkel of Kozhmir left the straight path of his ancestors and rabbis to the point that his wife could not live with him and demanded a divorce.


After several days the wife appeared with her husband by Rabbi Eliyahu Kletzkin the Rabbi of Lublin and choking in tears she hurled many serious accusations against her husband. Feeling uncomfortable in light of his wife's serious assertions, the husband tried to silence her in light of his distinguished family lineage and said: "You should know that I am a descendant of holy people and the grandson of the righteous Rabbi Yechezkel of Kozhmir."


Rabbi Kletzkin cut him off and said: "On the verse "And Korach presumed, the son of Yitzhar the son of Kehat the son of Levi" Rashi says: The verse does not mention that Levi was the son of Yakov Avinu because Yakov Avinu asked for mercy and that his name not be mentioned in the dispute of Korach and his congregation as it says, "with their gatherings my honor my honor may not be identified". This seems surprising. How is there mercy by not mentioning Yakov in the dispute of Korach? One would think that Yakov should have asked that his name would be mentioned so that his grandchildren and great grandchildren would be saved in his merit!"


"But," Rabbi Kletzkin boomed, emphasizing every word, "it is specifically because of the Trait of Mercy towards his descendants that Yakov Avinu asked not to have his name mentioned in the dispute of Korach, his great grandson. When the sinner is a descendant of great people this fact makes his ruling more serious and enlarges the punishment he deserves for leaving the path of his forefathers."


Shabbat Shalom!!!



Mayer Sasson





Now, Korach, a Levite, along with two sons of Eliab, decided to rise up against Moses with the support of 250 community leaders. They combined against Moses and Aaron, saying “You’ve gone too far. Why do you raise yourself up above us?”

When Moses heard this, he fell on his face, saying to Korach and his followers, “Come morning, God will make known who God is and who is holy.” Then Moses added, “You have gone too far, sons of Levi. Is it not enough that God has set you apart from the community of Israel by having you perform the duties of the Lord’s Dwelling Place? Will you seek priesthood too? Truly, you rebel against God.”

Moses sent for the two sons of Eliab, but they would not come, saying it was unfair that Moses lord over them and force them to die wandering in the wilderness. Moses then told Korach and his followers to make a priestly fire and give incense offerings to God.

At the entrance to the Tent of Appointed Meeting, Moses and Aaron gathered in front of those rebelling and the rest of the community. Then the Presence of the Lord appeared to the entire assembly. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Stand back from these rebels that I may destroy them in an instant!” And they fell upon their faces and said, “O God, if one man sins, will you be angry with the whole community?”


God then had Moses say to the community, “Get away from Korach and the sons of Eliab. Move away from these wicked men and touch nothing that belongs to them, lest you be wiped out for all their sins.” So the people moved away from them.

Then Moses said, “By the coming actions, you shall know it is the Lord who sent me and not my own doing. If these men die like all men normally do, then it was not the Lord who sent me. But if the Lord creates a phenomenon so that the ground opens its mouth wide and swallows them and their property and they go to the grave alive, then you will know that these people have provoked God.”

When Moses finished speaking the ground under Korach, the sons of Eliab and their followers split, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their houses and all of their property. They and their belongings went down into the grave alive and the earth closed over them and they vanished.

Then a fire went out from God and it consumed the two hundred and fifty men of Korach’s followers who were offering incense.

The next day, the whole Israelite community railed against Moses and Aaron, saying, “You two have brought death upon the Lord’s people.”

Then the Presence of the Lord appeared. God said to Moses and Aaron, “Remove yourselves from these people so that I may annihilate them in an instant.”

The people fell on their faces with a plague sent by God, and Moses immediately sent Aaron to perform an incense ritual of atonement for the people. Aaron stood between the dead and the living and the plague was checked, even though over fourteen thousand died because of the Korach rebellion.

Then God had Moses get each of the chieftains of the twelve tribes to inscribe a staff. The finished rods were then placed before God at the Tent of Appointed Meeting in front of the Ten Commandments.

God said, “The staff of the man whom I choose shall sprout.” And Aaron’s rod did sprout with blossoms and almonds. Then God told Moses to leave Aaron’s rod in front of the Pact as a sign for the rebellious. “Those who complain of Me must stop complaining lest they die.”

Suddenly, the Israelites were scared that everyone was doomed to perish.

The Lord said to Aaron, “You and your sons shall be the priesthood. You shall take charge of the altar and partake of all the sacred offerings. All that the people bring to God shall be yours, including the best oils and the first fruits, but the first-born male and all the unclean animals must be redeemed according to value. You shall have all these sacred gifts set aside for the Lord, but you shall have no share of the land among the people. I am your portion and your share among the Israelites.”

God continued to Aaron, “The sons of Levi shall have the tithe, the uplifted donation, as their inheritance for the work that they do in the Sanctuary. Thus the Children of Israel shall not approach the Tent of Appointed Meeting and die. You shall take one-tenth of all the tithes as a gift to the Lord. This shall be your contribution. You shall take the choicest portions for the Lord. Do not profane the sacred donations of the Israelites lest you die.”


Parashat Korach Discussion Questions

1. Korah and his followers accuse Moses and Aaron of taking power and prestige for themselves at the expense of the community. Do you think Moses ever sought power? Why or why not?

2. Moses defends himself against these rebels by saying that the Lord will make God’s presence known by how God kills these rebels. Then God opens the ground and swallows people and their possessions? Do you believe God did kill them exactly like this? Can God do anything at any time?

3. Aaron and his sons are again given the command to be the priests in charge of all the sacred offerings. Why was priesthood so important back in Moses’ day? Is the function of a modern day rabbi to also take sacred offerings? How is a rabbi today different than a priest in those days?

Reprinted with permission from Jewish Family & Life!

My jewish learning  , by N,R,Greenfield




LA Parasha nous relate la rebellion que  fomenta  Korah  contre Moïse. Après tout ce que Moise venait d'accomplir pour le peuple juif, il est difficile de comprendre comment Kora'h a pu oser un tel acte. Pourtant, Korah pensait qu'il avait le droit de fomenter une rébellion publique contre Moïse. Qu’est ce qui a bien pu motiver sa stupéfiante effronterie? 

Le Midrash raconte que quelques centaines d'années plus tôt, toute la richesse du monde civilisé se trouvait en Égypte. En fin de compte, suite à la destruction de l'Égypte, une grande partie de cette richesse aboutit chez Korah. On raconte que sa richesse était si grande qu'une caravane de 300 mulets était nécessaire uniquement pour le transport des clés permettant d'accéder à ses trésors! 

C'était cette grande richesse, expliquent les commentateurs, qui a incité Kora'h à contester le leadership de Moïse. La richesse est une ressource merveilleuse. Mais comme tout le reste, il ne faut pas en abuser. Une personne riche peut parfois éprouver un sentiment de puissance et d’impunité qui l'amènent à adopter une conduite inappropriée. Je me souviens avoir vu un artiste populaire détruire des objets sans aucun motif particulier, puis sourire d'un air suffisant à la pensée que sa célébrité le mettait en quelque sorte à l'abri des normes d'un comportement normal.

Les Sages nous disent que la richesse représente une des épreuves les plus difficiles de la vie, peut-être plus difficile même que le celle de la pauvreté. Le défi de la richesse c'est de l'utiliser pour le bien de l'humanité, et d'éviter de l'utiliser comme accessoire de son amour propre  (





Thank God for Wives!


Most people are familiar with the passage in the Torah where God advises Abraham to follow

Sarah’s advice; “Everything that Sarah tells you, listen to her words”. There is a less well-known midrash

where the rabbis when writing the Midrash also had a similar lesson to teach. In Bemidbar 16:1 the

Torah mentions that Ohn Ben Pelet was one of the leaders of Korah’s rebellion. But, Ohn Ben Pelet is

not mentioned even one more time in the Parasha after this incident. What happened to Ohn Ben Pelet?

The Midrash surmises that when Ohn Ben Pelet told his wife of his role in the rebellion, she

realized that he was behaving foolishly. That night she gave him strong wine to drink and he fell asleep.

She and her daughter sat in front of the family tent. When Korah’s messengers came to summon Ohn

they were forced to turn back at the sight of his wife and his daughter. When the earth swallowed Korah’s

assembly, Ohn Ben Pelet was sleeping peacefully in his bed, saved by his wife's great wisdom.

(Bemidbar Rabbah 18:15)









La nation juive est souvent comparée à la lune. Tout au long de l’histoire, notre lumière a connu des hauts et des bas. Mais, même dans l’obscurité la plus totale, elle ne s’est jamais éteinte. C’est la raison pour laquelle, lorsque la nouvelle lune apparaît dans le ciel de la nuit, nous la célébrons.

Roch ‘Hodech signifie « la tête de la nouvelle lune », et c’est effectivement un jour – ou deux – de célébration marquant le début d’un nouveau mois lunaire. Les mois juifs, indexés sur le cycle de la lune, ont soit 29, soit 30 jours. À la fin d’un mois de 30 jours, le jour du mois sortant et le premier jour du nouveau mois sont tous deux Roch ‘Hodech. Après un mois de 29 jours, seul le premier du nouveau mois est Roch ‘Hodech. Comme tous les jours du calendrier juif, Roch ‘Hodech commence à la tombée de la nuit du jour précédent. ans les temps anciens, le Roch ‘Hodech était déclaré par le beit din (le tribunal juif) seulement après que deux témoins crédibles aient attesté avoir vu la nouvelle lune. Depuis le quatrième siècle, cependant, il est déterminé par un calendrier prédéfini.


Korah Quiz


1) Q. What was so evil about Korach’s rebellion?

A. Korach and his clan didn’t think being Leviim was honorable enough. They didn’t accept

the role that Hashem gave them and they wanted a greater title, to be more famous and known.

They wanted to use the torah for their own benefit and receive the respect of being kohanim.

We learn in Pirke Avot, and Rambam stresses, that it is a grave sin, to use the Torah, or one’s

religious title “(kohen, rabbi, etc.) for personal benefit. The Torah is not a means to achieve

honor or money, rather a means of getting closer to God.


2) Q. The Parasha says "Korah son of Yitzhar, son of Kehat, son of Levi." Why doesn't the

Torah go one more step and mention Yaakob in Korah’s genealogy?

A. The Midrash (based on the pasuk in Bereshit 49:6) teaches that Yaakob prayed that his

name would not be mentioned in connection with Korah’s rebellion. The more simple

explanation is that the Toah is simply trying to show that he is from the tribe of Levi, and is

showing which family in Levi he is from so that we better understand the family / political fight



3) Q. What motivated Korah to rebel?

A. He was jealous that Elzaphan Ben Uziel was appointed as leader of the family of

Kehat, instead of himself.


4) Q. Why did Moshe delay the confrontation with Korah’s congregation until the next day?

A. He was hoping they would realize their mistake and repent, thereby avoiding the need

for punishment.


5) Q. Why was Korah so sure that he would win?

A. The Midrash teaches that Korah saw prophetically that great men would descend from

him. So he assumed that if great men were supposed to descend from him then he couldn’t die.

What he didn’t realize was that while his sons were falling into the earth they repented and they

alone were saved. They later went on to write one of the psalms of Tehillim. The descendants

that came from him were Shemuel Hanavi, and 24 groups of Levi'im who served in the Bet

Hamikdash, all of whom were Nevi'im. This midrash is not to be taken literally but more to teach

a lesson on the power of repentance.


6) Q. What did Korah do the night before the final confrontation?

A. He went from tribe to tribe in order to rally support for himself.


7) Q. What can we learn from the Passuk “Datan and Aviram went out erect at the entrance of

their tents, with their wives, children, and infants” (16:27)?

A. We can see how terrible the rebellion was. Normally an earthly court only punishes

people above thirteen years old, and a heavenly court only punishes above twenty years old.


Here they were so evil that Hashem even punished the infants. This is difficult to understand in

the context of classic Jewish thought that the young are never punished for their sins or for the

sins of their father. Maimonides however does state that children can be punished for the sins of

their fathers while they're still young.


8) Q. Why were the fire-pans, used by Korah’s assembly - who were such evil people, made

into an overlay for the Mizbe’ach (Altar) which is such a holy object?

A. To serve as a warning and remembrance that the rebels were burned when they

challenged the Kehuna.


9) Q. What happens to one who rebels against the institution of Kehuna? Who suffered such


A. He is stricken with Tzara'at, as was King Uziyahu (Divrei Hayamim II 26:16-19).


10) Q. How did Moshe know that burning incense would stop the plague?

A. The Midrash teaches that he was told on Har Sinai by the ‘Angel of Death’ that the

Ketoret (incense) has the power to stop plagues. This is one reason why it is considered so

important to read the Ketoret three times every day (before ‘Hashem Melech’, at the end of

Shaharit, and in the Beginning of Minha). It is taught, based on this midrash, that everyone that

reads it, is seen in heaven as if he brought the incense and the sacrifices mentioned there. The

Zohar adds that it is so important that each word deserves a special crown for itself. This is also

why kabalistically some people write the ketoret on parchment, but most rabbis, including rabbi

Ovadia Yosef discourages this practice.


11) Q. Why was Aharon's staff placed in the middle of the other eleven staff?

A. So that people would not say that Aaron's staff bloomed because Moshe placed it closer

to Shechina.


12) Q. Aharon's staff was kept as a sign. What did it signify?

A. That only Aharon and his children were selected for the Kehuna.


13) Q. The Parsha mentions the gifts that shall be given to all Kohanim. How many gifts were

and why is it mentioned here?

A. The Kohanim received 24 gifts. Since Korah claimed the Kehuna, the Torah

emphasizes Aharon's and his descendants' rights to the Kehuna by recording the gifts given to



14) Q. Who may eat the Kodshei Kodashim (most holy sacrifices), and where must they be


A. Male Kohanim may eat them and only in the Azara (forecourt of the Beit Hamikdash).


15) Q. What is the Haftara for parashat Korah and why is it read?

A. The Haftara for parashat Korah is Samuel I 11:14 - 12:22. 

The Haftarah takes place at

the end of the period of the Judges. For many years, since Yehoshua's time, the people were

led by the "Judges". Samuel was the last, and the greatest of the Judges. While he was ruling,

the people complained that they wanted a king like all the other nations. Samuel did not want

this because he knew it would not be good for Bnei Yisrael, but Hashem told him to give in to their demands and Hashem chose Shaul as king. Similarly, in today's Parasha, Korah’s people rebelled and complained of Moshe's rule. In the Haftarah, Bnei Yisrael said they no longer wanted Samuel to rule over them but they wanted a king instead. Ironically Samuel was a descendent of Korah. Both Moshe and Shemuel publicly declare that they did not take any money or benefit from the community. They did not “benefit” from their religious roles




you must look where it is not as well as where it is. 

 You must lose a fly to catch a trout. 

            . You must not expect old heads on young shoulders. 

 You need to bait the hook to catch the fish. 

            . You never know what you can do till you try. 

 You never know what you've got till it's gone. 

              You never miss a slice from a cut loaf. 

You never miss the water till the well runs dry. 

 You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 

. You should lie down with the lamb and rise with the lark.


you don't get something for nothing. 

. You get what you pay for. 

 You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. 

. You have to crawl before you can walk. 





After a night out on the town, a Jewish couple is taking a cab home.

When they arrive, the cabbie says, "That'll be $46, please."


The husband gives him a $50 bill and waits.


"I'm sorry, but I don't have change to give you." says the cabbie.


The husband says, "No worries, you can take us for a spin around the block a couple of times."





A jewish smoker is asking his Rabbi

Rabbi, is it alright if I smoke during study of Torah?


Rabbi: Absolutely not, out of question. Why would you even ask such ridiculous thing?


The Jewish smoker goes away ashamed, but since he is a pious addict he comes back later and asks Rabbi again.


Rabbi, is it alright if I study the Torah while I smoke?


Rabbi: But of course, of course!





t's 3 in the morning and an elderly Jewish man is flying down the highway at 105 mph. A state trooper pulls him over.

"Where in the hell are you racing to at this hour?"


"To a lecture, officer."


"Who gives a lecture at 3 a.m.?"


"My wife."



A man went to Starbuck for coffee

The barista asks his name

He said Mark with a K

2 minutes later the barista calls Kark 




Moché  et Reuven sont au Mur des Lamentations, à

Jérusalem. Les deux se lamentent et pleurent...

Moché qui prie :

- Mon Dieu s'il te plaît, fais moi gagner 2 millions de dollars , s'il te plaît, seulement 2 millions,

Il y a un terrain à vendre en plein centre. Je ne peux pas me permettre de le manquer.

Et Reuven qui prie : Mon Dieu, tu vois  bien  que je n'ai pas du tout d'argent, je te demande seulement  $100.00  pour vivre et manger ,c'est tout...

Chacun se lamente, sans s’arrêter.

À un moment, Moché se retourne vers Reuven et lui dit :

'Bon écoute, tiens, voilà tes $ 100 et laisse le Bon Dieu se concentrer sur moi


Une femme remarque son mari dans la salle de bain. Il est debout sur la balance en train de se peser et tente tant bien que mal de rentrer son ventre le plus possible. Elle lui dit:

- Même si tu essaies de rentrer ton ventre, je ne pense pas que ça t'aide en quoi que ce soit ! Le mari répond :

- Bien sûr que ça m'aide, c'est la seule manière de voir les chiffres sur la balance !


Madame Goldstein raconte à tous les amis de la famille :

- Nous venons d'adopter un chien qui est extrêmement intelligent. Pourquoi ne pas venir nous rendre visite après le chabbat? Vous pourrez l'entendre jouer du piano!

Après chabbat, dans le salon des Goldstein, les invités sont émerveillés lorsqu'ils peuvent voir et surtout entendre le brave Médor interpréter Chopin sans fausse note. À tel point que madame Goldberg, un peu jalouse, avoue à son hôte :

- Dis-donc Rébecca, tu dois être drôlement fière d'avoir un chien

Si doué !

- Oy, pas tant que ça, répond madame Goldstein, c'est mon mari qui lui a appris le solfège. Moi je voulais qu'il fasse médecine




David Hasson 










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Sat, April 20 2024 12 Nisan 5784