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03/11/2021 05:21:53 PM


               13 MARS 2021/ 29 ADAR 5781
                     CHABBAT  HAHODECH

candle lighting 5:38 pm
chabbat morning  am
havdalla  6:42   pm






              Samedi 13 mars 2021 /  29 adar 5781 


Nous souhaitons une Réfouah Chlémah à notre cher Selim Sasson 

       Une bonne guérison et un prompt retour à la maison  



Congratulations  to :  Mordechai-Joshua Hadid, on his first attempt, has successfully passed the 1st level of the Regional Bible Contest and is moving on to the 2nd round in his age group (grade 5-6) at the National Level.

                                 B R A V O  !




                Pessah commence le soir du Samedi 27 mars 

C’est un Pessah très spécial qui arrive très rarement et assez compliqué

On coupe le Hamets le vendredi, mais on le mange le vendredi soir , samedi matin et midi.  Le samedi soir c’est le  le premier Seder

La semaine prochaine j’enverrai la marche à suivre pour ce Pessah spécial


Aussi le calendrier du Omer sera envoyé la semaine prochaine 

                                          Hag Saméyah



Nous lisons 2 Parachiot : Les 2 dernières du livre re Chémot :Vayakhel et Pékoudé


 Elles  résument tout ce qu’on a appris dans Térouma, Tetsavé et Ki Tissa

Ce Chabbat qu'on appelle Chabbat Hahodech marque  le début du mois saint de Nissan , le mois de la délivrance d’Égypte 

    Sunday is Rosh Hodesh Nissan  


Bon anniversaire à Maggie Magdalena Levy, Jordan Adam Hadid, Yaffa Moikaella Hadid 

Hazkarot:Jacques Aintabi (zl), père de Sam Aintabi

Joseph Mouadeb (zl) père d’ Andrée Sasson 


Shabbat Hahodesh / שַׁבָּת הַחֹדֶשׁ

Shabbat HaHodesh (Shabbat before Rosh Hodesh Nissan) 

Shabbat Hahodesh ("Sabbath [of the] month" שבת החודש) precedes the first of the Hebrew month of Nisan during which Passover is celebrated. and the laws of Passover. On the first day of Nisan, G-d presented the first commandment of how to "sanctify the new moon" (kiddush hachodesh) for the onset of Rosh Hodesh and thus Nisan becomes the first month of the Jewish year (counting by months.)

1.     This Shabbat is Shabbat 1)  Vayakhel   2) Pekoudé   3)  Hahodesh 

4)  Hazaq :  Some people call it this as it is the last parasha of the book) 4)  Shabbat mevarchim Rosh Hodesh (we bless Rosh Hodesh) 

2.     Sunday is Rosh Hodesh Nisan AKA Rosh Hashana according to the Torah. 

3.     Starting Sunday  you can recite Birkat Ha’ilanot if you can find a budding tree





LA PARACHA EN BREF : Moise rassemble le peuple et renouvelle le commandement d’observer le Chabbat : « durant six jours le travail sera fait et le septième jour sera saint pour vous, un repos complet pour l’Eternel ». Il transmet alors les instructions divines concernant l’édification du Tabernacle. Le peuple donne en abondance les matériaux 

nécessaires. doit faire proclamer dans le camp qu’on cesse d’apporter des dons. Une équipe d’artisans au cœur inspiré construit le Tabernacle et fabrique ses ustensiles (comme déjà détaillé dans les précédentes sections hebdomadaires, Térouma, Tetsavé et Ki Tissa) : les tentures attachées par des agrafes d’or, des poutres en bois de chittim recouvertes d’or et leurs socles d’argent, le Parokhet (le Rideau) séparant les deux chambres du Sanctuaire, le Massakh (le voile) à l’entrée de la Tente ; et l’Arche avec les chérubins, la Table recouverte d’or et sa bordure en or, le Chandelier à sept branches et son huile, l’Autel des encens, l’Huile d’Onction et l’Autel des sacrifices, la cuve et son piédestal faite avec les miroirs de cuivre apportés par les femmes. Sur l’ordre de , le compte de l’or, de l’argent et du cuivre donné par le peuple pour la construction du Tabernacle est établi. Betsalel, Aholiab et leurs assistants façonnent les huit vêtements sacerdotaux - le tablier, le pectoral, le manteau, le diadème, le turban, la tunique, la ceinture et le pantalon - suivant les instructions reçues par Moïse dans la paracha de Tetsavé. Les éléments qui le composent étant achevés, ils sont apportés à qui érige le Tabernacle et le consacre en lui apposant l’huile d’onction ainsi qu’à ses ustensiles. Il initie Aaron et ses quatre fils dans la prêtrise, les revêtant de leurs habits et en les oignant. Alors, « la nuée couvrit la tente d’assignation et la gloire de l’Eternel emplit le Tabernacle ».

Cette Paracha conclut le livre de l'Exode, Sefer Chemot, le second livre de la Torah.(



Jewish History about the month of Nissan


Creation of man (in thought) (3761 BCE)

The Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a) cites two opinions as to the date of G-d's creation of the universe: according to Rabbi Eliezer: "The world was created in Tishrei" (i.e., the sixth day of creation--the day on which Adam and Eve were created--was the 1st of Tishrei, celebrated each year as Rosh Hashanah); according to Rabbi Joshua, "The world was created in Nissan." As interpreted by the Kabbalists and the Chassidic masters, the deeper meaning of these two views is that the physical world was created in Tishrei, while the "thought" or idea of creation was created in the month of Nissan.



The Patriarchs (1813-1506 BCE)

According to the Talmud, the three Patriarchs of the Jewish people-- Abraham (1813-1638 BCE), Isaac (1713-1533 BCE) and Jacob (1653-1506 BCE)--all were born and passed away in the month of Nissan.


Jewish Calendar Inaugurated (1313 BCE)

On the first of Nissan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE--two weeks before the Exodus), G-d showed Moses the crescent new moon and told him, "When you see the moon like this, sanctify [the new month]." This ushered in the first Jewish month, and commenced the lunar calendar Jews have been following ever since.


Jews Commanded 1st Mitzvah


Mishkan Inaugurated (1312 BCE)

On the eighth day following a 7-day training and initiation period, the portable Mishkan ("Tabernacle" or "Sanctuary") built by the Children of Israel in the Sinai desert was erected, Aaron and his sons began serving as priests, and the Divine Presence came to dwell in the Mishkan; special offerings were brought, including a series of gifts by Nachshon ben Aminadav, the Prince of the Tribe of Judah (similar offerings were brought over the next 11 days by the other tribes of Israel).

Death of Nadav and Avihu (1312 BCE)


On the day the Mishkan was inaugurated (see above), "Nadav and Avihu, the sons of Aaron, took each of them his censer, and put fire in it, and put incense on it, and offered strange fire before G-d, which He commanded them not. A fire went out from G-d, and consumed them, and they died before G-d" (Leviticus 10:1-2).


 Laws and Customs

Rosh Hodesh Observances

Tomorrow , Sunday ,   is Rosh Hodesh Nissan  ("Head of the Month") for the month of Nissan.

Special portions are added to the daily prayers: Hallel (Psalms 113-118) is recited -- in its "partial" form -- following the Shacharit morning prayer, and the Yaaleh V'yavo prayer is added to the Amidah and to Grace After Meals; the additional Musaf prayer is said  . Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted.

Many have the custom to mark Rosh Chodesh with a festive meal and reduced work activity. The latter custom is prevalent amongst women, who have a special affinity with Rosh Chodesh -- the month being the feminine aspect of the Jewish Calendar.



Tout dépend de ce qu'on en fait...

Dans la paracha de cette semaine se trouve l’ordre divin de confectionner un bassin en cuivre pour le Tabernacle (Exode 30, 17).

Les juifs erraient au fin fond du désert. Où diable pourraient-ils se procurer suffisamment de cuivre pour fabriquer ce fameux bassin ?

Le commentateur Rachi vient à notre rescousse en expliquant que ce bassin fut confectionné à partir de miroirs de cuivre qui avaient été fondus. (Le cuivre est un matériau réfléchissant qui peut faire usage de miroir). Et d’où provenaient ces miroirs de cuivre ? Ils furent offerts par les femmes d’Israël qui les avaient utilisés en Egypte pour se faire belles et plaire à leurs maris !

D’ailleurs, lorsque Moïse découvrit à quelle fin ces miroirs avaient été employés précédemment, il hésita à s’en servir pour un objectif aussi sacré dans le Tabernacle. Or quelle fut la réponse de D.ieu ? « Accepte-les ! Ces miroirs Me sont plus chers que tout ! ».

Car voyez-vous, en Egypte, Pharaon s’acharnait à tuer tous les nouveau-nés juifs, et les femmes savaient que si le peuple Juif cessait de mettre au monde des enfants, Pharaon arriverait à ses fins. De fait, lorsque les femmes utilisaient ces miroirs pour séduire leurs maris, leurs motivations étaient pures et nobles ; assurer la pérennité du peuple Juif.

Ce que nous apprenons de là est que rien dans ce monde n’est bon ni mauvais en soi – tout dépend de ce qu’on en fait. L’Internet est à cet égard un exemple parlant : il peut se prêter à des usages bien peu recommandables, ou bien il peut nous servir à lire ou écouter des cours de Torah.

En utilisant une chose à des fins positives, nous pouvons véritablement élever et sanctifier cette petite parcelle de notre univers. Ce qui, en définitive, constitue le but même de notre existence sur terre !




Pop Quiz - Priestly clothing

What were the eight garments worn by the Kohen Gadol and which garments were worn

by a Kohen Hedyot (ordinary Kohen)?

Choshen(breastplate), Ephod, Me'il (robe), Ketonet (tunic), Mitznefet (turban), Avnet

(sash), Tzitz (headplate), and Michnasayim (pants). The Kohen Hedyot only wore four: the

Ketonet, Avnet, Migba'at(headdress), and Michnasayim.

For those who have not visited yet, there is an institute in the Old City of Jerusalem that

manufactures these clothes. Many people who are preparing for the rebuilding of the Temple

have already given in their measurements, and have had priestly garments fashioned for them

made to order so that they are prepared with proper fitting clothes when the Temple is rebuilt.

Kohanim, place your orders. one Levy  once on the bus in Israel  was taking music lessons because he wanted to be prepared in case the messiah comes and the temple is rebuilt.




Blessing on Blooming Trees

A special mitzvah, which can be fulfilled only once a year, is to recite the berachah ("blessing" or prayer) made upon seeing a fruit tree in bloom: Blessed are you G-d our G-d, king of the universe, who left nothing lacking in His world, and created within it good creatures and good trees with which He gives pleasure to people. Today is the first opportunity to make this blessing, but it can be done anytime during the month of Nissan (referred to by the Torah as "the month of spring" ). Many visit botanical gardens during this time, so as to avail themselves of an opportunity to observe this beautiful mitzvah.


L’ombre de Dieu


La parashat Pekoude nous parle de Betzalel, l'homme qui a supervisé la conception et la construction du Tabernacle.


signifie littéralement «dans l'ombre de Dieu». Ce nom fait allusion à ses capacités en architecture, qui lui sont venues grâce à sa compréhension du code parle quel Dieu a combiné les  lettres hébraïques pour créer le monde. 


La grande sagesse de Betzalel est rapportée dans le Talmud par l'incident suivant: Moïse avait donné  l’instruction de construire l'Arche Sainte, puis de construire le Tabernacle pour recevoir l'Arche. Mais Betzalel raisonna que puisque l'Arche est le composant le plus important, le Tabernacle doit être construit d'abord, afin de recevoir l'Arche.


De cette façon, Betzalel a également établi un parallèle avec la création. Dans la création par Dieu du monde, toutes les plantes et les animaux ont précédé les êtres humains - de sorte que le monde entier soit prêt à recevoir l'humanité, le summum de la création.


Nous rappelons cette idée tous les vendredis soirs dans la prière Lekha Dodi, où nous chantons "Sof Ma'asé bé Ma’hshava Te’hilla" - ce qui se passe en dernier dans l’action, existait en fait en premier dans la pensée. 

C'est une leçon de vie essentielle. Une personne a besoin de connaître son but final, le but ultime de la vie - et alors seulement ses activités prennent leur vrai but et leur sens. C'est pourquoi l'étude de la sagesse est si importante. Parce que si nous nous laissons aller, en espérant comprendre la vie en cours de route, nous allons passer beaucoup de temps - peut-être même toute une vie – à la construction de structures complexes qui n'auront pas de sens final. 

Faisons donc notre priorité  d'apprendre le véritable but de la vie, parce que sinon, comme dit le proverbe, «Si vous ne savez pas où vous allez ... vous êtes destiné à ne jamais y arriver ».






Vayakhel Quiz


1) Q. Why is the prohibition against doing work on Shabbat written prior to the instruction for building the Mishkan?

     A. The rabbis use this juxtaposition to teach that the building of the Mishkan doesn't supersede the laws of Shabbat.  We also learn that since building the Mishkan is forbidden on Shabbat, it must be that all activities that were required to build the Mishkan are forbidden on Shabbat.  This is where we learn the 39 forbidden activities on Shabbat (cooking, sewing, building, etc.)

2) Q. Why does the Torah write so much about all the details that went into building the Mishkan?

     A. We are taught that when the Torah wants to emphasize a good deed it spends a lot of time describing that subject, and repeats it. In Bereshit (24:42) the story of Abrham’s servant meeting Rivka is repeated twice. This is to stress the servant’s dedication and loyalty to Abraham in trying to find a wife for Yitzhak (other’s believe that it is because there were 2 different traditions regarding the story that got meshed together but this is not the traditional explanation). Similarly, here Hashem wants to stress his love and appreciation to Bnei Yisrael who devoted themselves both physically and financially to the building of the Mishkan. Another explanation (taught to me by my father) may be that Hashem wanted to specify very clearly what is allowed to be done in the Mishkan, so that all other additions would be forbidden.

3) Q. What was unusual about the way the women spun the goat's hair?

    A. The midrash teaches that it was spun directly from off of the backs of the goats.

4) Q. Why were the Nesi'im (Princes) the last ones to contribute to the building of the Mishkan?

     A. The Nesi'im reasoned that they would first let the people contribute materials needed for the Mishkan and then they would contribute whatever else was lacking. The Torah shows its dissatisfaction by deleting a letter from their title. This Midrash is teaching us that although they may have had good intentions, everyone should donate whatever they can immediately and not wait for everyone else to donate first.

5) Q. The Torah specifies here that it is forbidden to kindle fire on Shabbat. Why does it single out fire out of all the other actions that are forbidden on Shabbat?

     A. One possible explnation is that on Yom Tob the Torah says that one may transfer fire for food. The Torah did not want any one to make an error and think that this law also applies to Shabbat, so the Torah stresses, "Do not kindle fire on Shabbat."

6) Q. Who does the Torah identify as the primary builders of the Mishkan and which tribes were they from?

    A. Betzalel Ben Uri from the tribe of Yehuda and Aholiab Ben Achisamach from the tribe of Dan. They are treated equally even though Betzalel is from the most prestigious tribe and Aholiab from one of the least prestigious.  The Tanach and the rabbis have always stressed that what makes someone important is what he or she does, not which family they come from.  This lesson is taught in the Tanach many times, yet today many people still have failed to grasp the message of our religious leaders.  Too often today we still see communities cater to those from more prestigious famillies rather then to those who contribute the most, not just from a financial standpoint from from a social and religious standpoint.




Pekoudé Quiz


1) Q. How many times is "As Hashem commanded" used regarding the Mishkan's construction?

A. "As Hashem commanded" appears 18 times regarding the Mishkan's construction. The Sages instituted 18 blessings in the Amida prayer.  Today, when we have no Bet Hamikdash, the 18 blessings of the Amida substitute for the sacrifices offered in the Mishkan. (Later on a 19th Beracha was added) - Baal Haturim

2) Q. Who was appointed to carry the vessels of the Mishkan in the Midbar?

A. The Levi'im.

3) Q. Where were the a)Shulchan and b)Menorah placed in the Mishkan? 

A. a) The Shulchan was placed on the northern side of the Ohel Mo'ed, outside the Parochet. b)The Menorah was placed on the southern side opposite the Shulchan (this is why we place the Hannukia on the south wall of the Synagogue).

4) Q. On which day did both Moshe and Aharon serve as Kohanim?

A. On the eighth day of the consecration of the Mishkan.

(see question 6 for a different opinion)

5) Q. Why is the Mishkan called a Mishkan Ha'edut- testimony?

  A. The reason is not clear so several possible reasons have been proposed. The first reason is because it is a testimony that Hashem still wants Bnei Yisrael, even after the Sin of the Golden Calf and it is the place that houses the tablets of testimony. A second reason given by the midrash is because Moshe was accused of stealing fifteen thousand Shekels from the funds for the Mishkan. He had them recount the money and it was found that they forgot to add some of the money. The Mishkan was a testimony to Moshe's honesty. Afterwards, Moshe praised Hashem with 15 praises. These praises are the ones we say every day in Yishtabah. This is also the reason that there are 15 "Baruch" in Baruch She'amar, and 15 "Vav" in Emet Veyatziv Venachon (after Shema Yisrael).

6) Q. When was the Mishkan completed?

  A. The prior Parasha, Vayakhel took place the day after Kippur (when Moshe received forgiveness for the people following the sin of the golden calf.)  The Mishkan was completed on the 25th of Kislev. So it took less than three months to build the Mishkan. "Vatechel Kol Abodat Hamishkan" – “And the work of the Mishkan was completed” is numerically equivalent to "B'Esrim V'Hamisha B'Kislev Nigmar" - It was completed on the 25th of Kislev. (This is one reason why we celebrate Hannuka on this date).  There are however other opinions that disagree on these dates. Fro example some believe that the construction of the Mishkan began the day after Kippur and ended just before the month of Nisan. After this 6 months period of preparation there was a seven day inauguration.  This is similar to Megilat Esther’s first chapter with a 6 months feast for all the kingdom, followed by a 7 day feast only for the selected city








Good men need no recommendation and bad men it wouldn't help.

Anger in a home is like rottenness in fruit." ~~ Talmud

At work, you think of the children you have left at home. At home, you think of the work you’ve left unfinished. Such a struggle is unleashed within yourself. Your heart is rent. " ~~ Golda Meir

Our sages recommended that a father should spend less than his means on food, up to his means on dress, and beyond his means for his wife and children." ~~ Maimonides

Be careful to honor your wife, for blessing enters the house only because of the wife. " ~~ Talmud

When you whitewash your home, leave a small patch bare to remind you of the Temple’s destruction! [

It is nobler to visit a house of mourning than a house of feasting.

do not recall a Jewish home without a book on the table. " ~~ Elie Wiesel

Each and every man is a king in his own home. "

The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. " ~~ Henry A. Kissinger




The President of a congregation went to visit the Rabbi in the hospital, who had just suffered a mild heart-attack.He said,"Rabbi, the board just voted 10 to 4 to wish you a speedy recovery.



The Riddle

A man  once thought up a riddle that nobody could answer: “What’s purple, hangs on the wall and whistles?”

When everybody gave up, he announced the answer: a white fish.

“A white fish?” people said. “A white fish isn’t purple.”

“Nu,” replied the jokester, “this white fish was painted purple.”

“But hanging on a wall? Who ever heard of a white fish that hung on a wall?”

“Aha! But this white fish was hung on the wall.”

“But a white fish doesn’t whistle,” somebody shouted.

“Nu, so that fish   doesn’t whistle.”



A thief stuck a pistol in a man's ribs and said, "Give me your money." The gentleman, shocked by the sudden attack, said, "You cannot do this, I'm a congressman!" The thief replied, "In that case, give me MY money!"




Q: What starts with E, ends with E, and has only 1 letter in it?

A: Envelope.



son: "Dad, when will I be old enough so I don't have to ask mom for her permission to go out?"

Dad: "Son, even I haven't grown old enough to go out without her permission!"




Un  père voulait se faire un complet sur mesure pour la Bar-Mitzvah de son fils. C’était son premier complet sur mesure. Il va chez le tailleur pour se renseigner

Le tailleur lui raconte le processus de la coupe et du tissu

  1. Il télécharge 24 photos digitales

  2. Il cultive un mouton en Australie pour la meilleure laine

  3. Il sélectionne au Japon les meilleurs vers à soie pour la doublure en soie

  4. Il descend aux plus profond des eaux chinoises pour trouver les boutons en perle

Le  père lui dit :: je ne peux pas attendre que vous reveniez de tous ces voyages; il veut le complet pour la Bar-Mitzvah de son fils dans une semaine.

Le tailleur lui dit : Pas de problème, tu l’auras demain si tu veux.



Albert rencontre Roger :

- Tu sais Roger, j'aimerais bien me marier, je m'ennuie.

- Ben dis donc, Bébert, tu ne t'es pas regardé, quelle femme voudrait de toi ?

- T'exagères !

- Tu es bossu, tu es borgne, et par-dessus le marché tu boites ! Il faudrait qu'elle soit folle

  pour t'épouser !

- Je la prends, même folle !



Reuben lisait le contrat du mariage

Sa femme Esther lui dit: Chéri, Tu admires notre contrat de mariage

Reuben qui répond : Non, pas du tout, je cherche la date d’expiration, 



David Hasson














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Tue, April 23 2024 15 Nisan 5784