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M A Weekly Bulletin - PARACHAT VAYÉHI - 30 DÉCEMBRE 2017/ 12 TEVET 5778

12/28/2017 04:25:20 PM




Friday Night
Candle Lighting:4:00 pm


Shabbat Day
Shaharit - Minyan: 8:30a
Havdalah (end of shabbat): 5:10 pm 




Sarah and Meir Azerad on the Brit Milah of their son

Hello/Bonjour [nickname_else_first_name],








Nous souhaitons à nos membres et amis une bonne année 2018 pleine de bonheur et santé


Jacob vit les 17 dernières années de sa vie en Égypte. Avant sa mort, il demande à Joseph de faire le serment qu’il l’enterrera en Terre Sainte. Il bénit les deux fils de Joseph, Manasseh et Ephraïm, les élevant au statut de ses propres fils comme fondateurs de tribus au sein du peuple d’Israël.

Le patriarche souhaite révéler la fin des temps à ses enfants, mais il en est empêché. Jacob bénit alors ses fils, attribuant à chacun le rôle de sa tribu : Judah produira des chefs, des législateurs et des rois ; les prêtres viendront de Lévi, les savants d’Issakhar, les navigateurs de Zévouloun, les maîtres d’école de Chimone, les soldats de Gad, les juges de Dan, les producteurs d’olives d’Acher, etc. Ruben est blâmé pour avoir « troublé le mariage de son père », Chimone et Lévi pour le massacre de Chekhem et le complot contre Joseph. Naphtali se voit attribuer la rapidité d’une gazelle, Benjamin la férocité d’un Loup et la beauté et la fertilité sont promises à Joseph.

Un long convoi funéraire composé des descendants de Jacob, des ministres de Pharaon, des nobles de l’Égypte et de la cavalerie égyptienne accompagne Jacob dans son dernier voyage vers la Terre Sainte, où il est enterré dans la grotte de Makhpela à Hébron.

Joseph meurt à son tour en Égypte à l’âge de 110 ans. Lui aussi ordonne que ses ossements soient sortis d’Égypte pour être enterrés en Terre Sainte, mais cela ne se produira que lors de l’Exode des Israélites d’Égypte bien des années plus tard. Avant sa mort, Joseph transmet aux Enfants d’Israël le testament qui sera le ferment de leur espoir et de leur foi dans les difficiles années à venir : « D.ieu se souviendra de vous et vous fera sortir de ce pays vers celui qu’Il a promis par serment à Abraham, à Isaac et à Jacob. »


Did Pharaoh speak Hebrew? The Midrash says, no.

During the dialogue between Ya’akov and Yosef at the time of his death Ya’akov makes Yosef swear that he will bury him in Israel. It is unclear from the text why Ya’akov make Yosef swear that he would bury him in Canaan. We imagine that Ya’akov should have trusted Yosef his son and would not have obligated him to swear.

He trusted Yosef but he was worried that Pharaoh would not allow Yosef to leave Egypt. This way, if Yosef swore, then Pharaoh would have to let him keep his word. The Gemara (Sota 37b) teaches that when Yosef was first appointed Viceroy of Egypt, Pharaoh tested him to see if he knew how to speak every language. Yosef not only knew all the languages that Pharaoh knew, but he also knew Hebrew, which Pharaoh did not know. Pharaoh made Yosef promise that he would never tell anyone that he knows more languages than Pharaoh. So, when Yosef told Pharaoh that he promised his father he would take his body to Canaan, Pharaoh told him to cancel the promise. Yosef answered him: “If I cancel the promise to my father, I will also cancel the promise I made to you.” Pharaoh was then forced to allow Yosef to leave Egypt.

All references are to the verses and Rashi’s commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. Why is kindness towards the dead called "chesed shel emet" — kindness of truth?
    47:29 - Because the giver expects no reward from the recipient.
  2. Give three reasons Yaakov didn't want to be buried in Egypt.
    47:29 - a) Egypt's ground was to be plagued with lice; b) At the time of the resurrection, those buried outside Israel will suffer; c) So the Egyptians wouldn't make him into an idol.
  3. When I was coming from Padan, Rachel died on me... I buried her there on the way to Efrat..." Why did Yaakov say all this to Yosef?
    48:7 - Yaakov thought Yosef harbored resentment since Yaakov had not buried Yosef's mother, Rachel, in the Ma'arat HaMachpela.
  4. Initially, why was Yaakov unable to bless Efraim and Menashe?
    48:8 - The Shechina departed from him.
  5. What does pillalti mean?
    48:11 - "I thought."
  6. What does "Shechem" mean as used in this week's parsha? (two answers)
    48:22 - a) The actual city of Shechem; b) A portion.
  7. Which individual is called "the Emori"? Why? Give two reasons.
    48:22 - Esav. a) He acted like an Emorite; b) He trapped his father with words (imrei pi).
  8. What did Yaakov want to tell his sons but was unable to?
    49:1 - When mashiach will come.
  9. What privileges did Reuven lose due to his rash actions?
    49:3 - Priesthood and Kingship.
  10. What congregation from Yaakov's offspring did Yaakov not want to be associated with?
    49:6 - Korach and his congregation.
  11. What did Yehuda do after he heard Yaakov rebuke Reuven, Shimon and Levi? Why?
    49:8 - He drew back. He was afraid that Yaakov would rebuke him for the incident with Tamar.
  12. What does milk do to teeth?
    49:12 - It makes them white.
  13. Why is Yissachar like a "strong-boned donkey"?
    49:14 - Just as a donkey bears a heavy burden, so the tribe of Yissachar bears the yoke of Torah.
  14. With what resource did both Yaakov and Moshe bless Asher?
    49:20 - Oil-rich land.
  15. In Yosef's blessing, Yaakov said, "They embittered him..." Who are "they"?
    49:23 - Yosef's brothers, Potifar and his wife.
  16. From whom did Yaakov buy his burial place?
    50:5 - From Esav.
  17. What oath did Yosef make to Pharaoh?
    50:6 - Yosef swore not to reveal Pharaoh's ignorance of Hebrew.
  18. Which two sons of Yaakov did not carry his coffin
  19. 50:13 - Levi, because he would carry the aron and Yosef, because he was king



A man first builds a house and afterwards brings in the furniture. [First things first.]" ~~


Hospitality to wayfarers is greater than welcoming the Shekina. " ~~ Talmud, Sabbath


Anger in a home is like rottenness in fruit." ~~ Talmud, Sota 3b


If all men were fools, there would be no one left to realize it." ~~ Midrash, Temurah

Two are better than one, for if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow." ~~ Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) 49:10

A man should not put all his money in one corner. " ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) R.H

Happiness isn’t something you experience; it’s something you remember. " ~~ Oscar Levant

Jealousy has a thousand eyes, yet none sees properly. " ~~ Mishle Yehoshua

A true Jew is distinguished by three characteristics: sympathy, modesty, benevolence." ~~ Sayings of the Fathers, 5:22

A scholar who fears not sin is as a craftsman without his tools." ~~ Avot Derabbi Nathan






"Rabbi, est-il vrai que le froid contracte et que le chaud dilate?"
"C'est vrai, mes enfants. Observez la nature: en été, les jours rallongent; en hiver, ils raccourcissent


Quand tu discutes avec une femme, il y'a deux solutions:

-Soit tu as tort

-Soit elle a raison

Mais exceptionnellement, quelques fois c'est elle qui n'a pas tort!



Un sondage a été réalisé. Voici ce qu'il disait:

- Répondez par oui ou non. Avez vous L’Internet ?

Le résultat est que 100% des foyers ont L’Internet.

Mais le problème c'est que ce sondage a été réalisé par email.







David Hasson









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Fri, April 19 2024 11 Nisan 5784